
Vivian Francis Porter

It's as she's getting ready to leave the Space Center for the evening that she sees the light still on in James' office. Letting a fond, exasperated smile chase across her lips, Vivian Francis Porter shakes her head and changes directions, walking towards her fiance's office at a clipped pace.

The gorgeous young woman hadn't expected her life to turn out the way it had. With supermodel looks, Vivian had always suffered from too much of a good thing… basically, her looks and gender had led to most people, specifically the scientists that she'd tried to emulate, not taking her seriously. The less said about her time under the thieving Dr. Fen, the better. The man had tried to pass her work off as her own even with Vivian building a literal robot boyfriend to try and insulate herself from everyone's misogyny.

Luckily, another kickass woman had stepped in and saved the day. If you'd told Vivian that the young and vivacious Kim Possible would swoop in and expose Dr. Fen for the fraud he was while vindicating Vivian herself, she would have thought it… well, impossible. But as the young woman had proven, never say never was a phrase for a reason.

In the aftermath of Dr. Fen's arrest, Dr. Possible, Kim's father and the head of the Space Center, had offered her the man's old job and Vivian, grateful beyond words, had happily accepted. From there, the curvaceous blonde robotics genius had found herself getting closer and closer to James Possible, until ultimately they'd started a relationship together. The divorced father of three had been an easy grab for Vivian, and initially they'd had quite the… active sex life.

Eventually, James had proposed to her and Vivian had said yes. Even now, her engagement ring rests on the blonde genius' finger. Of course, not everything was perfect… a couple of months ago, James' age had seemingly begun catching up with him. Put bluntly, he was finding it harder and harder to get it up when they went to have sex these days.

Vivian knew it was nothing to do with her, especially after months of him being perfectly capable in bed. But at the same time, as smart as she was, her expertise was in robotics. She didn't know how to fix his biological hang-ups, or if there even was a way to fix them. After all, her beloved's age was undeniable. As it was, it wasn't like Vivian NEEDED to have sex.

She was just as happy engaging in a non-physical romance with one of the brightest minds of their age. Or at least, that's what the beautiful blonde told herself as well as her fiancé. It was fine… she was fine. Still, she knew that James wasn't entirely fine, and that he'd thrown himself a bit too much into his work in the face of his… impotence.

Coming to a stop just outside his office, Vivian hears her fiance's voice trail through the door right as she's reaching for the handle.

"Heh, I suppose you're right…"

Realizing at the last second that he's not alone, Vivian stops and knocks instead. Looking up from where he's sat at his desk, James blinks as he sees her through the door's window.

"Oh! Vivian, come in, we were just talking about you."

A little confused now, Vivian nevertheless opens the door, not quite sure who James is talking about as she looks at the back of the other man's head. He's sat across from James at the desk, facing into the room, so she's not sure who he might be, given she knows everyone who works at the Space Center and who James interacts with on a regular basis. Or at least, she thought she did.

"Were you? About what, exactly?"

Before James can answer, the mystery man finally turns in his seat and makes himself known as he speaks up.

"Ah, Dr. Porter. Dr. Possible and I were just discussing your future."

Vivian goes stock still as she stares wide-eyed at the grinning face of the richest man on the planet. Dr. Drew Lipsky, inventor and entrepreneur and all around genius himself, stares right back at her with a wide smile on his face. Except, this isn't just the world's richest man, or the world's smartest man, or the world's sexiest man as the magazines and news media has labeled him.

This is the man who married James' wife after he and Anne got their divorce. This is the man that effectively stole James' family from him. Vivian's mouth opens and closes soundlessly a few times as the robotics genius tries and fails to properly process why the man that her fiancé should hate with all his heart is sitting in James' office, having what appears to be a cordial conversation with him.

Luckily, she doesn't have to wait too long to find out why Lipsky is there. James lays out quite swiftly.

