
Chapter 410 1

A true mountaineer…

Puba's roar was vivid before his eyes.

Bi Fang's gaze swept over the permit in his hands with complex emotions—joy, emotion, longing, nervousness—all surged up inside him at once. He had come full circle and could climb once again.

Was there greater joy in life than to regain what was lost?

What he thought he could never pursue again had suddenly reappeared before him.

No matter how furious the Sherpas were, he really could climb.

Looking at the silly grin on Danzeng's face in front of him left Bi Fang speechless; he had never expected that Danzeng's uncle would turn out to be Puba, nor that he would descend the mountain overnight to get a petition for him. But as he looked on, he too broke into a smile, which turned into laughter, to which Danzeng's smile grew even wider.


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