
An angel

He said to him when he saw that Colin wasn't taking the remedy : "Are you afraid that I will poison you ?"

Colin chuckled and told him : "No, it's just that I've never heard of such a remedy and my brain is working in slow motion ... Are you sure about this ?"

Mykael said to him a little annoyed : "Stop thinking too much ... I have already seen this remedy in action and I'm sure it is very effective ... You will see, you will feel much better after taking it."

Colin after hearing that he was getting impatient didn't hesitate anymore and he drank the remedy that Mykael had brought him.

He closed his eyes and let himself lean against him with a sigh of well-being : "Stay with me for a while, will you ?"

Mykael said to him as he helped him lie down and layed down next to him so that he could take him in his arms : "I will stay with you until I'm sure you're sleeping, and don't worry, I've sealed your door, no one but me can enter."

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