

Four days have passed since the capture of the two tailed jinchūriki, the time has come.

Carrying a neat cup of tea, I walked to the kunoichi's door and knocked. Opening the door, I calmly entered and without greeting immediately handed the cup to Yugito.

"Drink." - The smell of tea spread across the room and Yugito picked up the cup with an uncomprehending expression.

Taking a light sip, tasting the liquid under my gaze, she grinned.

"Hypnotic? Are you serious?" - putting the cup on the table near her bed without drinking, she looked at me defiantly.

"Tailed Beast has recovered, I can see it, it's time to take what he has. I need you to drink it and not interfere. We can go the easy way or the hard way. It's up to you. "

After activating the sharingan, I looked at her coldly. Seeing that look, Yugito twitched and after a couple of seconds of deliberation, without a word, raised her cup and drank everything.

Crossing my arms, I watched her slowly fade away and she collapsed back onto the bed. Letting her fall, I stood watching her chakra in her body. More precisely, her absence. Approaching, I straightened her clothes and, exposing her stomach, put my hand to it. Before my eyes everything turned black and blinking I looked around.

Entering her subconscious, I turned around and saw a blue two-tailed creature resembling a cat, pressed by wooden posts. Matatabi or whatever it was he could not speak as his throat and head were constricted. Reaching out my hand, I smoothly led it up. Two pillars retracted upward and disappeared into the void, giving freedom to the head.

"What do you need from me you bastard." - Matatabi spoke up with undisguised hatred.

"First, is to talk. You are not against a friendly conversation? " - I smiled activating the Sharingan.

There was a roar and, like an echo, it was reflected from invisible walls, looking into the pupils of the two-tailed one, I saw animal fury. Alas, he perceived the activation of the sharingan as a threat and only tensed more.

"Free me from the seal and we will have *Friendly* talk." - She answered with a growl. As if to prove her clearly friendly intentions, she bared fangs the size of my height.

"First, forgive me." - I bowed politely and not expecting this for a couple of seconds the tailed froze and fell silent.

"I also wanted to thank you that you didn't decide to kill yourself, you really could kill your carrier since her chakra is locked and even though you are locked and you cannot escape, you could kill yourself and the carrier without letting me get to your chakra. You really like Yugito, don't you? " - I smiled as if I had not just said that I was going to take away the chakra.

"Uchiha ... I had no desire to commit suicide so I'll just wait until I break free and tear you to pieces."

"Ohhh .. How scary… But even then, during the battle, you kept her in a state with a torn liver. And you gave your chakra without taking it in return? You will also say that you do not care about the girl that you have suffered since you were shoved into her? " - I asked.

"It's not your mind that I want to do it. Try to take the chakra if you can, but I will remember you and will take revenge when I get out of this seal."

"Hn." - coming closer, I looked into the gigantic eye.

Looking at each other, I wondered what to do.

There was an option to completely destroy the tailed beast, it is in my power - but this is just a waste of energy and incredibly stupid.

There was an option to just take the chakra and leave. But collecting a little psychological portrait of Yugito in four days, I felt sorry for her and I became disgusted with this village under the leadership of the Raikage.

"How much hate and pain in your eyes... as well as in hers. You were with her and you saw everything how the village trained her and treated her, didn't you. You looked deep at this rotten world in hatred, lies and betrayal. Someone care for strength, someone cared for power, and someone's goal of the highest good. But they all died, and you stayed, collecting experience and knowledge on your journey. Your life has never been in your hands and few people saw in you a living creature, and not a monster. You know, the Nine-Tails is also now consumed with hatred and his chakra is just something. But he found the man that his father once said to find. And slowly but surely Kurama will find a friend and family. He will finally cease to be considered a battery or a monster, and he can finally live peacefully and happily. Tell me, have you found such a person? "

Stretching out my hands into the silent tailed beast, I grabbed the fur and released the chakra that I cleaned and absorbed two days ago. Mingling deeply with mine, it literally became my chakra and neither the will nor the hatred of the tanuki were visible anymore. A huge mass of yellow-brown chakra burst from my body and fell on the stunned two-tailed one.

"TANUKI YOU BASTARD! No, it's not him! Where did you get his chakra !! " - The two-tailed one panicked.

"Until you figured out that I killed him and destroyed his existence and took all his chakra, then no i didnt. He now lives quietly in his vessel. I just took the chakra, cleansed the rest of the Tanuki and appropriated it for myself. Now this is my chakra that is forever with me. It will recover over time. It may not be enough, but to defeat your will and take away your chakra is enough for me. "

After experimenting with an immortal bastard that never shut up and cursed, I discovered the true power of my eyes. And taking the once stolen chakra of the one-tailed i made its my own after a long night of torment and boiling my eyes in my own blood. After such stress, the eyes seemed to be cleared and improved.

