
Chapter 111

The loud ring of the Golden Belfry had every person on Skypiea looking at the sky, and Sin chose to make things even more dramatic when he slowly descended on the temple, holding Robin in his arms.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, the Divine Squad went down to their knees and lowered their heads, and even the Shandians did the same.

The Chief was on his knees too, shedding tears of happiness and pain that his ancestors had borne.

"It's good to see that you are all getting along with each other."

The words were heard all over Shandora even though they were light as a whisper, and this phenomenon made their hearts tremble in even more reverence.

There was an unknown suppression pressing on their hearts, but it was lifted when they heard the joyful calls of two young girls.


Both Vivi and Nami failed to read the situation and happily jumped at him, hugging him, and when the people heard their God's sigh before he smiled at the two girls, they could not help their smiles either.

They could no longer hear what they were talking about, but they could see from afar that Sin was happy as he spoke to the girls and even sat down with them in his lap.

"What are you doing?" He curiously raised his brow when Vivi grabbed his shirt and tried to peek at his chest.

"Are your wounds really healed?" She asked, curiously looking at him, and even Nami proceeded to check them after she heard her friend's reminder.

"I don't see anything." The Orangehead happily said after she found no traces of an injury, and their antics finally made him chuckle.

"Thank you for your concern."

"You are welcome! And this will be 100kgs of Gold!" Her eyes sparkled in greed as she looked at the lost city and the temple, and found gold everywhere.

"No." Sin immediately shot down her dream, and she pouted at him.

"There's so much of it here. 100kgs won't make a difference."

"It's all mine. Why should I share it with you?" He grinned and chuckled when he saw her narrow her eyes at him. "No gold for a Goblin."

"Robin!" She hopefully looked at the younger Black, who just lightly smiled back at her, not saying anything. "You are greedy!" She accused him, and her words made every one of them laugh their hearts out.

Sin continued bickering with Nami until everyone from his crew arrived at the top of the Temple to see him.

Hiyori was visibly the one who was most relieved to see him, and she nearly cried when she threw herself in his arms.

"I knew you would win." Yamato grinned, resting her Kanabo on her shoulder.

"Of course," He smiled and then shook his head before she could speak her next words. "Not today. We will spar another day."

"Fine." She nodded but then grinned again. "During your fight, I heard you say that Enel could see the Future. He had Advanced Observation Haki?"

"Yes, he had Future Sight. And if I was not faster than him, I might have lost." He honestly said, and his words weighed heavily on their hearts. "The good thing is, I have learned how to use Emission and Internal Destruction, and I have discovered something."

"What?" Bonney asked, and all the battle maniacs on his crew excitedly looked at him.

"Learning Emission and Internal Destruction has improved my Infusion, and I find it much easier to channel it now. I think there is a link between them."

"Hmph!" The Pinkhead immediately pouted, and Lily too did not seem happy at the information.

However, Yamato was grinning ear to ear as she too possessed the Conqueror's Haki.

"Anything more?" She expectantly asked, and Sin's smile thinned, which made everyone curiously look at him.

"There is." He nodded. "I will have to find the proof and ask someone about it, but there seems to be another level to the Observation Haki."

"What?" It was Robin who asked out in surprise, and he nodded his head to her.

"Enel could show the Future he saw to his Priests."

Robin frowned, and when she looked at Augur, the tall man was already off to verify Sin's guess.

"How?" Yamato furrowed her brows, and he shook his head to her.

"Not sure. However, Ohm saw Lily and Bart coming to Upper Yard even though his Observation Haki could not sense anyone at that distance. It makes me believe that Enel showed him who was coming."

Bonney's eyes widened at those words as she recalled Ohm saying that her friends were coming to Upper Yard.

"What's your guess?" Yamato asked him, and he looked her in the eyes.

"When your Observation Haki reaches a level beyond Future Sight, a ring appears around your pupil. This ring represents that you are a clairvoyant and able to project the future you see, as well as other images, in the minds of people." He said. "I have only met three people in my life with such rings around their pupils."

"Who?" Bonney asked, and then she immediately remembered someone. "Mihawk?"

"Yes." He nodded. "The other two were Enel and Mors."

The name of the fallen Black visibly tensed the Pinkhead, who was familiar with it, and her reaction was caught by Yamato and Lily, both of whom kept quiet for now.

"I know for a fact that Mors was not born with that ring in his eyes. He used to have the same eyes as me and my father." He said. "However, when we last met, he was able to show me things in my mind."

There was silence after his words, and he too seemed to be frowning.

"The two of them possessed Conqueror's Haki, and so does Mihawk." Robin reminded him, and he nodded to her.

"Yes. And maybe they are linked, or maybe the ability is an Advanced form of Conqueror's Haki." He teasingly said, and immediately received the reaction he was looking for.

"Hmph!" Bonney scoffed in annoyance and then looked at Augur, who had arrived by their side again.

The Marksman nodded to Robin, confirming that Enel did indeed show the immediate future and what was happening around Skypiea to his Priests and Yama, and this put some of them into deep thought. As for those who were unaware of how outrageous such an ability was, excitedly shared their thoughts about it.

