
Bloodbath (End)

Earlier that night.

Basil was rushing through his way. He had never stopped once ever since he entered the vicinity of Fortescher County. He felt uneasiness washed through his heart. The feeling was extremely familiar to him.

It was the feeling he had got when he had lost everything on 'that' incident. His eyes glinted in a cold manner. He had never been worried about his safety. The foreboding feeling he got had always been from his worry of the people he cared.

Upon arriving before the gate, the guard didn't even stop him as he could see Basil wasn't in the mood to make a stop. Luckily, it was the same guard who had received him in the first day. Therefore, no unwanted commotion happened.

He sped through Raneil Barony until he could finally see Familia Inn. His heart turned cold upon seeing the Magic Barrier set upon it. It was plain for his eyes to see.

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