Wang Che said calmly, "The other nine crops are used as supplementary materials. There are two types of grains: Red Millet, Dry Grass Valley. There is one type of bean, Roasted Potato. There are two types of oil crops: Red Sunflower, Oil Flower Leaf. There are two types of sugar: Sweetheart Root, Sweet Stalk. There are two types of fruits: Snow Melon, Acid Cloud Banana."
"Although the nutrients of the Scholar Fragrance Bean are more comprehensive, it's only more comprehensive for ordinary people."
"To a soul pet, the nutrients provided by ordinary crops are far from enough. Therefore, it needs to add other crops that contain various nutrients to harmonize and strengthen."
"The reason is that these crops are relatively stable. Fusing with other crops won't cause too many changes. It can reduce the mistakes made during the preparation, increase the success rate, and increase the stability."
At this point, everyone came to a realization.
'I see.'
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: