

Hey guys here is a long chapter for not posting for over a week and also I'm looking for an artist to do some drawing for me, so you talented people please leave a paragraph comment with your contact info so we can discuss business apart from that please do enjoy the chapter

After Mercury shot the giant fireball completely destroying the wall before him, he looked to the left of him as he bring his stretching to an end and said.

"You can come out of hiding now little stalker, your breathing has long given away your position."

Said Mercury as he look toward the direction of the loud breathing noises that were coming from the edge of the cave wall.

Mercury heard no response so as a way to force the thing that was hiding in front of him he put his hand out as said.

[Fire ba...

But before Mercury could say the chant for the spells he stopped midway as he heard a very cute and panicking voice coming from the very same direction he was going to fire the fireball as a little pink boy that just suddenly pop onto existence with one arm and eye wearing tattered clothes prostate to the ground as he said quickly.

"Please have mercy strong one I didn't mean to spy on you."

Mercury looked at the with a deadpan look as he said.

"Who are you boy, are you an enemy."

Said, Mercury as he had some sparks of red lightning coming off his hand as he began to smile and walk closer to the pink boy.

As he gave him a serious and commanding look as he said.

"Why don't me and you have a little talk little one."

The boy looks up at Mercury in fear as his tiny heart began to beat fast as he worries for his life, so in desperation to not get kill he slowly nods his head.

"That great now let's see where shall I begin hmmm...

20 minutes later

Inside a cave near the exit of it, two individuals were sitting on a rock as Mercury said.

"So let me get this right you rescued me after I fell from the sky after I fell uncontentious."

"Yes, mister."

"Drag me back here with one arm, in order for no fallen to bring harm to me."


"And to top it all off using these precious crystals or fragments to refill my portal in order to stabilize my mana so I don't die of mana loss."


The little boy watches as Mercury walks up to him with an indifferent look as he began shaking in fear of his life he has tried to maintain till now as he said in a begging tone.

"P-Please d-don't kill... me."

Mercury watches as the pink boy avoids eye contact with him as tears started to build up in his one remaining eye as Mercury reaches his hand towards him.

The boy closes his eyes as he prepares for the worse, but surprisingly to him Mercury didn't hurt him he gave the little boy a brotherly head pat and when the boy looks up he sees a smiling Mercury as he said.

"Stop wetting your pants boy I'm not going to eat you I owe you my life believed me I will pay back this debt so tell me what a young fallen like you doing here."

The little boy look at Mercury as he smiled and said.

"Thank you so much for not killing me, just having your mercy is enough."

"Oh... what an intriguing specimen so tell me boy what is your name?"

Mercury asks but the answer he got was not what he expected as the boy said.

"Please to meet you mister my name is Pink Shit."

"Ohhh... it's nice to meet you Pink Sh... wait what did you say your name was."

"Pink Shit mister."

Mercury gave Pink Shit a weird and confused look as he said.

"Pink Shit is your name, who the fuck came up with a name like that."

"If you want you can also call me Worthless Pink like some Fallen do."

Said the boy to Mercury in an embarrassed voice as he hated both names, to be honest, his name took Mercury by surprise as he had to ask.

"Right I will just call you Pink, but I must ask you something if you don't mind."

"I don't mind mister I always wanted to hold a conversation with a human."

"No offense right, but did your parent love you?"

When Pink Shit heard the question he began to smile as he said.

"Yes, sir they did and they would still have if they were still around, but why did you ask?"

When Mercury heard this he instantly regrets asking as he knows those eyes anywhere, those were the eyes who someone who had lost everything and that smile was a genuine smile probably a rare one as all previous smile this child must have done was either force or strained.

Mercury then said.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, and my apologies I just ask that question due to the fact you a very... ahhhh... yeah a very unique name let's just call it that."

"No problem mister I'm already used to it, but if you don't mind me asking can I have your name as well."

When Mercury heard Pink question he smile as he said with confidence as took great pride in his name as he said.