The Crew kept chatting for a good hour, and then Vivi eventually raised the question which was looming on her mind.

"Sin, is there a bell in the sky?" She asked, and he nodded to her.

"Yes. A bell made out of purest gold."

"Can you take us up?" Nami expectantly asked, and he nodded to her before picking both of them in his arms and flying towards the sky.

Minutes later, when the three returned, the Shandian Chief was talking with Robin, holding back his tears, and his little sister was informing him that the bell was safe and that their duty was fulfilled.

The Shandians wanted to bring down the bell in Shandora, and though it was an extremely simple task for their crew, Robin refused it because the Belfry was safest at the top of the Giant Jack, away from the eyes of people.

Sin later used his Powers to melt the broken blocks of gold from the temple, creating a giant trident out of it, big enough for a Giant, and then disappeared into the sky.

Only Robin knew what he was up to, and he was hiding the Poneglyph and covering Roger's text by plating Gold over them.

It took him quite some time to return to the Temple, and by the time he returned, the Shandians had left for their settlements on the Upper Yard.

The Divine Squad had dispersed as well, returning to their duties to protect Skypiea, and only the Blackstar Crew remained in the ruins of the Ancient City.

"Come on, Bonney!" Nami pleaded, almost begging her to show her what was inside her coat's pocket, and the Pinkhead just grinned at her.

"Sin, she thinks I am hiding some treasure from her." She brightly said as soon as he landed by her side.

"My instincts never lie!" Nami boldly claimed, making everyone smile and laugh, and when Sin grinned at her, she just pouted. "I just want to take a look." She promised.

"Really?" He smiled and then drew his hand to the Pinkhead, who, under their crew's eyes, took out the Devil Fruit from her coat's pocket and placed it in his hand.

"A Devil Fruit?!" Vivi exclaimed, and everyone else was quite surprised too.

Robin also curiously looked at the Devil Fruit she had not seen before, and immediately preserved its image in her mind.

"Which Fruit is it?" She asked and watched her brother shake his head.

"No idea."

As soon as she heard those words, she knew he was lying, and when she glanced at Nami, she understood why.

"Do you want it?"

The Orangehead was transfixed as she looked at the Devil Fruit, and absently nodded her head when she heard his question.

"What if it's some lame Power?"

Those words did make her frown a little, but the ones who were truly worried right now were Vivi and Nojiko, who did not want their sister to make a mistake.

"Nami..." Nojiko worriedly said as she watched her sister accept the Devil Fruit from Sin's hand, who allowed her to take it.

"Remember, the Power will stay with you forever. It's a choice of a lifetime." He warned and smiled when the girl did not even hesitate before biting into the Devil Fruit.


Sin, Yamato, Lily, and Bonney burst out laughing when they saw the girl make a disgusted face, and Hiyori flinched a little as she recalled how tasteless her own Devil Fruit had been.

"Finish it," Bepo urged, and Nami immediately shook her head.

"You can't fool me!" She said and then looked at her hands and tried to understand the power coursing through her.

"Allow me to help you." Sin grinned, and then created an arc discharge between his thumb and forefinger, making some apprehensive. "20,000,000 Volts."

As soon as his words fell and before Nami could panic, he sent the arc charge at her, bathing her in electricity.

"Nami!" Vivi panicked, but seeing her friend curiously looking at the electrical discharges around her, as if they did not bother her at all, the princess' mouth dropped open in shock.

It was the same for almost all of them, and Robin meaningfully looked at her brother, understanding which Devil Fruit he had just given to the girl.

"How does it feel?" Bonney curiously asked, and Nami giggled.

"It tickles." She honestly told her.

"Good." Sin smiled and then gently patted her head. "Your body is not ready yet to fully utilise your powers, but I can tell you that they have something to do with electricity."

"You said you didn't know which Fruit it was." She pouted.

"I lied."

"So, is it a lame Devil Fruit?" She genuinely asked, finally panicking, and everyone looked at her in dismay.

"Are you dumb?!" Nojiko angrily looked at her. "You ask this question after eating it?"

"Sorry..." Nami was really panicking a lot now, but to her relief, she received an answer.

"No." It was Yamato who answered her, grinning ear to ear, having realised what powers the girl now possessed. "What you just ate was an extremely special Devil Fruit. Truly a treasure."

"You promise?"

"Yes." Bonney nodded her head together with Yamato, and the little Orangehead sighed in relief.

"Let's go, Vivi! We have to take a look around the city." She said to her friend and then started running down the temple at a speed that baffled some people on the crew.

It was a matter of seconds before she had reached the platform where the Giant Puppy was resting, and she jumped right on top of its back.

"Come on!"

Vivi's mouth was agape as she stared at her friend waving her hand towards her.

"How did you become so fast?!" She asked but started running down too, nearly tripping, but managed to regain her balance.

Seeing the two girls run off with the Giant Puppy, Sin smiled again.

"See. I told you it would happen." Bonney grinned, happily looking at him.

"Yes, yes." He feigned a sigh but then smiled back at her. "I am starving. It is time for a feast!"


"Aye, Captain!"



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