
Best Friend or Mate?

“Who gave you the permission to let them go?!” Mark snarled, sending a death glare to Hannah. Zadkiel and Abel stood at the corner of the office with their hands joined in front of them.

“Zadkiel was crying in pain. Mr Ford said he knows a doctor who can help.” She spoke, hanging her head low.

“And who made that revelation on Mr Ford that Zadkiel was in pain and he decided to show up here?” He questioned, arching his eyebrow. Before she could answer, Zadkiel beat her to it.

“I asked her to call him. I thought he is rich so maybe he knows a doctor we can’t afford, who can treat me.” Zadkiel didn’t stutter while answering. He could feel Irvin inside the building and that was enough confidence for him.

Mark wasn’t going to get convinced this time so easily. As he opened his mouth to further investigate, there was a knock on the door.

“Yes?” He bellowed. A lady entered the room.

“Mr Ford is here to meet you.” She informed Mark who rolled his eyes in anger.

“Tell him to come in.” He ordered. The lady disappeared behind the door and soon arrived with Irvin behind her. She closed the door after Irvin was inside the room. Irvin’s gaze scanned the room and stopped at Zadkiel. Zadkiel gave him a shy smile while Irvin winked at him which turned Zadkiel into a ripened tomato.

“Ahem… Mr Ford, may I ask the reason for your visit?” Mark questioned, without greeting him or asking him to take a seat.

“I’m here to offer help, Mr Joseph.” Irvin came straight to the point.


“I can help Zadkiel here in his treatment.” He pointed his hand to Zadkiel and kept his tone professional.

“I’m sorry but Zadkiel doesn’t need any treatment, Mr Ford. He is in good health. Last night was an exception.” Mark lied so smoothly that both Zadkiel and Abel raised their eyebrows and passed a look to each other, thinking how he preached ‘we must not lie’.

“I was told differently.” Irvin frowned because even though he didn’t know much about Zadkiel, he knew that Zadkiel must go through a cycle every month during a full moon and that was alone a painful process for some human to think that Zadkiel is in good health.

“What have you been told exactly?” Mark muttered, burning holes in Zadkiel’s face through his deathly stare assuming Zadkiel told him something.

“That he needs treatment.” Irvin didn’t want to let out unnecessary information so, he held himself from spilling.

“You’re right, Mr Ford. Zadkiel is dying. Doctors gave him a maximum of 4 years to live when he turned 18. His health never recovered since then and Father has done nothing to help him. He only has two more years if he doesn’t get proper treatment but last time when he was taken to hospital, doctors said he might not even live those years. He is always in pain but no one cares.” Abel spilt before anyone could stop him. He was tired of seeing his friend run into the mouth of death while everyone else watching him, just pitying for him.

“That’s enough, Abel! Get out!” Mark yelled at him, furiously. Abel knew punishment was waiting for him but didn’t care. He was at peace knowing, he was some help to his friend.

He walked out of the room, giving one last look of confidence to boost up Zadkiel who was just staring at shocked Irvin. Irvin looked like he had seen a ghost as he was silently asking Zadkiel, why he didn’t tell him that before.

“Mr Ford, we’ve consulted the best doctors and they said that Zadkiel can’t be treated. His disease is rare and no one seems to understand it.” Mark tried to cover it up. Irvin was still looking at Zadkiel with tears filled eyes. Zadkiel wasn’t even meeting his gaze as he held his head low.

“Just because you don’t know about the disease, doesn’t mean it’s incurable.” Irvin seethed through his teeth. “And I would like to know why did you lie about his health and said he is in good health when he is dying?” Irvin was so furious at this point.

“Because I didn’t want you to think about something that isn’t in your hands. You’re not God, Mr Ford.” Mark made an excuse.

“You’re packing his bags and sending him with me right away, Mr Joseph. I’m not taking no for an answer! A person is on his death bed and you aren’t even trying to save him?!” Irvin growled at him.

“We tried our best. Sister Hannah can assure you that we have. Plus Zadkiel doesn’t want to go with you.” Mark stated, looking at Zadkiel who still refused to look up.

“Let me ask him myself.” Irvin spat as he turned to Zadkiel.

“Do you want to get proper treatment?” Irvin questioned Zadkiel who was now sniffling and sobbing silently.

“I can’t go with you, Mr Ford,” Zadkiel mumbled. A smile appeared on Mark’s face. Irvin stood there startled as Zadkiel without a word, left the office.

“You heard him, Mr Ford,” Mark spoke. “We take care of our children in the best possible way. Your father never questioned us but you visited once and saw a kid that has some incurable disease and you questioned us. That is very disrespectful.” Mark added, keeping his voice stern.

“I’m sorry,” Irvin mumbled before leaving, still trying to understand why would Zadkiel refuse because last night when Irvin dropped him, Zadkiel told him that he didn’t want Irvin to leave and Irvin promised him he’d come with a solution in the morning.

Zadkiel sat on his bed, moving to and fro ignoring what Abel was saying. He had to say it because if Abel could do this much for Zadkiel, Zadkiel could at least return the favour.

“Zadkiel!” Abel shook him to get his attention. Zadkiel looked at him, still crying.

“What happened?” He asked him, dreading that he caused some serious trouble.

“He wanted me to go with him. Father put it on my shoulders and told him to ask me. I knew what he meant by that so, I refused to go with him.” Zadkiel sobbed, knowing he hurt Irvin badly but he couldn’t just leave when Mark was threatening to hurt his friend in a coded message.

“Why would you do that?! Jesus! Zadkiel, I made a path, you just had to walk through it!” Abel huffed.

“Well, you don’t get to make all the sacrifices!” Zadkiel snapped at him. Abel frowned.

“What do you mean?” He asked him but it wasn’t Zadkiel who answered that question.

“What he means is that if he had left with Irvin, it’d be all your fault,” Mark said, walking towards Zadkiel’s bed. Abel then understood what made Zadkiel refuse.

“That’s not fair! Irvin can help him! Let him go!” Abel shouted at Mark. He didn’t care about the consequences.

“How do you know that? Maybe, he’s doing that for some other purpose.” Mark counter questioned. Both Abel and Mark were at their peak level of anger.

“Because I saw it last night! When Zadkiel returned, his pain was gone and he was happy. I had never seen him smile that much in my life. Look at him! Can’t you see the difference?! He looks so healthy after just one night!” Abel stood up for his friend. He was tired of seeing Mark treat Zadkiel like shit.

“Beat me up, Father. Throw me out of this place or punish me the way you like but please get him some help. Please. I beg you.” Abel joined his hands as if pleading for his best friend’s life.

“Sister, take Abel to the storage room. Zadkiel, you come with me.” Mark directed. Zadkiel gave a light pat on Abel’s shoulder before following Mark.

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