
Chapter 91

In the end, fire seemed his best option.

The problem with fire, however, was that after a point it became impossible to control. There was a good chance people would be hurt. Omar fervently hoped that didn't happen, but the risk wasn't enough to stop him. He had one goal, and he'd run through every option before finally—reluctantly—deciding that fire stood the best chance of causing the level of distraction he needed, for the length of time he needed.

He waited until dark, then slipped out of his room via the window so nobody would notice him leaving. The last thing he needed was to draw attention, and a well-armed man in a mask would do that.

Even going slowly and keeping out of view of other passersby, he managed to reach his destination quickly. Once his target and all the surrounding houses had gone dark and still, he quickly scaled to the roof of the house immediately next door.

Next chapter