
Chapter 679: The Return Journey

In the rock pit, the huge semi-circular wooden basin bubbled with boiling water, within which chunks of fatty intestines bobbed up and down, and a thick layer of golden fat floated on the surface of the water.

The unique terrain formed a natural heat gathering area, and outside the rock pit, Bi Fang peeled off the entire piece of musk ox skin, tilting the hunting knife, carefully scraping off the fat and the innermost layer of the skin.

"This is the subcutaneous tissue, a layer composed of fat and connective tissue that accommodates blood vessels and nerves. Don't waste it; we can also use it to render oil," Bi Fang said.

Bi Fang threw the hanging, greasy cheese-like layer into the pot, where it continuously tumbled with the boiling water.

Once the inner layer was cleaned, Bi Fang turned the musk ox skin over to clean the outer surface, scraping off the knotted hair and then rinsing it several times with boiling water.

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