Father Wang said, "If you had said that earlier, wouldn't I have understood? Son, it's your honor to be able to meet such a person. Although you're also very outstanding, there's still a big difference between you and such a person. But it's okay, you're still you."
"I heard that he saved you?"
Wang Che nodded.
"Then if there's a chance in the future, you have to thank him personally. I heard on the news that he saved our lives. Not only you, but many others also saved us," Mother Wang said.
"Of course. I'll bring the green caterpillar to his room to rest."
"Go, go."
Wang Che brought the green caterpillar back to his room.
He had gone offline for two days.
Wang Che turned on his communication device and discovered a lot of information.
Most of them were classmates.
The news reported that there were 999+ messages in the group chat and many private messages.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: