
Ann Possible

The first time Ann Possible meets Drew Lipsky, she's certainly impressed, and perhaps a little stunned by just how attractive he is. But at the end of the day, she's a doctor first and foremost, and a woman second, so she doesn't let her attraction for her fellow doctor detract from her professionalism in any way.

"Ah! Dr. Possible, so good to have you on board! I told them we needed the best of the best for this surgery, but I wasn't entirely sure if they would be able to get you."

As he offers her his hand, Ann can't help but smile, his excitement somewhat contagious, infectious really. She takes his hand and gives it a good shake, even as she chuckles ruefully.

"Dr. Lipsky. I suppose it's true then that I have you to thank for this opportunity. I have to admit, I was surprised when I got the call."

Certainly, she had pride on her own skills as a neurosurgeon, but there was no denying the simple fact that she was a neurosurgeon working at the Medical Center of a suburban town. Not really the height of her field, that. And yet, Dr. Lipsky had asked for her personally when this organization, Global Justice, had required the services of someone with her skillset. Now, she'd been required to sign a number of NDAs before she was even allowed on the premises, but it'd been worth it, in her humble opinion.

Now here she was, in a Global Justice facility, about to perform neurosurgery on what she could only imagine was an operative that she would never get to know the name of. It was a big deal… and she was spending it fawning over a colleague like a schoolgirl. Flushing at that realization as she also realizes that she's been shaking Drew's hand for far too long, Ann snatches back her own hand, the gorgeous MILF blushing under his knowing smile.

Luckily, he doesn't comment on it, merely stepping to the side and gesturing towards the set of double doors at the end of the hall instead.

"Shall we?"

Swallowing thickly and doing her level best to reorganize herself and get back at least some of her professionalism and pride, Ann gives a resolute nod of determination.

"We shall."


He pushes her up against the shelves of the supply closet, pinning her hands above her head with his own and kisses her deeply, and Ann kisses him right back, not resisting in any meaningful way, the two of them engaging in a rather aggressive makeout session. Ann Possible moans into Drew Lipsky's mouth, completely head over heels in love with the other doctor, wiggling and writhing like a maiden about to have her first time taken, rather than the mother of three that she was.

She'd held out as long as possible, she really had. Three whole visits to Global Justice, three instances of flirting with the good doctor before getting to work fixing up whatever operative was on death's door because of a botched mission that day. She'd been successful each and every time too, in saving the lives of Global Justice's Agents, something they were very grateful for, given the amount of zeroes being added to a private bank account they'd set up for her.

She'd told her husband as much as she could about the job, of course, referring to it as consulting work. She'd been allowed to tell him about the NDAs, so he was pretty understanding of the fact that she couldn't say more. But… she hadn't moved any of the money from the private account to their joint banking account, knowing that if he saw just how much it was, he'd probably be a lot more concerned. They weren't low class whatsoever, with her a neurosurgeon and him a rocket scientist, they were definitely upper crust when it came to income… and even still, the amount of money Global Justice had tossed her way so far was mind-boggling.

Honestly, she wouldn't have taken it at all if not for Drew convincing her that she deserved it. But then, everything came back to Drew, didn't it? Hell, she was currently snogging the man in one of the facility's supply closet like she was some first year med student, now wasn't she? Though really, it was mostly Drew doing the kissing. Ann was kissing him back, but she'd never felt more dominated, more controlled, more just… along for the ride. And she'd never enjoyed making out with someone more as a result then now.

And he'd been the perfect gentleman for so long too. Three visits, over the span of about six months. Ann had found herself consumed by thoughts of the man whenever she was back home. It hadn't hurt her work, thankfully, she'd found that she could turn it off rather easily when she was in the operating theater… but it had hurt her marriage. Not that her husband understood why she was drifting away from him, but he wasn't an idiot… he'd noticed.

It was her own fault; Ann knew that much. Even as Drew kisses her, even as he dominates her mouth with his tongue, swapping spit with the beautiful MILF of a neurosurgeon, Ann remembers how this began. She kissed him first… and while he'd reciprocated, it had still been her who initiated everything. She… was in love with Drew Lipsky.

Suddenly, he pulls back, looking her directly in the eye, hesitating briefly.

"… Are you sure about this, Ann?"

Leaning forward and kissing him slowly, languidly, lovingly, Ann pulls back after a moment herself, well aware of just how red her face is, and nods.

"Surer than I've been of anything in my whole life."

His answering beaming smile causes fireworks to go off in Ann's chest, her heart pounding as he goes right back to kissing her, but this time also starts to work at her clothing. She responds positively to this, and reaches down to begin unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his pants, and unzipping them so that he can reach into his boxers. His hands grasp hold of her tits at the same moment Ann takes hold of his cock, and they moan and groan into one another's lips as they begin to fondle and molest one another.

It's not long before her legs are spread and her skirt is hiked up to her waist though, not long before her panties are dangling off of one ankle. He's got her sat on a shelf now, the supplies swept off, and all Ann can do is moan as she guides him into her, as she fills herself with his big, fat cock. He spreads her pussy lips apart and enters her, and Ann can't help but feel like his size is just… perfect. There's no denying it, they were made for each other, her cunt feels perfectly molded to him, to his member, which is already beginning to thrust in and out of her harder and faster by the moment.

Ann cums around Drew's cock faster than she would have thought possible. She's by no means a frigid woman, but neither is she particularly slutty or lewd. Nights of passionate lovemaking with her husband still resulted in only one or two orgasms at most for the gorgeous red head. And yet, within five thrusts of Drew entering her drooling quim, Ann's eyes are going wide as she tosses her head back and climaxes hard around his cock.

Once she starts cumming for him, the beautiful neurosurgeon finds it so very difficult to stop. His pistoning prick brings her to orgasm after orgasm, to climax after climax, and all Ann can do is cling to him and hold on, brought along for the ride as this handsome hunk of a scientist totally and utterly has his way with her.

She loves him, oh how she loves him… and thought it breaks her heart, she knows she's going to have to leave her husband. Truth be told, if she's being honest with herself now… Ann knew that very first visit. Oh, perhaps not the first meeting, but after they'd finished up the surgery and saved the operative's life, Drew had taken her to the facility's cafeteria for some food and it was during that meal that Ann had undeniably fallen in love with her fellow doctor.

She'd just tried to suppress it, she'd tried to ignore it, because she was a wife, she was a mother, and she couldn't do that to her kids. Or at least, she thought she couldn't. Now, with Drew buried inside of her, Ann knows she'll have no choice. She's cheating on her husband right now, but she won't cheat on him again. She'll let him know they're separating in the morning; she'll file for divorce… and she'll be with Drew.

Well, so long as he'll have her. The thought stops Ann dead in her tracks, and even as Drew continues to fuck her and she continues to moan and pant her way through orgasm after orgasm, the red head pulls away a little, just enough so that she can look the handsome man in the eyes.


He lifts a brow at her, never stopping his thrusting, but then, Ann wouldn't want him to stop on her account anyways.

"I-I can't… I can't cheat on my husband… I'll have to divorce him after this… w-when I do… will you have me?"

Drew blinks, processing what she's saying. Then, a wide grin spreads across his face from ear to ear, and he answers her with a deep, tongue-filled kiss, like he's trying to thrust his tongue as deep down her throat as he's thrusting his phenomenal cock into her cunt. Ann accepts it happily, moaning into his mouth until he finally pulls back again and gives her a reassuring nod.

"Of course, I will, Ann. You're the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world… I would be glad to be your partner."

Partner, not husband… but then, that would come in time. She was still married to another man, after all, and before this could continue, she would need to get a divorce. For now, though, with her future with Drew secured, Ann just relaxes and lets herself enjoy the most mind-blowing fuck of her life. However, even as Drew speeds up the pace, even as he fucks her even harder, he leans in close and whispers in her ear.

"And from now on, Ann… when we're alone, you call me Drakken, alright?"

Ann blinks at the command but sees nothing wrong with it. In fact, as the words slot into her mind, it almost feels… right. Like Drakken was the name she should have been using all along. A wanton smile on her lips, the beautiful MILF tosses her head back in ecstasy as another orgasm takes her.

"Oh, fuck me harder! Yes Drakken, yes!"

She doesn't see the positively evil, utterly malicious grin on her lover's face as she does this, but even if she had, it's not like she would have recognized it as anything but the most handsome grin in her life…


Kim can hardly believe this is happening.

"I really am sorry that this will affect you, honey… but you and your father have discussed this and length and decided that a divorce is what's right for us. The only thing left to decide is where you'll go. Your brothers are going with your father, of course… but you're old enough to make a choice."

Her mother is doing a lot of the talking, Kim notices. Her father is right beside Ann, of course, but he looks almost as shellshocked as Kim feels. The teenager is pretty sure the decision to divorce was not entirely… mutual. But then, why would her mom want to leave her dad? Why was this even happening?

There's not many things in the world that can make a badass young woman like Kim Possible cry… but d-damn it, this was getting pretty close. However, in the end she knew what choice she was going to make. She loved both of her parents with all her heart, but there was no denying which of them she was closer to at the end of the day.

"I… I'll stay with you, mom…"

Her mother smiles and nods simply, even as her father's shoulders slump.

"That's good, baby. That's really good. Of course, your father will still have visitation whenever he and you both want it, just like I'll have my time with the boys. It's not the end of the world for any of us… it's just the end of this chapter of our lives."

Kim nods hastily, trying to hold in the tears. Her lower lip wobbles though, and she abruptly stands up.

"M-May I be excused?"

"Of course, honey."

Fleeing to her bedroom, Kim only lets the sobs escape her once she's got her face securely buried in one of her pillows where no one can see. The world can't be allowed to know that Kim Possible cries, after all… though right now, she's less of the stunning femme fatale she's developed a reputation for being these past few years, and more just a teenage girl who's having her entire world turned on it's head, no matter what her mother says…

Of course, things are going to get worse before they get better. The divorce will go through, and the ink on the official documents will barely be dried before Ann will introduce Kim to her knew stepfather. Kim won't think much of this 'Drew Lipsky', but her mother is so obviously head over heels for him that she'll do her best to try and get along.

Meanwhile, for Drakken, everything is going exactly according to plan.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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