

Monique was nervous, but honestly, she felt like she had every right to be. Hastily moving around the store, she tries to make sure everything is in order. It all has to be perfect, because the man described as her boss' boss' boss is visiting today, and she's in charge of giving him a tour of the Club Banana. Which is kind of crazy, given that she's only worked at the place for about a week. Having her boss call her into his office the day before and announce that she was being promoted to assistant manager and given such a unique opportunity made it clear to Monique that one of two things were true.

Either this opportunity was genuine, and she was being given a real chance to either sink or swim here… or the extremely rich man behind Club Banana was a pervert and her boss thought that he'd respond more favorably to her then to another guy. Either way, Monique wasn't sure how she could say no. In the end, the slender young woman NEEDED this job, she needed it more than she needed anything else in her life. So… she would do what she had to do in order to give an excellent showing to the boss.

There's a sudden knock at the door, and Monique curses under her breath as she puts the last finishing touches on the final display case she was fixing up, before rushing over. Given that they're still two hours from their normal opening time, and she's expecting the arrival of her boss' boss' boss any minute now, it's pretty clear who it is.

So, Monique plasters a big smile on her face as she opens the door to the man waiting for her. He certainly looks rich enough to be the guy who owns Club Banana and a dozen other clothing stores besides, though he also has rather plain features, and wears glasses of all things. Still, Monique doesn't let her smile falter for even a moment as she steps back and gestures inside.

"Good morning sir! Please, come in! My manager told me you would appreciate a full tour of this location, is that correct?"

Stepping inside, her boss' boss' bos- you know what, that was getting somewhat annoying, even if it was contained within the sanctity of her own mind. He was really just her boss, at the end of the day. Stepping inside, her boss looks around the place for a moment before looking to her and chuckling easily.

"Hm, you're a bit young to be assistant manager, aren't you? Am I right to assume your manager gave you this promotion just yesterday?"

Monique blinks her big chocolate-brown eyes at that, the mocha-skinned girl taken aback by his words.

"U-Um, I-I… y-yes sir, but I promise I'm going to g-give the job my all, you can count on that!"

The smile he gives her is actually rather kind, by Monique's estimation. Nodding, he steps further in, and Monique hurriedly closes and locks the front door up again behind him, before hurrying to reach his side once more. She opens her mouth to ask where he would like to start the tour, but he interrupts her before she can say anything, his tone conversational as he looks around the interior of the Club Banana.

"I was looking to… keep the managers on their toes. That's why I gave them such short notice that I would be arriving for a tour. Of course, it seems more than one of them found a bit of a loophole in the company guidelines that allows for assistant managers to handle managerial duties of their superiors are otherwise indisposed. Yours isn't the first to make use of this loophole in order to try and escape blame for a shoddy store set up. Though I have to admit… so far, I like what I'm seeing."

He's looking at her when he says the last part, and Monique isn't sure whether he means the store or her… and how she feels about it if it's the latter. The way he's talking, it sounds like her manager really is throwing her under the bus… but that the man who owns Club Banana, the one standing before her now, doesn't rightly approve. Once again, Monique isn't sure what to do or say… so she defaults to what she knows, why she's here so early in the morning when normally she'd still be asleep.

"W-Would you like to begin the tour now, sir?"

Giving her a knowing grin, the rich guy nevertheless inclines his head.

"Sure. Go ahead."

So… Monique goes ahead. She begins leading him around the store, showing him their displays, many of which she'd just spent all morning making sure were perfect. The evening shift last night had left the place in complete disarray and given that it had been the store manager in charge last night, Monique really wasn't sure how to feel about that.

Still, she'd worked her butt off, and the place looked as good as could be expected. The Club Banana owner seemed to think so too, given the way he hums in appreciation and smiles and nods at all her explanations about this or that idea for attracting more customers and bringing in more sales. Monique… honestly, Monique is in her element. She loves fashion, and loves Club Banana, and even if her sudden and all too soon promotion to assistant manager was an attempt to use her as a scapegoat, she's really enjoying showing off her hard work to this handsome, rich man standing next to her.

And he really was handsome, wasn't he? She'd called him plain before, but he'd taken the glasses off at some point during the tour, and now… it was like a transformation. Not to mention, she'd gotten to know his personality as well, and he seemed like a really fun, affable, and altogether likable kind of guy. He was still her boss, but Monique found herself growing more and more comfortable around him.

Which was why it was such a surprise, and for a bit, a betrayal, when he reached out and cupped her ass with one hand during one of her presentations. Standing beside her and looking at the display she's showing him, he just… casually begins to grope her ass, causing the mocha-skinned young woman to blush and stammer and fall into silence at his touch.

She doesn't dare move, or slap him, or anything like that though. A guy like him, with his money and resources… he'd bury her, perhaps in more ways than one.

"Monique? Something wrong, sweetie?"

His concerned tone is completely at odds with the way he's continuing to molest her, like he's pretending it's not happening. Which… maybe that's what she should do as well?

"N-No sir… u-um, where was I…"

And so, Monique continues the tour with her boss glued to her side, molesting her ass. She stammers and stutters her way through explanations and answers to his calm, clear questions, and she doesn't resist beyond a few involuntary wiggles here and there. Eventually, his hand moves from her butt cheek down between her legs however, and Monique's breath hitches as he begins to rub the tips of his fingers against her cunt from behind, grinding up in between her legs and against the crotch of her jeans.

