
Chapter 687: Riley Ross and The Multiverse of Huh?


…You're Alice Lane."

The Deity.

Riley had been wondering what it was ever since he heard of it. Granted, he has been in this place for less than a month, but he truly could not remove the Deity from his mind. After all, back in his universe, his telekinetic abilities were equal only to one—and she was dead.

Nothing had already explained it before, that Riley might and will meet people with the same faces as those he knows—No. Not just the same face. The way that Nothing explained it, they will literally be the same person… but their past, memories, and their entire life might be different.

In this case, as Riley stared at the Deity, he immediately knew what was different in her life.

She's alive.

Alice Lane, his biological mother, the woman that conceived him in the most unconventional way, is alive in this world… or maybe not?

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