
Events that keep ouccuring

As the chaos at the ball reduced the night time came and under that cloudy sky inside the carriage, Irene was listening to the two-person perceptive but little did she know how different the situation was than the way she thought it would be.


"That I did for you sister," Ash said as looked at Irene. Irene who was was unaware of what he meant kept looking at him for more information but he didn't seem to answer anymore.


"Hey if you start something you should end it too," Irene said she shook his hand hoping that he would say something.


" He must be embarrassed to say it out loud," Violet said as she chuckled, while receiving a deadly glare from Ash side.


" What is there to be embarrassed off, I am his sister? I have seen and heard a lot of him so what's more embarrassing than this?" Irene said a she looked at Ash whose face turned red due to Irene recent comment.


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