
It's time i fix things

(one week later)

It's been about a week since I came back, most things have stayed the same with a few changes, nothing worth noting

But I've mainly sent the first week either eating or sleeping and spent the rest of the time, repair crescent rose, sever and dominate

But seeing as the cores would be a bit tricky to make, given that I don't have a lab, but the only thing I could do for now is place them at about 3% power, which would still allow me to break shields and the bones of grimm, but they are still weak as damn

Crescent rose also got repaired, had to change a few things though

First I had to get ride of the explosion and rav charge, and upgrade the frequency, but I mainly focused on making her stronger, having her break left some PTSD

"huh" I said as I opened the blinds and looked out my window to see ironwood ships

"it's like his companseting for something" I said annoyed as I sighed before I got dressed and went to the training ground with crescent rose

I had an hour or two before classes start

"miss rose, it's been a while since I saw you" the lady who was encharge of the training ground said as I smile

"I've been busy actually"

"so I see, new scars" she said pointing at the scar that went from my neck way down

"it's nothing"

"speaking off its seems like your score has been beat" she said as she pulled out a list

"third...." I said as I saw my name behind Pyrrha and Onyx

"you see that baby, the little insects stole our spot" I said to crescent rose

"well if you want to change that your more then welcome" she said as I nodded and went in

The challenge was simple, just hit every hologram that appears as fast and as hard, this tests your reaction and power, the number of targets is about 5000, they appear immediately after you destroy one, but multiple can appear at once

"huh" I took my scythe as I spun it around me, before I went down

"begin" the target appeared as I took off before I began to slice through all off them using my chain and rose as a whip, before I jumped into the air as crescent Rose folded into a sniper as she flashed with electricity as I flipped and began to fall as multiple targets appeared around me before I began to spin and shoot taking every target not missing a single shot and not wasting a single bullet before I landed as roses fall

"huh getting there, getting there" I smiled as I looked at my hand before I walked back to my room got a second shower before I got dressed and went to class, which was like always boring, ended up sleeping through most of them

"miss Rose since you've decided to sleep in my class, I guess that you've made preparations to catch up on the work you have lost"

"not as of yet sir"

"well I hope you find a partner to pick up on your slack" he said as my eye twitched a bit

"I hop you find a partner to pick on your slack" I mocked back silently

"what was that" he asked

"what was what" I asked innocently, as Oobleck carried on with his class, but soon the period ended and I separated from everyone as I left the school ground

"good of you to pick up" I said as I sat on a roof top as it began to rain

[Ruby thank the God your alive]

"and why would I not be" I asked Roman

[no reason, but the underworld has really been in chaos since you left] he said as I sighed

"or has it been because of you large collection of dust" I said as I appeared behind him as he jumped before I sat in his chair

"must you do that everytime"

"NO, now I take its my little M has been doing the job I gave her" I asked as Romen handed me his scroll as I opened it as multiple holograms appeared

"multiple mod boss and there gangs have been brutal killed, by Neo, following you complicated plan, I've been able to round up an impressive amount of men under then name Blank, like you said fear is an impressive motivator, everyone wants to join the scariest boss" he said as I smiled

"and with a few easy steps the criminal underground, is in the palm of my hands"

Before I left for my mission I handed Romen tools, tools and instructions on how to easily take and hold power in the criminal underworld, using Neo as my own personal assassin who I controlled, with carefully planned recording

You see Neo is a lot of things, but to her core she is a dog who passionately waits for her orders, she is far to easy to control and with the right motivation and instructions you could get her to do just about anything

"I must admit she's quite effect, more so than what I had hoped" I said as I smiled reading the reports

"I know, but I'll be needing her back Cinder has been on my ass the last month" he said as he began to complain as I listen

"Romen while I do understand your frustration towards cinder, I simply do not care, but" I stood up as I yawned

"you can have Neo back, since I'll be busy for a while so don't expect much from me until then" I said as I disappeared and went back to Beacon

As I walked through the hallways of the dorms, before I got to my room to see Yang sitting on the floor seemingly sleeping as I walked towards her as I kneeled down and tapped on her shoulder wake her up


"Yang" I said as I moved back as she got up

"ummm I see your back hehehe"

"you were waiting on my door step, for... Me"

"yeah... I just wanted to make sure you came back safe"

"I have..... Are you okay" I asked confused

"yeah never mind, I'll just go" she said as she walked passed me as I heard

'stupid stupid stupid'

"Yang" I said as she immediately turned around

"yes Ruby"

"mind helping me to catch up on the work I missed" I asked as he mood shot up

"YES, I mean sure if you don't mind"

"I wouldn't have asked you if I mind" I said with a smile

"right... I'll see you tomorrow then" she said as she turned around again


"yes" she said as I opened my arms

"only this once... Big sister" I said as she almost appeared in front of me as she gave me a hug, no words were need, it was just that

"..... Yang"

"yes Ruby"

"hugs are not this long" I said since it's been like five minutes

"ohh right.. I'll see you tomorrow then"

"yeah, see you tomorrow Yang" I said as I went into my room as I leaned on the door and listened

"yes" I heard her as she skipped away

"I guess I'll have to try" I said as I went to my bed and laid back

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Hy sorry about this, I've actually been going back and editing my work

Next chapter