
Chapter Eighty Four: She-monster

Navaya soon left Becca's office to go back to hers and when it was time for lunch, she stood by her door, watching Becca leave to go have a meal with that she-monster.

" You sure you don't need backup or reinforcement?" Navaya asked, watching Becca lock her office door.

Becca finished locking up and turned to Navaya with a smile on her face. 

" I will be fine and besides, you know I can't trust you to be anywhere near Raquel or you might land your ass in jail this time." Becca giggled and hugged Navaya.

" Prison doesn't scare me, having Raquel misuse your kindness and hurt you again does." Navaya patted Becca's back and broke the hug.

Becca, unaware of what to say, just nodded. What could she say? She couldn't possibly say Navaya was exaggerating or that she was incriminating Raquel because both of them knew the horrible things Raquel had done in the past, what she was still capable of.

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