
258. Behold, An Awakened Devil Fruit Power

Right after Kumoko teleported the spider army, Izumi teleported with Hiiro and Warrod elsewhere.

The three of them teleported to a place not much different from other places. Big trees, thick bushes, and a lack of sunlight. But they know where they really are.

Izumi took out four robots from the storage space, then asked Gramp Warrod to store them in his storage space and use the robots for emergencies in case he can't use magic while telling him how to operate them.

The robots are similar to those distributed to the spider army as backups. Izumi made these robots together with Tabane using materials he found from ancient civilizations. Initially, the robots were run using MA energy, but Tabane replaced them with cores like the IS had, of course, the cores for the older IS models. Then Izumi and Tabane modified their forms.

After that, Izumi told Hiiro to teleport, leaving Warrod alone. Izumi was sure Warrod could take care of himself. However, he still provided other assistance if Warrod couldn't use his magic.

Izumi and Hiiro appeared at the marked location which was west of the elven village.

Izumi wanted to secure the reincarnators as soon as possible, so he immediately asked.

"Do you want a robot like the one I gave Warrod, or do you want a weapon?"

"A weapon is enough, no need to give me a robot."


Izumi took one weapon from the storage space. The weapon is red and has a large barrel. The width of the barrel is about 10 cm in diameter.

"What weapon is this?"

"I named it AAI laser cannon. It can fire a laser continuously for 1 minute. There is a panel to the right of the weapon that indicates the overheating status. You need to cool the weapon when the overheating bar is full."

Izumi explained a little about the newest weapon that he made himself.

"Then, how to cool it down? Just leave it alone?"

"If you think just letting the weapon cool down by itself is too long, you can use magic or whatever to cool it down. However, the durability of that weapon probably won't be long."

Izumi didn't know how long Hiiro had to wait if the weapon overheated because Izumi had never tried it. So he just answered what he understood.

Suddenly, the barrier surrounding the village had been shattered, so he sprang into action.

"Hey, wait!!!"

Hiiro still wanted to ask about the laser cannon, but Izumi had disappeared from his sight already.

— — — —

Izumi appeared near a fairly large hut. All around the hut are just tall weeds and trees that grow side by side. He felt that this place was not a place to live, but a place of exile.

"Well, I think that Hiiro will be fine."

The weapon that Izumi gave Hiiro had been personally tested by him so there would be no problem using it. However, he had never tried to let the weapon get to the point of overheating.

He shook his head. It didn't matter for him to think about it now. He was sure that Hiiro would use it with caution.

Izumi stretched his hand forward, then something like an insect, or one could say something that resembled a carpenter bee but had a metallic body landed on his hand.

Izumi opened the back of the metallic carpenter bee while activating his hologram computer. After that, he pressed the small button with the lightning logo on the back of the metallic carpenter bee. Before long, the data stored in the metallic bee appeared on his hologram computer, and he immediately copied the data.

Suddenly, Izumi felt the atmosphere suddenly change. He also remembered this which bears a resemblance to when he met Potimas for the first time.

"Anti-magic field, huh?" Izumi smirked. He didn't really care even if the anti-magic field was activated. After all, his abilities weren't limited to magic alone.

"Hmmm, some people are coming." Izumi sensed some people, precisely 20 come toward him. Or more likely, it seemed those people wanted to secure the reincarnator babies in another place. However, once Izumi sensed their auras, he furrowed his brows.

"Those disgusting soul fragments again."

Izumi had killed a lot of humans or people with soul fragments of Potimas implanted in their souls, so he was quite familiar with that aura. However, when he learned that Rori was able to destroy soul fragments without killing, he just stopped acting on his own. And he only killed the elves wandering outside.

Izumi stretched his arms forward, then controlled the wind to pull one person up using his left hand. Meanwhile, his right hand created a sphere-like domain that trapped the other nineteen elves within. He created the sphere with a black hole formed within, then pulled everything around it within a certain distance. And this made the elves unable to escape unless their strengths were the same as, or higher than Izumi.

Izumi swiftly grasped the neck of one elf that was being pulled by him. The elf could only widen his eyes because of the misconception that someone could use magic within an anti-magic field.

He wanted to ask something, but…

"Right, there's no point in asking since the coward has nowhere to run."

Izumi muttered while thinking about Potimas.

Potimas is 100% sure that there is no safer place than his home ground. If he ran away from the elven village, he could easily be finished off. If he escaped with his ability by taking over someone's body, his real body would be in danger and he could die easily if his real body was found. Hence, he considered that the elven village was the safest place because he had weapons that could destroy the entire world.

The elf struggled to escape from Izumi's grasp. Suddenly, he was thrown to the ground. He didn't understand why he was released. Without further ado, he immediately grabbed the dagger that was on his waist.

With his dagger imbued with a soul attack, he stabbed the elf in the middle of his chest.


The elf's eyes opened wide before a red tentacle pierced his heart. Then, the tentacle split into two to tear apart the elf's body. Izumi looked at that with a cold gaze, as if he was used to seeing human bodies torn apart until their organs splattered out.

Then, Izumi turned to the other trapped elves. At first, he wanted to create a high wind pressure to crush their bodies.

However, he let out an evil grin instead.

His hand formed a tapping motion. In a split second, the elves inside the sphere felt suffocated.

"Hehe, I'll let you suffer inside without oxygen."

What Izumi did was manipulate the gas element. He manipulated the oxygen atoms to attract a carbon atom and produce carbon dioxide. This ability is a new awakening of his Devil Fruit. Now, he can manipulate gaseous elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen.

This awakening occurs when a Devil Fruit user's mind and body catch up to the person's Devil Fruit power. In the past, Izumi's Devil Fruit power was much stronger than the strength of his mind and body. Due to his previous training, which increased his physical strength by activating the Dragon Force while trying to control his dragon transformation, his mind and body caught up to his Devil Fruit power. As a result, he had his Devil Fruit awakening a few days prior before the raid.

He wondered why his Devil Fruit power caused explosions when it came into contact with fire. It turned out that his power had gaseous properties such as hydrogen. So, it wouldn't be strange for the wind he created to explode in contact with fire. Or maybe it was because of the high percentage of oxygen or mixing with other reactive molecules that made the fire bigger.

If he used a gas state elemental molecule or compound molecule that was not weak against fire and then controlled it using his wind control ability, he might be able to extinguish the fire.

Izumi wanted to try experimenting, but he heard a noise in the sky. A fairly large spaceship-like plane hovering in the sky. In addition, several towers similar to signal towers began to surface from the ground.

He saw so many robots similar to what he had found in ancient civilizations starting to emerge from the plane and from near the towers that appeared.

"Fuck! Potimas is going all out!"

Izumi no longer wanted to play around and immediately killed all the elves that he trapped in the sphere. Then he headed to the hut where the reincarnator babies were.

While heading to the hut, Izumi also didn't forget to contact Tabane because more enemies came to Hiiro, Warrod, and Kumoko's positions. He didn't really need help, however, Kumoko who was together with the Taratech dolls and Hiiro might need some help.

When he got inside, he could see the babies in their respective beds. They simultaneously looked at Izumi with shocked faces, and they didn't expect that a Japanese person was right in front of them.

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