
Chapter 787: Riley x Gracy...!?!?

"They seem to be very good at camouflaging themselves, Gracy. How were you able to find the previous krukux with your body?"

"Can you stop? Ack, it won't come off."

30 minutes after the match started, and Riley and Gracy still haven't found another krukux. Well, they have — but Riley completely ignored the octophoid as he was searching for Jakol. They were now in some sort of river, with Gracy violently exfoliating her skin and trying to get rid of the ink painted on her body.

"You do not seem to be shy in showing your body, Gracy. Is that a trait of the people in your universe?" Riley asked as he watched Gracy wash herself. Her skin was completely bare, with the only thing blocking everyone from seeing her breasts was the current of water flowing around her,

"I recall the Hannah of your universe was also quite nonchalant when her shirt was ripped open."

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