"Nice to meet you boy my name is Mercury Van Anguish the strongest human alive or that is what I aspired to be, but if you want you can call me big bro Mercury."

When Pink heard this his single eyes glitter in amazement as he said.

"Wow so cool I wish I had such a badass name like that."

Mercury look at Pink as he had the expression of a child who just saw his favorite cartoon character do an impactful and unforgettable move.

"Hehe, you flatter me."

"So are you from the outside world right, is beautiful, is it true humans have many forms of entertainment, is it true that you guys conquered and colonized many Celestials."

"Hehe of course the outside is beautiful and human technologies, manga, anime make life way better."

Said Mercury as he was answering the boy of how he lived his life back on Earth and not of this world.

"Wooooow I wish I can partake in all that fun and see the outside world but sadly all Fallen are trap within this place."

As he ended with a sorrowful face as he has to accept the fact that he is trapped here with people who want him dead.

"Hahah I'm sure your time will come."

The boy smiles honestly for the first time as no one actually gave him words of encouragement except for his own family who was now dead.

The boy then look up at Mercury as he just notices something about him and said.

"By the way, big bro Mercury do you want the tattered remnants of your already tattered clothes I had to take them and wash them last night as I went back to the river since they were dirty."

When Mercury heard this he looks down as he just notices that he was noticed.

He instantly blushes as he covered his private in embarrassment and shouted in embarrassment.

"Ehhhhh turn around Pink I'm naked here."

Pink wasted no time as he instantly replied while turning around,

"Awww... yes my apologies."

Pink turn around and wouldn't turn back till Mercury said so.

Meanwhile, Mercury was thinking to himself about what he should do his clothes were practically useless as they were damaged and he couldn't continuing talk while being naked.

"Damit were some clothes when you need some."

"What should I do."

Mercury was like this for two minutes till he came up with an idea that could solve his clothes problem for the rest of his life as he said to himself.

"Hahaha... I'm a fucking genius

If you would look at Mercury right now you would see that clothes magically just appeared on him as he now had on full black jogger pants on his lower half while on his upper half he had a white sleeveless T-Shirt that fits him skin-tight.

While on his foot was a pair of white and black futuristic sneakers shoes on his it didn't have laces thought.

He also had a white and black fur coat with a hood, as the coat itself was white, and the fur on the outline of it was black, and behind the coat was his family symbol which was the greek Caduceus symbol.

And to top things all off Mercury had a white blindfold tied around his eyes hiding his very unique and unorthodox eyes from the world as it worth is priceless and definitely something enemies would fight Mercury for, so they can extract it from him to receive his immense power.

From there Mercury picks up a random small pebble from the ground as he uses transmutation and transforms it into a huge full body mirror as it merges with the ground below.

Mercury watches his appearance properly for the first time as he sees his long, wavy spikey hair, along with his prominent yaeba showing, of course, his eyes were been blocked by blindfolds, and the design he pick might seem like too much, and probably something that will restrict his movement in battle.

But actually, it was the opposite since these clothes are very special in their own individual way as Mercury said while admiring his new look for his adventure in this isekai world which was partially undiscovered territory for him as he said.

"So this is what if feel to be in the nude while not been in the nude I most say transmutation is too fucking convenient this out is just a transformation, of course, this material is of its origins, as well as I, can change the physical shape, and biological properties of all things making all other expensive wear useless and not needed at this point."

After admiring his new look in the mirror for about five minutes transform the mirror back into a pebble and told the trembling pink whose heart was beating because he was afraid mercury might kill from the back on to turn around.

And when Pink turn around he was shocked to see Mercury's entire demeanor and aura around him change as he looks like a very powerful adventure at first glance, he was so shocked he couldn't help but say.

"Big bro is that you, you look so cool ahh... I wish I could dress in such a cool fashion like yours."

Mercury looks at Pink as he smiles dumbfounded as he said while rubbing his head.

"You don't say."

Mercury then said to himself while looking at Pink.

"I wonder how strong is this kid, as a matter of fact, he did have that weird invisible ability does he has more."

From there Mercury took a look at his ability log and to his surprise, the boy only had one ability he receive after getting the name of Pink Shit.


*Ability logs*

*Standpoint invisibility*

This ability makes you invisible to all life forms but it only works by standing still please do keep in mind you can still be smelled, heard, or sense via a six sense.


While his stats were pathetically low all in [E] ranging from [C] as well.

Mercury could only say to himself as tries to imagine what kind of life this child has lived so far.

"My god what type kind of insult in the form of a name is this."

"This boy literally inherited an ability that allows him to become invisible upon standing still as it was born after been named Pink Shit who could do such a thing to their child."

"Why did they even give you the named [Pink Shit], were they drunk when they named him."

As Mercury was trying to understand the meaning or the intention behind the name Era was the one to respond as she said in her usual tone.

[Notice. The name Pink Shit is in fact an insult as it was derived as a racial insult to compare him to a fallen digestion period as they excrete the excess impurity within themselves every ten years as it comes out like feces with a rather weird and pink color similar to his skin tone]

"That just cold whoever did that deserves to a cruel and painful death with zero remorse given for what she or he thinks."

Mercury continues watching Pink as he talks many different things like food of the outside world, even thing like a different animal, entertainment currency of the outside world."

Mercury then said to Pink.

"Hey, pink would you like a name."

When Pink heard this he became shocked as he never expected someone to offer him such an honor and a gift that could change the lives of many individuals as monsters like him can benefit from been name personally by powerful individuals like Mercury.

As the boy drop to the ground as tears began to flood from his eyes as he said.

"A-Are you sniff, sniff serious mister sniff human."

Mercury watches as the boy's attitude went from humble to pure joy in his heart as the tears coming from him was genuine when Mercury saw this he smiles to himself as he found a way to repay the debt back as a way to give this child a new purpose in life.

"Yes and if you man up and stop crying I will make it extra cool like mines, no I will make it even better than mines."

Pink instantly stop crying but was still dumbstruck by the reality as naming someone is a sacred ceremony that can determine one entire life, of course, it all depends on who is naming the said person.

Mercy then pats the boy's head once more as he said.

"At least this way I can repay the debts I owe you right away."

"Are you sure big bro Mercury?"

"Positively sure I will never go back on my word as I do have my honor to keep you know."

Pink look at the ground as flashbacks of his life played in his head with great fury and rage.

"Pinky run don't worry about us go now.... you must protect your sister ok little man and the same for your eldest one."

Said a green demon that had similar look to Pink as he was talking with a huge hole in his chest as a giant boulder crushes him below as he was still holding the hand of his already dead wife that has long been crush by the boulder.

"Don't worry father I promised I will protect my big sister I will become strong someday just watch me."

"Yes, father I will protect pinky no matter what." Said a beautiful green-colored girl with a confused and scared face.

"Pinky although I don't have much time left please take this."

The man gave Pinky an old necklace made out of weird material as it had a weird orb-like ball that always had a chilling aura to it as he said.

"Don't let Lord Abedon get this no matter what, you see this is a core it is our long last family legacy we finally stole back from Lord Abedon scaley ass after so many eons, I know you might be confused right now but I want you to have it as of now go the cave near the river there is a hidden entrance to the left of there that will lead you to mana fragment mine absorb as much magic as possible till you can one day master that power in the core I'm sorry that I'm not strong enough to name you, but I'm confident that you will one day find someone who could give what I and your mom couldn't."

Those were the last words he heard from his father but after both, he and his sister went into hiding to avoid not been caught by Lord Abedon.

Life just took a turn for the worse as both he and his sister were nameless till one day he manages to get a name from a well know rising star from the fallen race [Kira of the flame] as he became one of the three lesser knights of Gluttony who serves directly under Lilith the goddess of Mayhem and highest leading figure of Artemis.

But when he got the name it was an insult to remind him how he look like shit as the word Kira said to him were very words that always haunt him in his dreams at night.

"Hahah... thanks to your desperate seeping slut of a sister you were honored to get a name fitting of your appearance be grateful I was considerate enough to name the bout of you.

"Isn't that right [Slut] said Kira as look toward the door after naming pinky [Pink Shit].

Pinky Shit look at the door as a girl dress in succubus-like attire and was full with pricing and bruises all over as jizz was coated on her dress and face as Kira began laughing as he said.

The right master K-K-ira please forgive my brother's incompetence if you have any anger or frustration take out and me and leave the worthless fodder alone.

Said a girl who was mentally broken and traumatized as she just came out of the worst night she has had in her life as she was tainted, defile, torture physically and mentally healthy with, embarrassed in front of many fallen and many more things, but if she could at least suffice for her and Pinky this was but a small sacrifice.

"Oh man you should have seen her skill she suck this dick like a bitch in heat, I feel like my soul was leaving me, and the best part is that was just for her name after her hard work I put some effort into it and name her Slut, and for your name ahaha I have to thank you for existing as that will be an unforgettable night even for me."

Said Kira as he hold his lower part in satisfaction while looking in the air pervertedly.

That was the day that life became meanless for Pink he had no qualm for living it everything was his fault and now he had to live with the fact that he cause his sister great trauma just for existing.

Later Lord Abedon kill his sister as he barely manages to run away thank his skill he got away with just losing an eye and hand as he has been hiding in this cave to the river and back ever since that day and all he has left of his sister was her orange and greenhorn as a moment."

Mercury watches as the boy was lost in shock at the fact he was going to get a new name till he said.

"Boy do want a name now right?"

At those words, Pink comes out of his trance as he bows prostate before Mercury and began begging.

"Please strong one please I beg you to give me a name I want revenge, I want to purge the world of those assholes who made my life a living hell, I will do anything even to become your slave if you want me to."

Mercury was shocked this boy went from pitifully cute to desperate and heartless.

Mercury smile as he said.

"I don't need slave this name is a symbol of your new life use as you wish I have no say with what you do with your life just promise me you will live for yourself and no one else

The boy was shocked by his word as he had never been treated this kind before as he said while closing his single remaining eye.

"Y-Y...Yes, I promise I won't fail you."

Mercury began sitting down as he came up with a pretty cool and powerful name for Pink as Mercury said.

"I got a cool name that fits you just right."

Pink lookup in excitement as he said.

"Really what is it?"

Mercury smile as told Pink his new name

"From this day forth you are no longer Pink Shit as you shall now be called [Nemesis]."

After Mercury Give the mysterious boy that was widely known as Pink Shit a blessing in the form of a name something phenomenal began to take place as Mercury's body began to glow a rainbow-like color, eventually his entire body started producing rainbow-like flames that were like a raging sun of many colors.

Mercury began to feel like his magic power was been drain from him at a tremendous rate, and when he looks the rainbow-like aura that was described as the raging sun of many beautiful flames was been suck out of his body by the unconscious boy now name Nemesis.

The mana was been suck out at a rapid rate from Mercury portal as it began to transform into a liquid-like state and compress like a blanket that was covering him as the now covered Nemesis, was floating in the sky inside pure and raw liquid mana as the mana that took a liquid-like form started to compress and reshape into a cacoon like a shape.

The cacoon itself was smoking a lot due to the immense heat, the smoke was rainbow in color, but strangely the smoke didn't remain that color for long as the different colors of the smoke started to fade one by one till a single color remain as with each passing second it got brighter and brighter.

Eventually, the final result that remained was a bright blue smoke, and when it cleared up the cocoon was also bright blue in color as it had a glass-like texture but strangely though you couldn't see what the hell was happening inside the cocoon itself.

It almost looks like a cocoon made from beautiful well-carved ice, but just been too close to it was like you were walking near a very cold objected that was very beautiful, but sadly no one was there to admire the beauty of the cacoon as Mercury was the only one their even if he was experiencing his own shit at the moment as he fell to the floor.


Meanwhile, Mercury drop to the floor as beads of sweat were flowing from his head down to his chin as he began breathing for air almost like he was suffocating from some form of serious exhaustion.




