
Zi Mei makes a choice

It was not easy looking for a college and a course she actually likes. She had spent so much of her time in the library in Thorin's place poring over all sorts of books but without any actual focus. She still didn't really know what she liked or what she was good at. Her grades in school were mediocre, she wasn't a particularly excellent student but she wasn't exactly failing out of everything either. She had cruised through it all with reasonable grades, all Bs, and Cs, maybe a couple As. Nothing exceptional.

Honestly, she barely remembered the subjects she studied in school. She only remembered the times she spent with her friends in school and the tiny little escape it gave her from home and their dire financial situation. In school, at least she gets to eat cheap canteen food. Food that she can afford. Sometimes, the canteen remains open till late and she'd buy extras for lunch and keep some for dinner.

Now, sitting with her friends and brainstorming over what she should study, she realised sadly that she didn't have any particular talent or interest. It was highly demoralising.

"Maybe I should just take some generic course like business management or something," she suggested.

"Well, it can be a useful course," Jazzmine said.

"Oh c'mon. That's boring. I am sure you have an interest in something, anything…"Sheena said.

Zi Mei looked at Darren, hoping he will suggest something. Darren is closest to her and knows her more than Jazzmine and Sheena. Surely, he would know what she likes.

"I remember you once said you want to be a princess with a pet dragon…" Darren said, grinning cheekily.

She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I am sure there must be a course somewhere to study on how to become a princess and another course on how to catch and tame a pet dragon," she replied sarcastically.

The thought of pet dragon brought up images of Thorin with a pet collar and sitting like a dog begging for treats. She suppressed a giggle at the thought.

Sheena threw a pen at Darren and he dodged easily.

"Hey, stop throwing things," Zi Mei said, picking up the pen.

"Please help me figure out what I should study," she said.

She stared at the sheafs of colourful brochures and flyers spread out on the table before them. They had collected tons of promotional materials from every single college and university they could visit in two hours. They had went college-hopping as Sheena called it since 3 o'clock and made it back to her home by 5 o'clock. Thanks to living on a small island, it was pretty easy and fast to visit the few colleges and universities that are nearby.

Sheena sorted through the stacks of glossy paper and picked one out.

"How about this one?" she handed it to her.

It was a course for art and animation. She looked at it. She has always been pretty good at drawing in school. Not exceptionally good but good enough to earn her As most of the time.

Darren craned his neck to look at it and he nodded in agreement.

"Yup, that suits you," he said.

"Art? Really?" she asked. She looked at Jazzmine for her opinion.

"I agree, you have always been good in art, it was so natural for you," she said.

"But my drawings weren't exactly all that great," Zi Mei pointed out.

"That could be because you don't have the supplies and equipment…besides, you were always rushing off to your part time job, you didn't even have time to cultivate it," Darren said.

He was right. She couldn't afford to spend money on art equipment so usually for art class, she would borrow some paint and brushes from her friends, usually Darren.

"Look, they have other minors, here's one on manga drawing, you can even be a manga artist," Jazzmine said excitedly. Jazzmine is a huge manga and webcomic fan.

Zi Mei has dabbled a bit in drawing manga characters but she wasn't very good at it.

"I'm not exactly all that good in drawing," she said.

"Well, if cost is not an issue, why not try?" Sheena said.

Zi Mei had lied to her friends that Thorin is sponsoring her education and letting her take time off to study because of the successful listing of his company. It was to be her 'bonus'. They were happy for her and they were glad that she finally get to live like a young adult instead of having to struggle to make ends meet.

"Yes, Mei, you are very good actually, you should try this course, unless you have a better idea," Darren said.

Zi Mei stared at the brochure. It does look interesting. She does rather enjoy drawing and learning to draw and animate what she drew will be quite fun. It was not as if she needed a career but having an interest and a way to pass her time is good. She could even create her own comics and series.

"Okay, now that I think about it, I think it will be fun," she said finally.

"Yay! Let's celebrate this new part of your life as a fellow college student!" Sheena said. She dragged Zi Mei and Jazzmine up.

"Let's go out to celebrate! Dinner and drinks and we can all crash back here!"

Zi Mei agreed and so they all linked arms and went out together with Darren trailing behind them. They chose some fancy Italian restaurant for dinner because Zi Mei said she had a rather large bonus and she could afford it.

After dinner, they went on to a pub and started a night of revelry with Sheena drinking mug after mug without any breaks. It was not long before Sheena was drunk and muttering unintelligibly, resting her head on the table.

"What's wrong with Sheena? Why is she drinking like she's in depression…that didn't look like a celebration," Zi Mei asked Jazzmine and Darren.

Darren shrugged. He is not very close to Sheena so he didn't know. Jazzmine glanced at Sheena and the other girl is still has her head on the table, her eyes closed.

"I think she broke up with her boyfriend," Jazzmine said in a low tone.

"I didn't break up with him! That douchebag ghosted me!" Sheena suddenly shouted before putting her head down again.

Zi Mei felt so bad. She should have noticed that Sheena was sad and broken hearted. Instead, she was so wrapped up in her own drama and her own sadness over the loss of the baby that she didn't even bother to check on her friends and how they have been.

"What happened?" she asked Jazzmine.

"Turns out that the guy was cheating on her with another girl and when she found out, she threw up a huge fuss and after that, he ghosted her,"

"Wrong! I didn't threw a huge fuss!" Sheena raised her head, her eyes are bloodshot. "I merely went to confront him and that douchebag had the guts to lie about it!"

"Ugh…well, good riddance!" Zi Mei said. She never liked Sheena's ex boyfriend anyway. She always felt he has this oily slimy character that give her the shivers.

"I know he's a douchebag and I deserve better but it hurts okay? I don't like being dumped!" Sheena said.

Zi Mei patted her back.

"I am sorry I wasn't around for you to vent," she apologised.

"Bah! Don't apologise! It is all the men's fault, every single one of them are douchebags!" Sheena said. She pointed at Darren, "Even you!"

"Hey! What did I do?! I am sitting here minding my own business!" he protested.

"You have a huge thing for Zi Mei here and you don't even want to admit it! That's a douche move!" Sheena accused him.

Zi Mei looked at Darren. He blushed a bright tomato red.

"Er..don't listen to her…she's drunk!" he said.

"C'mon! I saw the way you look at her, like a lost puppy dog, just admit it already," Sheena said. She glared at Darren.

"I am sure you just can't wait to get in her pants! Just go ahead and do it already, the two of you please and put us out of our misery," she slurred.

"Sheena!" Darren exclaimed. He turned to Zi Mei, looking utterly mortified. "Look…she's just drunk, don't listen to her, she doesn't know anything," he said.

Zi Mei doesn't know what to think. She has known Darren from young and it was obvious that he is now lying. Could Sheena have hit the nail on the spot? If it's true, it will be awkward between her and Darren if she turned him down. She turned to Jazzmine and was surprised to find Jazzmine looking at Darren with strong longing shining in her eyes.

What a terrible mess they are in! Jazzmine has a crush on Darren and she didn't even realise it until now. When Jazzmine noticed her looking, she quickly turned away and looked at Sheena who has again laid her head on the table.

"Come, Sheen, lets get out of here, you can crash at my place, you are too drunk to get home safely," she said instead. She didn't want to deal with Darren or Jazzmine's feelings. She knows she can never return Darren's feelings now. Maybe before Thorin, she might have had some feelings but now, she is sure she no longer felt the same way about Darren.

Hi dear readers and supporters,

I am truly sorry for the delay in my updates! I will try to update it more often from now onwards. Once again, thank you so much for your power stones and comments!

Much much love to all my readers.

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