
Plan B

Word of Varian's excellent performance reached Adsher.

The boss was busy coordinating the whole teams. He's already feeling overwhelmed trying to cater to the whims of unreasonable princes and princesses.

'They're more spoiled than young masters and young ladies! Haah! No, thankfully God Emperor looks over us or these weirdos would've discarded the empire because they're not feeling like it. Huh, feeling like it. Fuck your feelings!'

For the man who was under severe stress, the news about Varian's performance was like finding an oasis in the desert.

He summoned the team right away and praised him to heavens.

It didn't matter that he didn't mean most of what he said. But it's not his fault! His high running emotions made him say things he usually wouldn't.

And that's where Varian found the window of opportunity.

"My Lord, if you do not mind, I wish to coordinate the teams, fill in wherever and whenever there are gaps."

Next chapter