
Liana's Request

"How do you know?" Liana asked.

White said, "The connection between the Matriarch and the core of this tree has become deeper as ages passed. I can sense the stench of Seir at the edge. Your mother is trying her best to keep the infection at bay but Seir's influence has always been strong. Soon, you will have to step up to prevent further contamination."

Nea grabbed Liana's shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Liana kept her eyes locked on the ground, unable to look at Nea's accusing eyes. "The Matriarch told me merely hours ago. Just when I was about to tell you Brianna came in. I swear I planned to tell you right after this."

"Alright, fine. The situation is hectic and I trust you won't lie to me. But…" Nea looked at White. "You must know a way to solve this infection right? You lived through the first great war."

"There may be. But I cannot help you. Though I am strong, I am not adept at the art of healing. Back then, the art of cleansing such corruption was known. But at this age of peace, I don't believe there's anyone left who understands."

It was just as Liana expected but a twinge of disappointment persisted. She grasped Nea's hands which had grown tense. "Don't worry I'll be alright."

"No, you won't! You know how your mother changed after she took the seat. If you take the seat then you'll no longer be yourself."

"Enough," Brianna said. "There's no point in fussing over a matter which has been set in stone. It is Liana's duty to be the Matriarch. No amount of whining will stop that."

Nea whirled around and pointed her finger at Brianna. "Well, I'm sorry that I care about my friend well being! Unlike you a stuck-up who only cares about rules and duties! If you actually searched for my mother instead of leaving her, she'll still be alive!"

"Nea!" Liana warned.

"You know what? I don't care anymore! I have enough of this stupid clan." With those words, Nea fled.

"Come back!" Liana tried to pursue her friend but was blocked by Brianna.

Brianna shook her head. "Let her cool off."

Liana clenched her fist. This was the most hopeless moment she had ever experience. She wanted to comfort Nea but she couldn't fulfill her wish. Although there was reluctance, Liana knew her responsibility.

"Let's go back," Brianna said.

Liana said, "You go ahead, I still want to talk with White."

Brianna looked at them both, nodded, and left.

Liana locked her eyes with White's and said, "I have a request."

"Oh?" White raised his eyebrow.

"I plan to send Nea out of the island. Keeping her here will only torture her. The outside world is vast and she will soon forget about the clan. It is never meant for her to be kept like a caged bird. I know that Nea's father is a Sect Leader. If the clan Elders don't agree I want you to take her there. Can you do that for me?"

"Such a tedious request. But alright, I don't mind seeing how the cultivation world is doing at this time."

"Thank you." Liana smiled, feeling a little bit of weight sliding off her shoulders. "Then do you plan to investigate Seir's matter by yourself?"

White crossed his arms. "I have a grudge against Seir. Back then someone brought it down before I could, depriving me of this right. This time I will succeed."

"If you come across information relating to Nea's mother. Can you tell me about it? I want to know what happened."

"Don't you want me to tell Nea about it?"

"I'm afraid she'll do something reckless if she knows."

"You never let her have a chance to make her own decision. That kid needs to grow up soon or she'll do something stupid that will end in pain."

"I'm not going to let her get hurt!"

"How?" White asked. "You will be bound to this island when you become the Matriarch. Your protection cannot last forever. A bird that never spread its wings will die."

Liana could only thin her lips and held her head down. She knew she was weak. That was why she wanted Nea to find her father. At least he should be able to protect and care for Nea better than her.

Seeing her stubborn look, White could only sigh. "As you wish."

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