
Survival at all cost

Sirus came dashing toward Mercury so fast he didn't even notice when she reach behind him till the very last minute.

As she came right from behind and release a very powerful dropkick toward Mercury's face, in that last moment Mercury use both of his hands to take the damage of the impact instead of making it hit his face.

Don't get Mercury wrong although this is not his original body it is his current body and his face is a very powerful tool hence fort he shall protect it at all cost.

Sirus both legs hit Mercury's hands with great force and never in Mercury's entire life has he felt something so painful.


The sound of bones being brake was heard through the entire room like a loudspeaker as Mercury was pushed back with great force, causing him to roll on the ground at a fast speed.

He began rolling and crash into a wall leaving a trail of blood behind, it happens so fast he didn't even know how to react, as all he was feeling was nothing but a sharp burning pain in both his arms, while his lungs felt like it was on fire as he couldn't breathe.



"Ahh... fuck me... i-its hurts". That was all that Mercury could say at that very moment and time.

"Aww... I can't breathe".

"It... hurts... that b-bitch, that stupid fucking cunt of woman what wrong with you".

Mercury said in great anger, pain, and misery as he felt like he was been put into a punishment he didn't deserve at all.

Mercury began to roll on the ground in pain as he felt like he was brutally rammed point black by a raging truck as the damage he took from that one drop kick was enough to kill a grown man a thousand times over, he was struggling to breathe, his arms were burning with striking pain that couldn't be described.

His head was bleeding, and there was also the fact he is coughing blood, as he felt like his lungs were on fire that and the fact he felt something extremely sharp piercing and poking away at his lungs.

Which most likely means that a rib or two was broken and was piercing his lungs even puncturing it really bad causing internal bleeding as he speaks.

"S-Shit I need to check my life how badly damage is I".

Mercury began checking his health as he for the first time began to dig deeper within his own self and the numbers aren't good as his HP was taking a serious L.

*Mercury Van Anguish*


*Status: Dying*

*Body status: Bleeding internally and heavily damage*

*Time till death: 4 minutes*

*Cause of death: Internal bleeding or suffocation*

*Tip: Stop the bleeding*

Mercury looks at the state his body was in after a simple dropkick apparently his lungs weren't the only thing that felt like it was pierced, he felt like some muscle and veins were torn important ones at that too.

"F-Fucking bitch".

Mercury was in so much pain he couldn't even think straight as all he could think of was.

"It hurts".

"I don't want to die".

The other humans look at Mercury and could only think he was an idiot if he thinks he would escape unscathed from Sirus's wrath after kicking her in the face, as they think they would have to bring another sacrifice.

As Mercury injury wasn't simple as both arms were practically useless, it was just meat lying on his body at this point as the bones were crushed to powder,

His chest was a balloon as he was constantly gasping for air, while he was filled with burns caused by friction of skating across the room.

Lilith looks at poor mercury as she said to Sirus.

"Don't kill him Sirus, you injured him enough already please do heal him up and bring him here".

Sirus gave in instantly and decide to pick up the partially crying Mercury but before she reaches Mercury began hearing the voice of a woman once more inside his head, of course, this wasn't his angel and useless assistant Michael.

But the same voice he heard when he first evolved as the beautiful but yet diminished voice said.

[Due to the subject experiencing major pain your pain tolerance has gone up by +4 level]

[Establisging subject synchronization to the world of Erotica]

[10%, 20% ,40%, 80%, 100%]

[Synchronization completed]

[Update: Level Perimeter addon features was added due to the skill eternal evolution]

[Update: Perfect appraised has been renamed as the eyes of Chaos]

[Pain tolerance skill has been gained due to Eternal evolution]

[Due to the subject body been horribly damaged it has evolved and gained a unique racial skill]

[Congradulation you gain unique racial skill self supremacey]

[Configuring level within necessary skills and adding to the subjected status board]

[Pain Tolerance: 17/99]

[Mana circulation: 2/99]

After the series of voices went off in Mercury's mind he began to feel the immense pain in his body start to diminish no diminish was too merciful at best it became bearable enough to allow him to think somewhat.

Mercury laid on the ground pretty much fucked he doesn't have a healing skill he can use or more like he has an idea for a backdoor but he still doesn't know how to use transmutation, he could teach himself right here and right now but that doesn't seem like the viable option as it would take a while.

Mercury was thinking of a plan till eventually, the same voice came into his head again this time it's something really useful.

[Due to exposure to the human language your perception has evolved causing you to understand it]

[Due to exposure to the fallen language your perception has evolved causing you to understand it]

[Human language has been learned]

[Fallen language has been learned]

Mercury then began to hear multiple voices across the room some were insults, while others were just in a state of shock and irrelevant conversation, while he heard Lilith, even though she was just whispering to herself.

"That boy is an idiot strong but an idiot". Said a random knight.

"A moron is more I like it why would he fight a fallen". Said another random knight.

"Is he even human, a hit like that would have killed me instantly". Said yet another random knight.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit". Said a miserable man that was in white and gold attire clearly of higher status and caliber than the rest.

"Hmm, surprisingly this one seems super durable wait those that mean I can finally use my diary of fun secrets, aww... how wonderous I finally have someone durable how amazing I definitely won't be bored tonight. Said Lilith who took out a small cute gothic black book writing something inside it in joy.

She looks both cute and erotic doing it as she was waiting patiently for Sirus to come back with the new entertainment.

Mercury observed her unusual behavior as he came up with a diagnostic that gave him the push he needed to push forward as he was terrified of the reality as is as he said quietly to himself.

"Hell to the mother fucking no, why me good lord, is this Karma for killing 7.6 billion people it was already hard enough to deal with Yandere type but this is too much why the hell do I have to deal with a psychotic woman like that".

"That thing isn't a Yandere that a Yangire... fuck my shitty luck who put the fucking game on hard *sigh* potential yandere are soon to come while the finale boss is a unique type of yangire".

"All the poor innocent shotas how much have fallen to your hands just thinking about it is giving me the chill, just fucking great, and I happen to be one as well hahaha... fuck my life".




Mercury began to hear the footstep of Sirus getting closer as she stops right in front of his damaged body as she bends down low to talk to him.

"You are stupid H-man look at what you made me do, if you have just behaved and come along, I wouldn't have to take I upon myself to d-pline you".

Mercury looks at the crazy bitch in front of him as he said mentally.

'Your the stupid one here, what the fuck are you even saying most of the time you crazy bitch your personality is fuck up along with your speech you stupid gorilla babe, how the hell is any of this my fault I'm the victim here'.

"Well, your near-death let's get you healed up".

From there, Sirus lift the half-broken Mercury in her land like a rice-sack over the shoulder and by the legs as she walks towards Lilith.

Meanwhile, Mercury was thinking of a plan.

*Sigh* "It looks like I reach a dead-end already, and if I don't do something about it I'm going to be prey by that tall sexy yangire devil".

"Judging by the flow of things I am going to die in two minutes or less if I am not healed properly, and that previous skill I don't know how to use it or what it does let appraised it what was it called again oh yeah self supremacy".

Mercury then began to appraise the ability to figure out a way to get out of this predicament as he not taking his chances with whatever the hell is in that cute mini-note black book.

*Self supremacy: This is a new unique racial ability that gives you authority over the body anatomy you can compress muscles, moves organs, your acrobatics are near perfection in terms of race limits, you can increase your 5 body senses further than they are now, you can even stop internal bleeding by holding tear ligament, veins, muscle, etc back in place, you can even strengthen your own bones, and decide how your blood flows while having all access to manipulate any hormone in yourself for a period of time before it becomes dangerous to your-self please do remember you still feel pain*

When Mercury saw this he was surprised at just how useful this ability is as a lifesaver, hell he would rather have this than magic any day if he could survive with it, in this world as this ability will be his best friend for a fact.

"A racial ability ha... if so it should feel beyond natural to me since it is like moving an invisible limb especially since it is like moving an extra limb, especially since I am dealing with my own body as a whole".

Mercury then began to tighten his body but it brought the pain of course but he manages to stop the bleeding internally within himself by tightening tears and damaged parts together, making him extend his life, now his bone was all that was left to be fix.

As he takes all his crushed bones that were powder and reshapes them and whole them back in places as he makes his body does the healing naturally.

He managed to fix his broken arm but it was still as weak as a fragile stick if he uses it, so he thought of an idea and combined it with mana circulation and this was like glue, as it strengthens it to the point he compresses the splintered or powdered like bone fragments enough to make it usable to grab something without dropping it at best.

If Mercury continues this unorthodox healing factor without outside assistant his natural healing ability as a high human will heal all the injuries if left patch and fix like this, so in a time frame of 8 hours, he will be good as new.

'Good with this I will live now comes the hard part of this current survival event which is actual survival, if I can somehow get Lilith to feel some affection towards me enough to keep me alive for the time being it will make thing much easier giving me more time to think'.