He's… surprisingly good at what he's doing. Monique finds herself growing more and more uncertain of herself as time goes on, more and more confused about what sort of things she's feeling. She pants and she gasps, and she groans in between continuing the tour… until they reach the back room, and he suddenly pins her against the wall, his hand rubbing against her cunt from the front this time and his lips pressing against hers.

Monique's eyes widen, even as she lets him kiss her. At first, it's because she's afraid of reprisal… but as time goes on, she finds herself practically melting into his touch, into the feel of his lips on her lips and his tongue in her mouth. He is… an amazing kisser, the best the young woman has ever been with. And he's so damn handsome too, Monique… Monique is ashamed to say she ends up creaming herself, even through her panties and jeans, as he grinds into her crotch with the heel of his palm.

As she moans into his mouth, climaxing then and there in a most humiliating manner, the owner of Club Banana pulls back and gives her a knowing smile.

"Enjoying yourself, Monique?"

Blushing profusely, Monique ducks her head and averts her gaze, but ultimately nods. Because even if she weren't, she would have answered in the affirmative, but the truth is, she actually is enjoying it, enjoying the attention of a handsome rich older man, and enjoying the way he's playing with her young, nubile body.

As such, the mocha-skinned beauty doesn't protest or resist when he pulls her shirt up over her tits, and then yanks her bra down. As his mouth falls upon her still-maturing breasts, Monique moans, her fingers curling through his hair. He pays special attention to her tits for longer than she would have thought, but at the same time he's working open her pants as well, and then his hand is in her panties and his fingers are pressing directly into her slick, wet folds.

Now, Monique is a virgin. All she's ever really done is some kissing and some light petting. Nothing like what this handsome older gentleman is making her feel, however. He's so… in control, so domineering. She can't get enough of him, she finds, and soon enough she's cumming because of his hand again, this time all over his palm.

When he brings his messy digits up to her mouth, clearly expecting her to suck them clean of her own fluids, it only feels right, so Monique does so, and enthusiastically at that. When he spins her around afterwards and yanks her jeans and panties to her thighs before dragging her hips outwards so he can rub his big fat cock against her dark-skinned bubble butt… Monique is one hundred percent there for it, a wanton moan escaping her lips as she shudders and shivers in anticipation.

In response, the rich guy chuckles in her ear.

"Is this what you want, Monique? You want me to fuck you? I want to hear you beg for it."

Whimpering, clawing at the wall in front of her, the young woman squirms as he pins her in place. She knows that she shouldn't be enjoying this as much as she is, she knows that it's an abuse of power on his part, that this is effectively rape in a way… but she wants it. She really does. And so, she begs.

"P-Please, sir… I-I need it… I need you inside of me…"

Luckily, that's enough for him to line up and thrust forward. Monique's chocolate-brown eyes go wide, and her pupils dilate as he takes her virginity and begins fucking her up against the wall, right on the spot. She's fairly wet and extremely tight, and he doesn't wait long at all to truly pump into her, pounding her against the wall until Monique is SHRIEKING as she cums around his cock.

Really, it has no business feeling as good as it does, having him fuck her. His member pulses into her deeper and deeper with every thrust, and Monique's inner walls squeeze down HARD around his dick, over and over again. She climaxes once, and then twice, and then again and again, to the point where she loses track.

It's not supposed to be this good, she's fairly sure. Sex isn't supposed to feel this good. But it does, even if part of Monique is still screaming that she's being taken advantage of. But maybe that's just her kink? Maybe it's wrong, what this man is doing, using his wealth and power and influence to have his way with her. But she's loving it, and she can't get enough.

Even when he cums inside of her, Monique enjoys it more than she should. Even when he takes hold of her by her curly dark-brown hair and drags her mocha ass down to the floor, forcing her to turn around and clean up his cock with her mouth, Monique all but inhales him down her throat, wrapping her arms around his waist so she can drag him closer in.

It's undeniably slutty of her, but Monique does everything she can to please her boss, until finally they're done, and she's sitting there slumped back against the wall as he lets go of her and tucks his cleaned cock away back into his pants.

Grinning down at her well-fucked form, the older man cocks his head to the side.

"I'm quite impressed with you, Monique. So, I won't close down this Club Banana after all, as I was considering."

Monique's eyes widen, not having realized that was even on the table, and thoroughly relieved that she'd managed to convince him otherwise.

"I will be firing the manager later today, however. You'll be the new manager in that coward's place, and from now on, you'll answer directly to me. Sound good?"

Nodding dumbly, Monique watches his shark-like grin widen.

"Good girl. I'll see you soon, Monique. Don't disappoint me now."

And then, just like that, he's gone. And Monique… Monique is suddenly the manager of this Club Banana. Carefully, she leverages herself up onto her feet and fixes her clothing, pretending like his cum ISN'T seeping out of her cunt and making a mess of her panties, even as she goes and makes sure the store is ready for it's opening in about an hour. She can't disappoint her boss, after all. He's given her an amazing opportunity.

Later, Monique sits in the old manager's office, her office now, and finally gets to know the name of the man who took her virginity. Drew Lipsky. He's not just rich, he's a billionaire, one of the richest men in not just the United States, but the entire world. Monique can't deny that knowing that sends a thrill down her spine and makes her all the hornier.

Later on, she'll meet and befriend Kim Possible. The two of them will become thick as thieves, and as close as sisters. Monique will commiserate with Kim's fractured home life, and feel quite bad for the red head… right up until she ends up meeting Kim's step-father for the first time and finds out that it's that very same Mr. Drew Lipsky, her boss and the man who claimed her young body for his own selfish desires.

Needless to say, Monique never has any intention of telling Kim the true nature of hers and her boss' relationship. That's between them and no one else…


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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