
Chapter 110: New Weapons

Sitting with my back to Athena I waited patiently as she finished updating my status.

Because to take down the Amphisbeana the others and I are going to need every advantage we can get.

That thing is no joke.

I remember it from the light novels, and I' pretty sure the only way the Hestia familia beat it was due to plot armor. Otherwise they probably would've ended up dead.

Which is why I want to make sure my friends and I are as prepared as possible so we don't lose anyone. No, rather I won't allow anyone to be lost.

As the glow on my back died down Athena handed me my status sheet and I reviewed it.


Name: Morax Lapis

Level: Five

(A/N: I said he was level five already in a previous chapter)

Strength: E458>E465

Endurance: D502>D515

Dexterity: D505>D519

Agility: E492>D500

Magic: D520>D528


Geo Force: An earth-type magic that allows the user to create and manipulate earth constructs. The more complex the constructs are the faster Mind is drained.

Chant: Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!

Seismic Burst: An enchantment-type magic that allows the user to generate compressed vibrational energy around their arms or legs and coat their weapons with it.

Chant: Tear the Earth asunder!

Planet Befall: An offensive wide-area earth attack-type magic which allows one to summon a meteorite 25 meters in diameter within an area of a 50 meter radius of their own body to attack enemies.

Chant: I will have order!


Geo Archon: Increases the effect and power of any earth-based magic. It also doubles the user's strength and agility stats anytime they are in combat within rocky terrain. This allows one to be able to sense people within a 50 meter radius upon rocky terrain, but only if they are part of one's familia.

Dragonification: Allows one to transform into a dragon that is seven meters in length. Doing so boosts all of his stats by double. Active trigger. Transformation drastically drains mind and physical stamina.

Gaia's Embrace: When inside of rocky terrain the user's mind and physical stamina is actively but slowly restored faster than normal.

Lord of Geo: Heavily increases the users resistance to Earth-based magic attacks. As well as reduces the mind usage required when the user employs earth-based magic themselves.

Developmental Abilities:

Hunter: Rank G

Abnormal Resistance: Rank G

Mage: Rank I

Spearmanship: Rank I


Looking at my status I nodded.

Things are looking good. With any luck I will reach level six by next year. Then I'll max out all my stats and go for level seven.

Once I was finished reviewing my status I handed the paper to Athena and she disposed of it.

As she did so I put my shirt back on and then bid her farewell.

I have an appointment I needed to keep after all.


Reaching the gates of the Hephaestus familia home I greeted the guards and then walked straight inside.

Over the years they've come to know me so I can do this.

After entering through the gates I headed to Kaijins' workshop.

When I got there I knocked on the door, but got no answer. So I knocked again and still got no answer. Seeing this I kicked the door open without any hesitation.

Otherwise Kaijin will never answer it.

I've learned this over the years since he became my personal blacksmith. When he's working or thinking about a new project he blocks out everything else. So unless you are forceful you won't get anywhere with him.

The same way Tsubaki was when we met all those years ago.

As the door hit the wall, Kaijin turned away from his desk and looked at me.

"Oh Morax, when did you get here?" He asked.

"A few minutes ago, but since you weren't answering I decided to make my presence known." I explained. Stepping inside his workshop.

"Eh, sorry about that. I was thinking of a new project." Kaijin said.

I waved him off. "It's fine. I know how you are. So, is it ready?" I asked him.

"Sure is." Kaijin said.

He then went over to one of his weapons racks and retrieved Vortex Vanquisher.

But it's not the same as before. It's new and improved. Now's its a blend of Mithril and Adamantite. Kaijin also imbued it with the Durandal property. So now my spear is a first-class weapon with an estimated value of 250,000,000 valis.

But in my eyes it's worth it.

Not to mention I get a discount for retrieving materials from the dungeon for Kaijin when he can't go himself.

He's actually level four and was quite active in the dungeon during his youth. But he decided to focus on blacksmithing after a while.

As my drawven blacksmith and friend handed me Vortex Vanquisher I started preforming some basic movements with it, getting a feel for how its changed since its been upgraded.

After a few moments I stopped.

"The weight. It's heavier than before." I spoke.

"Yep, that would be the adamantite you had me add to it." Kaijin said.

"I see." I said.

The new weight will take some getting used too, but it's nothing I can't handle.

"Thanks Kaijin." I told him.

"No problem. You are one of my best customers after all." He said.

"And I'll continue to be so so long as you keep doing great work like this." I said. Pointing at Vortex Vanquisher as I did. "Once I get back from my expedition let's go drink and celebrate."

"Sure thing." He told me.

Once he did so I left and headed back to the Owl House.

To train with Vortex Vanquisher in preparation for the expedition.

As I arrived back home I noticed Gaul, Leonmitchelli, Diluc, and Rogue standing in the courtyard.

Each of them brandishing their new weapons which they received from the Gobinu familia.

Since we're making money due to selling Echidna's grimoires and our dives into the dungeon, we all decided it was time for an equipment upgrade.

I walked over to them, giving a low whistle at their new equipment. "Nice new weapons you guys have got." I said.

Leonmitchelli is wielding her new blade. An Adamantite sword which she named Elysium.

[Image Here]

Gaul has a new pair of gauntlets, which he calls Nemeios.

[Image Here]

Diluc has a new claymore blade composed of mithril and various ingots which he has named Wolf's Gravestone.

[Image Here]

Finally Rogue has a newly forged katana composed of the rare metal from the Far East Hihiirokane, which he has named Yoru.

[Image Here]

All of these weapons like my new Vortex Vaniqusher are first-class weapons.

But again, it's worth it since we all want to go further and surpass our limits.

"Vortex Vanquisher is looking good as well Morax." Diluc spoke.

"Thanks." I replied. "So, you guys up for some training?"

"Yes, definitely." Rogue said.

"Of course." Leonmitchelli spoke.

"We need to prepare for the expedition after all." Gaul said.

"And we need to get acquainted with our new weapons." Diluc added.

"Alright then, let's get to it." I said.

Thus our training with our new weapons began.

Next chapter