"Drew and I were just discussing my impotence and your needs, Vivian. Unfortunately, my condition is incurable. I'll, uh… never be able to get it up again. And that… that's not fair to you. Luckily, Drew here has agreed to help out. He's going to fuck you in my stead."

The words coming out of her fiance's mouth are so fantastical that it pulls Vivian right out of her stupor, giving her back her voice as she sputters indignantly and crosses her arms over her buxom chest defensively.

"E-Excuse me?! I couldn't possibly have heard what I think I did! James, you and I have talked about this before, I'm perfectly fine with a non-physical romance! And this… no offense Dr. Lipsky, but I'm just not interested in you in that way!"

James opens his mouth to respond, a sad smile on his face, but Drew beats him to it, raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Oh? How can you be so sure?"

Flustered beyond all hell, Vivian is half-tempted to just flee the office… but no, no she has to stand her ground.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

Standing, Drew chuckles as he draws closer to her. For some reason, his presence doesn't feel as suffocating or oppressive as it should. Even as he encroaches on her space, that warm chuckle of his pierces through her defenses, taking her a little off guard despite just how ON guard she is right now.

"It means… how can you be sure you're not interested in me without giving me a try? That's not very scientific of you, Dr. Porter."

Scowling, face bright red by now, Vivian glares the rich genius down as he gives her a smarmy grin.

"… What exactly are you proposing?"

She wasn't about to let this man fuck her, no matter what James said. And James… she and her fiancé were going to have words after this, words that might just end with the engagement called off. She'd thought James was different then other men, but it seemed like his medical condition had hit him worse than she thought.

"Hm… give me one kiss. One ten second, uninterrupted kiss to see if we're… compatible with one another. And if we're not, then it's fine, isn't it? We'll be done here."

Looking past Drew Lipsky, Vivian finds James giving her an encouraging nod, as if this is what he wants as well. She can hardly believe she's doing this… but letting out a long breath, the gorgeous young blonde glares the richest man in the world down.

"Fine, one kiss. Then, you leave. My fiancé and I have a LOT to talk about once you're gone, Dr. Lipsky."

Chuckling, Drew gives her a condescending smile as he steps into her personal space.

"Sure, honey."

Vivian bristles at that, but before she can give him a piece of her mind, the older man's lips are on her own and her eyes are going wide. She wasn't expecting much from his kiss. As rich as he was, it was obvious that the genius inventor had gotten too used to getting what he wanted. He was over-confident, at least from Vivian's point of view, and she was looking forward to turning him down.

Except, his kissing is… is a lot better than she thought it would be. And as one second turns into two, into three, into five… Vivian finds herself relaxing more and more into his kiss as he does all the heavy-lifting, his lips on hers not too rough, not too sloppy, his tongue tracing across her teeth but demanding nothing more.

He has no right being such a damn good kisser, and yet, when ten seconds are up and he obligingly pulls back from her mouth, it's Vivian who leans forward, trying to follow his lips for more for a second as a strand of saliva connects their mouths. Then, the vivacious blonde scientist catches herself and she pulls back too, panting heavily, her chest heaving with every breath she takes.

Ten seconds of kissing had done more for her than any man before him, including her fiancé. Vivian stares at Drew in a new light as he cocks an eyebrow at her knowingly.

"You can go now… or I can fuck you, right here on the spot."

It's a choice that doesn't require any words or actions on her part, and perhaps that's why he phrases it in the way he does. Because Vivian doesn't know if she could bring herself to beg for it after just ten seconds of kissing, not in front of her fiancé, no matter how on board with this he is. But just standing still and letting… letting Drew Lipsky do whatever he wants with her? That she can do. That, she does.

He pulls her lab coat off of her and begins unbuttoning her blouse while nuzzling and kissing her neck. Vivian moans as he gets increasingly handsy with her, her own hands coming up to his shoulders. In no time at all, he's working her out of her panties after having stripped her of her pants. Her bra comes off as well, leaving her perky tits bouncing free, each capped with a nipple hard enough to cap diamonds.

