
Covert Reunion, Pt 2

Xylo sped forward as quickly and quietly as she could towards the two unassuming corporate guards. They were both completely unaware of her existence, even as they patrolled lazily down a dark and dusty mineshaft tunnel.

She came up behind them, grabbed one by the neck, and yanked backwards with all the force she could muster. After she threw him on the ground, she performed a jumping round-house kick at the other.

Her armored shin slammed against the back of his helmet with swift precision, and knocked him out cold. Xylo then spun around, stood over the one who had fallen, and swatted the side of his helmet with the butt of her pistol.

The force of it was strong enough that he too was knocked out cold.

The rest of the Ravens came up a few seconds later, and moved the two knocked out corporate guards out of the way and further into the shadows. Amal even injected them with mild doses of a simple sedative, which kept them unconscious for hours.

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