After Mercury said that he looks at the 50 sets of individual exp just bowing before Lilith as he said to himself once more

'But I still need to find a way to kill those guys if their life could increase my survival rate then so be it every man for themselves, let see, it says to kill them in front of Lilith to set a rather interesting first impression, so If I don't show or reveal too much about myself and kill them in front of Lilith some other time It will still count, I can't do anything as of now since I'm fucked in both ways either way with this gorilla or that monster'.

Mercury then heard Sirus speaks as she said.

"Enough weeping boy please shut up since you are before sister".

She then bows before Lilith while she pins Mercury's head to the ground with her abnormal strength as she said.

"My queen I have brought you your special offering like always".

"Aww... I see what a good girl, I will reward you later if I feel like it, now hands off the merchandise sweetheart".

Sirus then released Mercury as Lilith look at Mercury with a rather lustful and sadistic look as Mercury suddenly began to float.

"Ehh... what the hell, shit is this telekinesis".

Lilith then commands Aarick to come toward her as she made him float right in front of her so she could get a good look at him.

The short 5'0 was positioned like a statue before Lilith, as she grabs his wavy hair and uncurls it to make it straight as she began feeling the texture of it while pulling one out.

To her surprise she actually likes it, he was probably the first to have such high-quality hair as she said.

"Despite your wilds like appearance and feature, your hair is rather soft and silky yet its durability is like wires that can cut how interesting.

She then felt his skin.

"Well your a little hurt but your skin color is rather unique it appears you lost a lot of blood but your color still remains pale, I see it more albino-like than pale.

From there, she checks the thing that has caught her interest the most which were his eyes as she has never seen one like his before.

"What beautiful pair of eyes you have are you sure your even human".



"You smell human".



"And you taste human".

'Wait what the hell did she just say I taste human o'god anymore this and I think I might actually die tonight'.

Said Mercury in fear trying to think of a way out of this situation, but his thought was interrupted as Lilith said.

"Why don't you tell me a little about yourself what your fear, the things you hate the most, or your favorite color and favorite food your hobbies, or something interesting you see I am the type that gets bored quick so please entertain me with a conversation". Said the beautiful goddess.

Mercury didn't answer as he wants to accomplish that daily mission at all costs.

"You are the defiant type ha... fufufu, I like them a little feisty let see how long you can last when were some were more private if you catch my drift who knows you and I might just be compatible as I have a rather curious imagination, and a lot of fun things I want to do with you, look I already write down yet another one".

Mercury could understand the writing maybe because he understands and comprehends the language so that was a plus, but sadly he didn't like what was written on it as he began sweating beads of sweat as he read what she wrote.

[Dear diary: I met a rather interesting human, he entertain me from the moments he appears, I find myself as the type that likes to test my mates, so far I have tried lesbian played it was amazing especially if you are the dominant one, to be honest, it very addicting but I always have a very weird taste for little boys, but for some reason, they brake too quickly.

Lucky for me I found one that is very durable, he looks cute and extremely handsome as well he looks deviants like in a way definitely in my strike zone so he gets a pass on appearance, he seems to be very prideful but let us see how long he can last if he survives my curiosity play for a week if he does I might actually fall in loves.

Let us see if can survive one of my new torcher play I just came up with on the spot ahhh... I wondered what happens if you probe a little boy with a strap on with blazing hot needles and a shit ton of aphrodisiac on it made by yours trully will they be overdrive with pleasure or will they weep in pain or maybe both at the same time ahh how I love to find out]

Mercury looks at Lilith and said.

"You crazy bitch".

"Aww... you call me a bitch are you that excited for sexual arousal ahh... I wondered how big are you well let us do a privilege check".

"Wait a privilege what".

Lilith then lifts up his tunic in a way only she can see it as she said while looking up at him with large eyes as she slowly looks up and said.


"For a human, you are quite blessed that dragon slayer for sure I would dare say you are more blessed than the ogres a solid 8 for your age is very amazing it will be 12 once alive".

All the humans look at Mercury in shame as some drop to the ground in defeat, crying to themselves as their pride took a critical hit.

Well, I likey I shall keep you, after all, hope you don't brake too soon da-rl-ing".

"Oh god help me".

"Ehh... yea good luck with that he is a dick and belive in neutrality overall so your loss da-rl-ing".

'Screw my luck'. Said Mercury to himself.

Lilith then looks toward the human as she said.

"Well, you may all leave now the front door that way if you start walking now you might reach the exit to the seal in 2 days well".

But before the bishop could say anything they were all teleported from out the castle to the castle exit like they weren't even here in the first place.

When Mercury heard this he began seeing some kind of hope as he will try to escape and kill them later to make a very good first impression as this is a game and no matter what he has to do to get his happy ending he will survive at all cost.

Next chapter