
Chapter 84

"I am taking them!" Yamato excitedly said when they opened a large chest and found a pair of giant Kanabos inside it.

"All yours." He smiled and then looked at the other weapons that they had found.

There were a bunch of swords, very well-built, but nothing to pique his interest. There were some excellent and unique daggers, and he had picked one for himself that was ebony-coloured with a long malevolent blade.

Other than swords and daggers, there were all sorts of weapons, maces, spears, clubs, lances, axes, hammers, and halberds, some of which were gigantic, and though Sin could tell that these weapons would sell for a lot, he was not interested in selling them. He was going to let his crew make their picks if they found anything to their liking in this armoury because these weapons were excellent, and there were some very special ones too which they had found inside the hidden chests.

"Why did they not take these away?" Yamato could not help but ask, and Sin really had no answer for the question.

"Maybe these were not valuable enough in their eyes." He shrugged but then narrowed his eyes as something clicked in his mind.

He had seen a lot of weapons in his life, some really good ones, and very old ones, and those that were hidden in the chests here did not lose to any of them, and some were even better, like the two Kanabos that Yamato had picked for herself.

This all meant that the chances of them not finding a liking to these weapons were very low. Besides, they had looted half of this armoury, which was, in fact, an armoury right under the Throne Room, a Royal Armoury, so, why did they not loot all of it?

"Or, perhaps, someone, somehow, managed to keep them out of this armoury even after losing the battle." His eyes ran over the room again, and some excitement finally returned to his heart. "Help me move these chests and shelves."

Yamato too sensed his excitement and got to work, moving everything out of the armoury, and then something happened that made their hearts skip a beat.

When they moved the rightmost shelf in the corner, they found a symbol on the wall that it was hiding, along with a handle.

"Bingo!" He laughed as he pressed his hand on the wall and then pushed it with all his might.

It took some serious effort before it moved, and as it moved, it revealed a staircase that led underground, and they saw light coming out of the passage.

"Sin!" Yamato excitedly called out his name and then started laughing merrily, and he could not help it either.

"Let's go." He told her after they shared an excited hug he led her down the stairs, and what they came across stunned them to their core.

The stairs led them into a hall, made out of those glowing stones they had seen all over the place, and there was so much gold in here that they even forgot to breathe as they stared at it.

Sin managed to recover his senses very quickly, and then he looked at the elevated platform, where five chests were placed. And even without looking inside of them, he had a guess what they contained.

He could hear his own heart loudly thumping in his ears as he started walking towards them, and just as he had guessed when he opened the first chest, he found a Devil Fruit inside it.

"What Fruit is this?" Yamato curiously asked, but Sin shook his head in reply.

"I don't know. And I doubt we will find it in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia." He said and then checked the other boxes.

"Three of them are empty." She pouted as they only found two Devil Fruits, but Sin was more than happy with what they had found.

He curiously looked at the small white Devil Fruit, which was the size of an apricot and of a similar shape, and he could not help but admit it that was one of the most beautiful Devil Fruits that he had seen in his life. There was also just something about it that told him that it was very special. And he could sense the same from the other Devil Fruit as well.

"How are we going to move all this gold and take it away?"

"We are not." He smiled at her. "It will stay here and we will take some of it wherever we need it."

"Would it be safe here?"

"Safer than what it would be when we move it." He nodded to her.

"I suppose you are right." She adorably nodded her head and then brightly smiled. "We found treasure!" She said and then started laughing.

Sin chuckled at her excitement and then picked up the two Fruits, one White, and the other Green, and stored them inside his coat.

After the two of them took a good look around the treasury, they found no other trapdoor, and Sin sighed when he failed to find even a single book that could give him more insight into the history of Westoria.

They then decided to head back to Eretzia as it was nighttime now, and after they placed the weapons inside the treasury, they closed the staircase with the wall and returned all the shelves to their places, and now, just like the rest of the armouries in the palace, it was an empty armoury.

Yamato, of course, did not forget to bring along her two new Kanabos, and seeing her wearing three on her back now, he could not help his chuckles.

However, she did not care about his reaction at all, and on their way out of the city, back to the entrance hidden behind the waterfall, she cheerfully chatted with him and told him how excited she was today.

Apparently, finding her first treasure meant a lot to her, and she did not forget to give him a cheerful hug as she thanked him for bringing her along.

"Next time, you can give me a kiss to thank me." He teased her, but her next words froze him a little.

"Oh yes, you are my wife now. As a husband, I should kiss you to say thanks. Oden said so in his journal." She nodded her head but then winced when he smacked her head.

"You are a girl." He reminded her again. "And I would be your husband, not your wife."

"You are my wife!" She yelled back at him, and when she watched him smirk at her, she panicked a little in her heart.

Sin could sense her emotions, and he knew very well that she was deliberately trying to pull his leg.

He leaned forward and nudged his nose with hers, and then he softly kissed her on the lips. And Yamato never resisted him.

Minutes later, when he separated from her lips, Yamato instinctively leaned in to pull him back into a kiss.

She had still not gotten a hang of how to kiss, and he patiently taught her for several more minutes before she was greedily kissing him on her initiative.

"Do you like it?" He mischievously asked when they finally separated to catch their breaths, and Yamato unhesitantly nodded her head. "Good. So, the next time you want to thank me for something, you should give me a kiss."

"I will remember to give my wife a kiss when I have to thank her." She still tried to pull his leg and nodded her head, and hearing him chuckle at her words, she blushed a little but managed to hold it back form showing up on her cheeks.

Sin then picked her up and rushed towards Eretzia, and when they landed on the lawn of their house in a bolt of lightning, they startled the girl who was practising with a wooden sword.

"Sin!" Hiyori excitedly smiled and rushed forward to hug him.

"Did you take your dinner?" He softly asked her, and she shyly shook her head.

"I was waiting for you." She told him and then hugged Yamato. "A man named Marco came over in the afternoon, and he left behind a treasure." She confusedly looked at him. "He just said that it was for me. Do you know him?"

"Yes." Sin smiled at her and nodded his head. "And he was your father's friend and crewmate on Whitebeard's ship. I met him in the morning."

"Oh..." She could not help the tears that welled up in her eyes, now finally understanding why Marco's eyes had been misty when he saw her, but she bravely held them back and tightened the grip on her wooden sword.

"I see that you have been practising."

"I know the basics." She shyly said.

"Basics are everything." He chuckled and then patted her head. "Show me." He asked, and she blushed a little but happily nodded.

Sin and Yamato smiled when they watched Hiyori show them the basics of Hacking, Slashing, and Stabbing.

She had no real form yet, and there were numerous flaws in her movements, but they could not deny that she looked beautiful as she swung her sword, and more than anything, they could see the determination in her eyes.

"We need lots of work." He told her when she stopped. "And we will start with your lessons from tomorrow."

"Thank you." She bowed to him like a disciple would bow to their master in thanks.

"You are welcome." And he smiled at her before leading her inside the house to have their meal.

Heya! Thank you for reading the chapter.

You can acess advanced chapters for this Fanfic on my Patreon if you wish to read ahead. You can find the link in the Synopsis or in my Profile.

Have a nice day!

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