Mercury eventually recovers a little after 5 minutes as said while standing slowly.

"Damn what the hell just happened I feel like I was been drained of everything I had, to think naming was this taxing on the body."

Mercury said as he was expecting Era to answer him but to his surprise, the person who answer him was the same person who left him to die with Lilith as she said.

[Yow yow I'm back and the reason why you feel so weak is that you bestow the boy a name that whole great power]

Said a very playful voice that holds a great amount of elegance and professionalism in it as it announces its presence to Mercury as it continues.

[I know you miss me so if you have any other, questi...

"Shut the fuck up, you worthless angel I was hoping you never came back as a matter of fact please go away or find a new owner cause I don't want yah."

When Michael heard Mercury refute her presence she panic as she said with an apologetic tone.

[Hey, hey come on now no need to get so violent I'm sure we could work something out, come on I know your dying to see how far your progress has gotten in one night]

"Bullshit you, worthless angel, you left me here to die."

[Leave you to die is a rough statement you know I didn't leave you here to die I just clock out is all you have to understand this is a nine to eight job, tell me is it wrong that I just wanted to call it a day]

"You could at least tell me how to use my abilities, you worthless angel."

[Im not worthless I will have you know I'm one of the best agents this company have to offer at least give me the respect I work hard to earn you mean master]

"Fun fact I don't give a fuck."

[Why so serious haha... I know why don't we move off this topic into something more noteworthy of hearing like seeing your result and rewards thus far]

"Don't you dare change the topic do I look like the type that can be bought off you worthless angel I demand an apology and a handsome compensation for my struggles you worthless angel."

[Ahhh fine I'm sorry I clock out when you needed me the most to assist you their you happy I apologized]

"And my compensation."

[This daylight robbery I'm poor, broke and hungry I have nothing to give you master]

"That your problem and not my problem, so less complaining and more compensating."


"I want to speak to your supervisor."

When Michael heard this she froze up as she knows she did log off 2 minutes early than intended so she knew she had a losing case as she just wanted to go home really bad last night so she panics as she said.

[No master have mercy on this poor Michael anything but Uriel]

"Well compensate me for my loss of 200 pints of blood, the pain of having your bones break by a stupid gorilla, and the trauma of this whole night in a whole."

[Aww fine you win just don't talk to my supervisor she scary I don't want to get on her bad side]

Mercury smile as he put his hand out like he was a beggar on the streets as he said well w my compensation I want everything paid in whole.

[You thieving pirate ahhhh... fine here]

From there a gold light started to shine brightly in Mercury's hand and what appears made him have a deadpan look as he looks into the air pretending to watch Michael as he said.

"The fuck is this, you stupid angel."

[Hey hey I know it doesn't look much but that thing can sell for a hefty penny in the human empire]

Mercury looks down on the thing he deems as worthless but then and again let's give the devil what is due and actually appraised it

*Original angel hair*

This is a very rare alchemist ingredient as it can be used for various things but it is mainly used for creating powerful holy artifacts.

"Oh, this can actually pay off the inconvenience and injustice you have caused this poor me."

[Your a scum, a degenerate, a filthy thief to think you scam me out of my precious hair]

"That your problem but this is actually great with this I can also add the racial power of an angel to my arsenal now."

When Michael heard this she instantly said.

[Wait what?]

From there, Mercury took Michael's hair and swallowed it whole.

[Pervert what do you think you are doing]

But sadly for poor Michael Mercury didn't hear a jack shit as he began feeling a hot sensation in his body till he scream out in pain.

"Ahhhh my god it fucking burns."

Mercury fell to the ground as he felt like something in his body was going off like a raging flame till eventually, he began to hear Era's voice once more in his head.

[Notice the Subject has gained unknown ability [&*&%($*(#@] after consuming a powerful holy artifact]

[You gained Racial skill Purification]

[Your mana quality has drastically improved]

After the burning sensation was finished Mercury got up as he look at his sand that was covered in flames but to his surprised, these flames were very unorthodox as the appraisal result was.

