
Chapter 678: The Retired Villain Can't Live a Normal Life


Riley never really thought of it before, he had no reason to, but it would seem Paige has been blaming herself all these years—blaming herself for Riley's deteriorating mind. 

She has been trying to calm herself and stay strong, but she just literally cried for hours and put herself to sleep. She didn't even notice that Riley already got up from the sofa, and was now looking outside the window.

Some of the tenants of the orphanage school were still loitering out in the fields. The students seemed to be free to roam everywhere during their rest time… everywhere as long as it is within the walls of their school, that is.

Riley tried to find the children with similar abilities to themarians, but none of them were on the field anymore. Why exactly was Diana gathering children that have similar abilities to themarians?

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