
time travel or parallel universe???

Wen shaoqing: So I opened this box with that key through which dad opened it and see these I found these capsule type devices....and do you know what this is used for? She replied while rolling her eyes "umm I guess for some illness."

Wen shaoqing: no idiot

Shen Yuan: Then?πŸ™„

Wen shaoqing: as far as I know these are the devices through which we can travel in another world.

For a minute there a pin drop silence in the room then she broke the silence asking, "Wait, wait.....so you want to say that your parents have traveled in future?"

Wen shaoqing: No I mean to say that they have traveled back in ancient times and in parallel universe.

Again a pin drop silence was there in his room then she laughed and said "Are you sick? Huh?"

Wen shaoqing: No, I am totally ok and what I am saying is true you have to believe me.

Shen Yuan: How I am I supposed to believe you what you are saying is impossible.

Wen shaoqing:No it's not. Why don't you believe what I am saying?

Shen Yuan: Ok let's believe that for the time being but how can I help you in all this?

he replied immediately "Only you can help us."

Shen Yuan: REALLY??? But how?

Wen shaoqing: So where my parents and their parents got lost is also same. Their emperor is new as he ascended The throne five years ago. Right now he has only four concubines but they all are dangerous, he also has a wife who's name is.... Empress Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan: FOUR CONCUBINES!!!Omg and empress Shen Yuan??? yaaah why the empress name is same as mine?

she couldn't believe as it was so unreal.

Wen shaoqing: That's what I am saying not only name but your faces also match.

shen Yuan: WHAT????

Wen shaoqing: Yes, you still don't believe me?

Shen Yuan: obviously..NO!!!

Wen shaoqing: Ok fine then be ready to discover a new world.

meanwhile he was telling her about a new world Jiang came with coffee for them to drink but shaoqing said coldly "we are busy don't disturb us!" Jiang didn't said anything in return and went back. although Yuan didn't said anything but she was angry...so she said in an angry tone "ok let's go and see your new world"

Wen shaoqing: hmm Hold this capsule in your hand when I say " do " you'll pull the capsule apart. ok?

Shen Yuan: Wait I mean do I...do I really have to do this?

he pats her head softly and said "Yes only you can do this." she then nodded and shaoqing started counting,





as soon as he said pull they both felt a strong light on their faces as they opened their eyes Shen Yuan shouted.


Wen shoaqing: don't shout we can't be here for a long time as time stops here we don't know what is happening outside let's get out of her

but Shen Yuan didn't wanted to go it was the best place she could ever see, as far as her eyes could see there were stars shinning everywhere both the sky and land was pulper with stars all over them she was enjoying all this when shaoqing held her hand and with a blink of eyes she was at a very noisy place where people were shouting in ancient language.

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