The golden chakra enveloped the two tails and began to pull out the blue chakra, pulling it towards me. With a growl, Matatabi directed her hatred into the chakra that quickly flowed down the chakra towards me, covering everything with blood red. If I continued to ignore it, Matatabi would take control of my chakra and kill me. I have to remember that they are chakra beings.

"Ahah, what a nuisance." - Having said boringly, I looked up from my hands. After activating Mangyoku Sharingan, I looked into a huge eye filled with hatred and attacked with my chakra. As if with a needle in the eye hitting Matatabi who growled in pain and closed his eyes, I continued to drag the chakra frowning. Having suppressed the will of the tailed beast without any problems, I finished taking chakra and locked it in my body. The chakra was still raging and I need time to use my eyes to assign it to myself and mix it completely with mine. There was an idea in my head to mix the chakras of the one-tailed and two-tailed ones, but the fear that I would just explode like a ball did not allow me to carry out such dangerous experiments.

Having sucked in the last drop of my chakra, I looked at the tailed beast that had lost a lot of weight and growled softly from impotence.

"I didn't take all the chakra, don't worry. You also watched Yugito and you know what I told her. I will let you both go now. "

"I won't forget this Uchiha." - She growled angrily looking at me.

"Hate me. Take revenge on me. Afraid of me. It doesn't matter to me what you think, because I have only one goal. " - Turning around, I looked into the eyes of beast with a serious expression.

Expecting to know what the target was that required the chakra of the tailed beasts, Matatabi fell silent, waiting to continue.

"My goal.. I want to eat ramen. Holly shit how i missed spicy ramen! "

Laughing, I turned ostentatiously and opened my eyes breathing heavily. After making sure that the seal was in place, I checked the condition of Yugito, who was sweating and soaked through her robe.

Making sure that she would not die and recover in half a day, I turned and left the room ignoring her half-naked body peeking out from under the robe.

Back in the training room, I threw everything in the way and sat down in the middle. Breathing in air, I activated my eyes and directed the Matatabi chakra into my hands. Slowly, the raging chakra began to calm down and, picking out colorful fragments of hatred, memory, will, I cleared the chakra from the remnants of my soul. Having absorbed it back into myself, I exhaled and calmed down. After checking the seal on my stomach that my chakra was kept in itself, I made sure that everything was in order and, closing my eyes, collapsed on my back. It's time to get some sleep.

A drop of blood flowed out of eft eye and fell to the floor, but when Renjiro fell asleep he didn't notice it.

Hidden Leaf village. Present Time.

The sun went over the horizon and the coolness came. The full moon was shining and illuminating the forest, creating shadows for the trees near the small farmer's hut not far from the leaf village. Black figures flashed through the foliage of dense trees and surrounded a small abandoned vegetable garden, four from four sides came out and silently made a seal of the earth's technique and hitting the ground created waves that dug up the ground by raising waves.

The waves met in the center and hitting each other created the sound of scraping metal that is not characteristic of the earth. Hearing the sound as if expecting it, everyone rushed to the broken hatch. Having ripped out the door in the ground, the shadows rushed into the underground corridor. Having divided into groups and pulled out the tanto created especially for the ANBU groups, the first groups ran along the walls in the dark looking for traps and neutralizing them.

The corridors were longer than expected, but one of the groups eventually reached a heavy metal door. Stepping forward, one of the shadows raised the blade and created beautiful white crescents and crumbled the door to pieces.

Going inside, the group found standing refrigerators with corpses. There was a nasty smell of medicine and rotten flesh in the air. The cells with unusual equipment, like respirators, were shut down long ago due to a generator failure. Suddenly, one door from the cells flew off its hinges and, breaking off the cables and hoses, pouring out black blood from itself, IT crawled out. Behind him, a second growl came out to the noise like a primitive beast. Once human, traits were recognized in them. The first creature dispersed awkwardly and breaking tables and chairs, stumbling along the way, lifting a pile of papers into the air, rushed to the nearest shadow. But, the creature did not succeed in this and the head was neatly separated from it's body. After grouped attacks and retreats, the second creature was killed also, which after death turned into a small tree.

"Kakashi-san this is the element of wood." - said one of the people in the black coat, turning to the man, that was looking with a red eye through the mask at the corpses.

"If Yamato says so, then it really is." - Muttered a figure on the ceiling who was guarding the other cameras in preparation for a surprise attack.

Deactivating the Sharingan, Kakashi removed the weapon and waved his hand to continue searching area. Room by room after checking, all two groups met outside and began to take everything out and write down on paper. Having destroyed all the dangers, Kakashi left the place, transferring command to another ninja and went to the place of the temporary headquarters to meet with Shikaku. There was a lot to discuss. The first laboratory was confirmed from the papers, which means there is a chance that others will be confirmed as well.

What is contained in the documents that they will find in these places?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Me lazy, me go sleep.


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