*Flams of the sun*

This racial ability is a unique one as only the original holder possesses these flames it says powerful flames that come directly from the surface of the sun you can cover your entire body with this flame.

When Michael say this she instantly shouted out in shock as she said.

[Bullshit you fucking thieving pervert not only have defied my hair you stole my racial skill as well how the hell did you even do it]

Mercury smile as he said.

"While you were away I was here surviving and got my hand on a very useful skill called universal as it allows me to copy and take the racial skill of anyone DNA I abstract and absorb."

[Your power is bull shit, I would rather you made a profit from it]

"That would have been no use as I can literally make any form of currency with transmutation."

[Whatever you do you plan to do now]

"Well guessing the nature of Lilith they probably searching for me right now as we speak."

[Most definitely if anything they have long found you as there at least 2 hours behind you]

"Who tracking me down."

[Majin Khalifa and one other unknown]

"Shit I see."

[I would advise you to go to the sealed borders from there you can deal with both the humans and them from there]

"I see let's waste no time then let go immediately."

[No problem let me send the coordinate to your brain]

From there Mercury began to get a lot of geographical information as he look in the direction of the border as he make his way out of the cave leaving Nemesis behind as Michael said.

[So you are just going to leave the boy behind like that]

Mercury then said to Michael.

"I have already help the boy it's up to him to fight his own battles now I cant let his problem interlude with mines I already have enough shit on my plate already."

[Very well then]

As Mercury was about to leave the cave he notice he step on something and when look he saw that there was an orange and green-colored horn glowing on the ground as notice this was the boy deceased sister's horn as he pick it up and look back at the boy and sigh.

*Sigh* "Maybe I should leave him a couple more gifts and a letter about my disappearance I hope he is able to read the fallen language though."

10 minutes later

Mercury already finishes making his gift and letters as he leaves them where the boy will be able to find them as he takes one last look at cacoon while putting on his hoody as he said.

"Boy, the world is a cruel place it is not fear to anyone and if you don't want to be consumed by it I would advise become as strong as you possibly can, well take care Nemesis it was short but I enjoy our exchange of word."

Mercury then exit the cave and when reach outside his took a deep breath in as he said.

"Well let's try the skill I've been dying to try by walking it would take an entire half-day to reach the border but if I travel via Hermes it should only take about 30 minutes to an hour."

From there, Mercury went into a running-like position as golden lightning started to form all over his body eventually creating a Crown with golden wings on it while on his feet two pairs of wings also form beside his shoes till a flapping sound was heard.





The wings began to flap so fast it disappears as the sound around Mercury became muted and he spring his self forward for takeoff as a huge shock wave was hear and the spot was Mercury was had a huge pile of dust in the air Mercury began to run so fast he became a blur leaving behind both the Cave and Nemesis as he was about to head to the borders.


The sound of a powerful breeze could be heard as something extremely fast was running true the forest at an alarming speed

As the leaves of the tree swept up in the air along with many dusks surrounding the area.

Of course, this person that was speeding through the woods was no other than Mercury who was going so fast to the point the world around him just looks like it was been slowed down, but of course, the only reason his view of time is different from other is that this is one of the many benefits of his unique skill Hermes.

And whenever he passes something or someone a vague after image of an extremely fast golden lightning would be all they would be able to comprehend.

Of course, for the first time in Mercury's life, he was actually enjoying physical activities more than anything else at this time and moment as he said.

"This skill is amazing the world just looks extremely slow almost like time itself is slowing down, I wonder how fast am I running Michael."

[Approximately 846.6 Mph]

"I see a little bit faster than the speed of sound."

At this rate how long will it take till we reach the great edge?

Well, judging where you landed due to Rapture and was helped by Nemesis you were already close to sealing exist distance-wise that is, so at this rate, you should arrive in 7 minutes give or take.

"I see very well then let's get this over with after all these missions were created for the very purpose of letting me win this game, and after I clear it with a perfect score I shall rule this universe as my own it's not a bad a deal if you ask me so I will play this twisted gamble of a game show these ROBS made for me."