As Drew swallows one of her tits whole and swirls his tongue around her nipple, Vivian moans wantonly, tossing her head back and losing herself in the moment. It's so very easy to lose herself with him. Whether it's the two months of no sexual contact thanks to her fiance's impotence or whether it's just Drew Lipsky's technique in and of itself, Vivian completely forgets where she is… right up until he spins them around and proceeds to bend her over the back of the chair he was just sat in.

Vivian Porter has all of a moment to remember that her fiancé is currently sat at his desk watching all of this, making eye contact with James Possible just as Drew thrusts into her gushing wet, tight young cunt from behind. A loud cry spills forth from Vivian's lips as she cums around his cock immediately, all the foreplay beforehand building her up, so she tips right over the edge from the very beginning.

It doesn't get any better from there… or perhaps it's more accurate to say it gets a LOT better as Drew's thick fat cock runs roughshod over the young robotics genius, driving her wild in a way no man, not even her own robot boyfriend, had been able to. And Vivian had MADE Oliver with some sexual intentions in mind, had intended for him to be the best form of stress relief she was ever going to get. She'd packed him away when she'd started dating James Possible, but there was no denying the robot had been the better lover when compared to the flesh and blood man.

Except Drew Lipsky blew even Oliver out of the water and Vivian was rapidly losing her mind under the onslaught of pleasure being visited upon her. Her mouth was wide open, and her tongue was lolling out of it. Her eyes were rolled halfway up in her head. She knew that she looked absolutely ridiculous right now, and she knew that James was watching every moment of her completely humiliating, utterly blissful railing.

Drew Lipsky was awakening things inside of Vivian she never new existed. She was growing increasingly turned on by the knowledge that she was being fucked right in front of her fiancé. That the man who'd married his ex-wife was cucking him with his fiancé… it shouldn't have been as arousing as it was, but Vivian kind of liked it. She liked being Drew Lipsky's fuck toy, she liked getting plowed silly by the big-dicked entrepreneur right in front of James.

When Drew leans forward and whispers in her ear at some point during the whole affair, Vivian hears his words despite being lost in her own little world. He speaks in a low tone that she knows James can't hear, and once he's done speaking, Vivian just nods, finding there to be absolutely nothing incorrect about what he's saying. Speaking through clenched teeth between moans and groans, Vivian looks to James.

"D-Dr. Possible… I m-must officially tender my resignation w-with the Space Center. I-I'll be, hnngh, taking a position with Dr. Lipsky's, mmm, think tank s-starting, oooh god, t-tomorrow."

James just smiles sadly and nods his head in understanding. He doesn't grow any less understanding when Vivian takes off her engagement ring next and places it on the seat of the chair she's currently being fucked over the back of.

"Nnngh, I a-also d-don't think we're c-compatible anymore, James… I h-hope you can understand…"

Chuckling softly, looking broken and defeated but oddly okay with it, James Possible looks down at his own engagement ring and then takes it off as well.

"I do understand, Vivian. Please, don't let me hold you back. Have a good life."

Vivian doesn't answer him, she's too busy cumming her brains out around Drew's cock as he finally spills his thick, hot seed inside of her, filling her with a load much bigger than James had ever been able to provide. Afterwards, he doesn't even bother dressing her again, he simply covers her in her lab coat and lets her lean on him for support as he gives James a mocking salute.

"Thanks for your time, big guy. Quite the catch you managed to hook here, but not to worry… I'll take GOOD care of her for you."

"Heh, I'll hold you to that, Drew."

And with that, Vivian finds herself poached from the Space Center and from her fiancé all at once. And as Drew takes her to his car and pulls her into the back seat, she eagerly and with gusto leans over and takes his cock in her mouth, bobbing her head up and down his length with enthusiasm as she sucks their combined fluids off of his member.

She's working for the smartest man in the world now. She knows without a doubt in her mind that she's right where she belongs.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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