

"Rizza, where's my brother going? He looks serious," I ask while watching him from the far side of the garden.

Unlike the usual, brother Jwo's a bit formal and I can see that gun tucked under his unbuttoned blazer. Yes. He have that...evil thing with him.

He's talking to some servants I haven't seen before. We have a lot but those faces are...really unfamiliar.

"Brother," brother Samsik calls out while approaching him.

He leans in a bit closer and they start talking in a lower voice. Because of that, I'm not able to hear anything more.

Suddenly, Rizza stands in front of me, hiding away my brothers' view.


Ah... It must be something I shouldn't know for her to act like this. I don't really want to pry but I can't help but worry.

Sighing, I look away in defeat.

"Rizza, I want to go somewhere I haven't been before," I say instead.

"Where would that be, miss?"

I start to walk in a particular direction. It's a place I found while looking at the blueprint of this household. Brother Yona showed it to me because I always tend to get lost easily when I'm wandering around the estate.

That's just an act though. These past few days, I realized how stupid I am for showing my mature thinking. I'm a child in this world for goodness sake!

That was careless of me so I decided to fix things a little bit. For an example, getting easily lost is just normal for my age considering that this is a huge household.

Brother didn't particularly taught me about the blueprint but I studied it on my own. And that's how, I found this woods behind the mansion.

One more step and Rizza immediately pulls me back.

"Young miss, you must not," she eagerly says.



I notice her small frown before she shakes her head. "It's a dangerous place especially for the young miss," she replies.


In the blueprint, there's supposed to be another greenhouse at the end of this narrow path. I've read that there hides some ridiculously extraordinary flowers that are so rare in this world. I just wanted to take a look. Also, father and my brothers never forbade me to go anywhere in this estate.

"Miss, if you want to see new flowers, why not try asking the head master to go sightseeing instead? There are many wonderful places to visit outside here. You may even be accompanied by your brothers if you want," she offers.

Hmm... That would be nice but it made me even more curious about that abandoned greenhouse. It was barely drawn on the map too...


Involuntary, I hide behind Rizza and tightly hold onto her skirt.


"T—That thing! It's gross!" I shout while pointing at the wriggling worm near her foot.

I have no idea what she did but I felt her move. She then kneels in front me and holds my hand. I bite my lips before slowly taking a peek at the bug...

The dead bug...

Eek! Did she just threw needles on that thing?! It looks horrible! It's just like one of those dissected frogs!

"Young miss, why don't we leave this place first?" she asks and I flinch before turning around and looking at the faraway cemented floor.

I should have known! It just rained earlier so the soil is not that hard and...the bugs are out! I'm scared. Ugh!

I tighten my hold on her skirt as my thoughts wonder about the possibility that there's more of that here. I hear Rizza sigh.

"I'm sorry miss but please forgive me for doing this."

Suddenly, in a swift movement, Rizza holds me up, her hand under my legs. I'm sitting on her arms so I had no choice but to lean on her.

Oh my... Rizza really is so strong.

"Miss, please endure for a while as we get out of here. I promise I'll put you down on a cemented floor," she says seriously.


Happily, I hug onto her. "Alright. Thank you, Rizza."

The next day, my father called for me in his study. I arrived while he's having a phone call but he ended it up quickly instead of ignoring me.

I had no idea what was that for but it turns out that he was going to ask me about my whereabouts on which tourist spot I wish to visit. I was too dumbfounded that he even offered me a ticket out of the country.

Shocked, I turned him down and asked to just go somewhere else with him and my brothers.

Sadly though, with all of the things happening behind my back, they're all busy. My brothers won't even be home for days, he said.

In the end, I just told him I want to go visit Seulgi's house. It's been days since I've last seen her too. Fortunately, father agreed with the condition that I will be bringing at least twenty guards with me.

I look around, a bit uncomfortable in the car. Father said I'd be bringing that many guards but it's only the driver and Rizza with me now.

Hmm... I guess they're on disguise then. I don't know. I just want to meet with Seulgi as soon as possible.

"Why are you smiling? Are you that excited to see that weird girl?" Nana asks with a frown.

I give her a smile.

Earlier, as I was heading out the door, she arrived with a raised brow asking me where I was going. We actually agreed to meet this week but I wasn't sure that it'll be today. It turned out better though since the three of us can play.

She hasn't been accepted as an idol yet but Mr. Min proposed that she practice until she turns old enough to be accepted as a trainee.

I also realized that she's not that bad...of a person. She's just...really easily annoyed. I didn't even know we'd be this close after the talk we had when I caught her singing.

"Well, Seulgi's my friend and she's not that weird. She's just really shy," I answer.

She rolls her eyes then.

I would have hit her again if I didn't know her. She's really rude but she's nice if you get to know her. You just really need patience, a long one.

"Ah! Welcome, miss Kim. You may come in," the guard says when I rolled down my window in front of their gate.

My driver closes it back as we enter the Min's mansion.

In this world, houses are built differently and there are also a lot of varieties in design but when it comes to the high class people, the houses still don't disappoint.

Compared to our mansion, Seulgi's house looks a bit old and classic. Ours is in trend. It's my first time here so I can't help but study the surroundings.

A servant guides us in and through the hallways. Nana has been muttering complains but I didn't mind as long as no other people can hear it. Rizza is following us from behind.

We walk upstairs and some more hallways untill we get in front of a certain door. One knock and the servant opens it only for us to be greeted by a view of Seulgi full of bruises.



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