
Chapter 34

I figured Dad would be sitting at the dinner table when I finally made my way to the kitchen. I'd been dragging my feet, practically crawling, so by the time I did walk in there; it had probably been a whole minute when it was only a few steps away. Instead, he was at the stove.

My eyebrows arched, and I just stood there awk-wardly, until Dad glanced at me.

"Are you going to sit down, or what? I was already making lunch before you came back, so don't think this is just for you."

I nodded in understanding. Even though it was a little late for lunch, Dad and Laurie looked like they'd been arguing for a while before we arrived, and that was probably when he'd started making the food, then forgot-ten it and just left it on the table. No, he was just gazing at it.

"Will that be safe to eat?" I asked tentatively.

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