
Chapter 6

As the three of us went in to Viridian forest I could not help but get lost by all the pokemons I am seeing at once and by how dark it is in the forest as you can not see the sun because of how tall and close together the trees are.

After looking around the forest a bit I called out both of my pokemon and I had the girls call out one of there's to as we need to be ready if a pokemon attacks us.

As we where walking to a opening in the forest a group of four Pidgey's came down from a tree and attacked us just like I thought a wild pokemon would do if they think you are week and can not put up much of a fight but this is where they are wrong as I had Aron and Squirtle fight back just like the other two pokemon in our group.

As I saw a Pidgey dive down at Aron I told him " quick use harden as it attacks you then use metal claw to hit it down to the ground" and he did just like I said so when the Pidgey hit him all you heard was a clank and then I saw three claws made up of steal energy hit the Pidgey down on the ground and with out me telling him to Aron ran up to it and used headbutt on it and took it out of the fight.

As Aron's fight was over I looked over at Squirtle as the bird kicked some sand at her so i told her "close your eyes and start spinning and just like this she learned and used rapid spin making the sand miss her and get sent flying every direction.

When she was done using rapid spin it gave her a increase in speed and with that new speed I told her to use tackle and water gun and with my plan she took off and hit the bird with tackle but it just took the attack and moved back a bit then the bird used it's wing to hit Squirtle but I had her use rapid spin to move behind the bird and use water gun to finish the fight.

When the fight was done I looked at the girls and saw that they got done with there fights at the same time as me so I looked at them and said "well done now we can set up the camp for the night and then we can spend some time in the forest training our pokemon and then we can take on the gym.

As they sent up the tent I went and got some dry wood and started the fire that would have been done sooner if I had a fire type but sadly i do not have one but I still got the job done and with that out of the way I started making food for us and all our pokemon.

When I was making the food a lot of young pokemon came out and wanted some and I gave them a bit as I thought this would happen as it would also be a good thing to see if there was any good pokemon who I would like on my team but I did not find any at first but later on a ball of blue gas came out from the shadows and when it did I saw all the other pokemon move away from it not out of fear but just that they did not like this pokemon.

When I saw this I did not think much of so I went to give it some food like the other pokemon but as I put it down some of the other pokemon tried taking the food away from him but I just said " if anyone takes his food they would not get any more food from me" and just like that they stopped.

After a hour or two everyone was ready to go to bed and all the pokemon started to head home as well but shiny Gastly just stayed at the camp and walked around me so I turned to him and asked " how would you like to come with me and I can train you to get stronger so no pokemon ever look at you like that again and all of my other pokemon and my friends can be your family from now on"

With that said I took out a pokeball so he could join if he wanted to and he went up to it and hit the button with his head and with in a minute the pokeball stopped moving showing me that I had a new pokemon no a new family member.

when I was done with Gastly I walk into the tent but I only saw two sleeping bags so I asked " how are three of us going to sleep with only two bags" and then Leaf said " I do not mind sleeping with you mark" when she was done talking I could she how red her face is I also herd Misty say something under her but it was not that loud so I could not make at what she said so I just went to bed holding Leaf all night.

Let me know what you think about how things are going and have a good day :)

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