And when Mercury said that Michael follow up with another word as she play her narrator part for the ROBS watching him.

[Hehehe... the player has finally excepted his fate in this survival game will he stay true to his words and rise to the top or will he sway from the path of victory and be consumed by his foolish words place your bets now]

*Sigh* "I don't know what's worse been stuck with you or the fact that I have to hear the series of annoying narration."

[Come on what the hell wrong with you this is an honest living you know]

"So been an annoying, useless pain in the ass is an honest living it amazes me you said with such pride."

[Heeee... take that back I'm neither annoying nor useless you fucktard]

"Let's see apart from been an annoying pest that talks and narrate for ROBS I can't see or hear."

"Or the fact that you can't manifest yourself here to help me because of the game rule your pretty much nothing more than a phone so I can interact with these ROBS, and the worst part is their no off bottom till 8 in the night."

[Don't I give you information when you ask]

"You got a point but that is all you can do, and the fun fact my eyes are the literal definition of Google chan meets multiverse."

"So mean, why are you so nice to everyone except me especially your kin Nemesis, you barely even know the kid and he gets more respect than that. me who has been with you from day one."

Mercury sigh in annoyance as he said.

"For your information Nemesis is not my kin and secondly I just met you yesterday and you fail my likability test the moment I met you as you left me with some scary people without teaching me how to use a single skill."

[For your information Anyone you name directly will be your kin as they will receive your blessing in the form of a name, and kin in this world is just use as a way of familiarity as it means someone they have a close connection with, and even so, you had no obligation or reason to give the fallen child a name he literally nothing more than a weak NPC with no use to you now look at you your state you literally have half of your mana left due to naming him why did you do it]

As Mercury continue running while listening to Michael's words he couldn't help but think of a memory he had almost forgotten or try countless times to forget.

"Haha... did you heard he is an orphan what were the Mercury family thinking when they decide to pick up a worthless addition like that to the family of ancient warriors from the era of the Vikings."

Said one of the neighbors as they watch a tiny child with blonde hair playing in the sandbox all by himself building a small castle out of the sand as he plays with a tiny red shovel and toy dump truck.

Every day he forces to hear their ridicule of him been an Orphan of course his physical abilities were shit, his appearance was average and boring while he was extremely short like really shorter, way shorter than the other kids of his age should be.

"I hear he a mute he never talks."

Said a random old lady talking to another young lady

"I heard he is a pervert that has seen the color of every girl panties including the teachers of this school and behaves innocently to get away with it."

"Ewww... what a degenerate pervert I don't feel safe leaving my grandaughter at this place at all I will have to talk to my son to get an immediate transfer for her safety."

What can Mercury say he was still at that age where colors amaze him even if he was only 8 years old.

After all, it's their fault for letting their guard down, and so, what of it was all he could think of at that moment as he said to himself.

" Was it really wrong to enjoy the diverse color of a girl's undies, after all, done of them especially the older one was practically begging for it if they didn't want to be seen why would they were some very lewd design, he is simply enjoying his youth?"

"Hahaha... thank the good lord I had a son... but truthful speaking that little degenerate is not needed, he just feeding off the goodwill and ruining the Mercury family name... haha to be honest I also heard the Mercury financial problem as of late."

Said the random woman as she laughs secretly while the old lady said.

"Haha they should have just married off their beautiful daughter to a richer family so they could suffice... after all, they are equally skill and just as amazing but no they gave the seeping slut freedom how disgraceful why don't just se..."


The sound of a small metallic toy dump truck was head crash and bashing the head of an elderly woman who holds it pain as she said to a raging tiny Mercury who said with his cute and angry adorable voice.

"Why don't you shut up and mind your own business you old hag we can clearly see you don't have a shred of morality in you no wonder you are a hypocrite that talks behind people's back haha... it's funny in a way I would dare you to say that before my elder sister face I bet you can't, so why don't you shut your fucking mouth go back to your dying husband push a bottle of Viagra down his throat so he can get up for the night to fuck your sorry saggy ass at least that way you can enjoy whatever fucking remains of the tiny insignificant life you have left here on Earth Instead of wasting your breath talking about other people live."

When the old lady and young lady heard Mercury cold, profound and merciless insult they were shocked the old lady even drop down as she had to process all that meanwhile the young one got mad and said.

"No manners at all can't the Mercury family train their pet dog at least before bringing it into public your a pitiful creature that brings Shame to everyone around you degenerate pervert."

Tiny Mercury or his younger self from his past life give this bitch a cold look as he smirk slightly and said.

"Haha, how immature lady you are actually following up a child, that just sad it just comes to show how lonely and pathetic you are as you fail as both a mother and human, you talk about others because no one wants to talk about you and your sorry-looking ass, have you take a look at your self you look like the very definition of how someone begging for attention would look like whatever you are doing just stop your just making a fool out of yourself, FYI lady you just look like a well covered up corpse with makeup as thick as your fake ass tits.

Both the lady and the old lady were shocked at how profound this tiny child's word is it was equally degrading and sad to watch as the lady felt so offended by his words she actually went ahead and made the mistake of indulging in violence.

After all, the child has always been the quiet and troublesome child like how a child should be as he was very mischievous, but the only flaw he personally had is the fact that he has a switch that only activates upon bad mouthing his family and when it does his rudeness has no bounds.

"You stinking brat how dare you if the Mercury family doesn't know how to teach their children manners let me do it for them."

Said the angry attention-seeking woman as she approaches the tiny child with a belt in her hand ready to beat him with it but right before she could she felt something fly in her eyes.

As he took the small shovel in his hand throw sand into the woman's eyes as he make a run for it.

"Aww... that playing dirty get back here."

Said an angry woman rubbing her eyes in pain as she watch the back of a tiny Mercury running away from the playground of the school.

Mercury at that age wasn't stupid he knew when and where to pick his fight he isn't as strong as his sister nor his father but he was smarter than many children his age survival wise that is.

For him running away wasn't a loss in his book, but a battle he will one day return to

He already uses to take Insult but when someone talks shit about the one he loves especially his sister he just can't help but get the other way.

"I know I'm nothing but a dead weight that was just pity upon I don't need anyone to tell me what I already know."

Was the last words the running boy said as the sight of his slowly disappearing figure was all the two woman behind could see as he disappears In the crowd of children up ahead.

*End of flashback*

[So why did you name the runt]

Mercury didn't answer right away as he was having a flashback till he said in a cold face.

"No reason at all I simply pity the child he is like a rare toy that I will probably forget existed in a few days, that name was just a way of me clearing my debts, after all, he did save me, so what he does with my power is up to him, may he use it for vengeance then by all mean vent, may he used it for his own selfish needs then so be it, whatever he does with it is not my problem if he dies soon even with the opportunity I gave him it was just his time to die, I already did everything I can to help him the rest is in his hand I have my own shit to deal with."

Mercury said all these words with an indifferent look as just continue running forward as forward was the only way he can go.

Meanwhile, Michael was looking at Mercury from her cubicle which was in a separate dimension as she was actually taken by surprise by Mercury's cold demeanor as she said while looking at a certain section of Mercury's profile that was documented with all his past information.

[Pity ha... from my point of view it was like you were showing the child mercy, you say your kindness is nothing but pity as a way to not justify that you just really wanted to help Nemesis as he reminds you so much of your younger childish self who was a judge and bully just for been an orphan that had a different mindset of many your age, hahaha what a tsundere you turn out to be you actually care for Nemesis in your own way although you just met him once even though you hide the fact the real reason you left is that you didn't want to get him caught up with your war why else would you leave him so many gifts you also leave him that thing as well]

Michael said all this to herself because she respected Mercury's intentions, that and the fact she wouldn't intervene or spy on how Nemesis use his powers as it wasn't her business in the first place.

"Oh, I think I see something up ahead." Said Mercury as he wasted no time and hide behind a tree.

Next chapter