
Chapter 23 Island Captured

After Arch tucked the Ultimate Devil Fruit Encyclopedia away the two exited the cave, and appeared in the forest once more. 'Amazon Book Store? What a coincidence I suppose, but what bastards they really charged extra for the True Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, twats.' Arch sighed before looking at Spin.

He had given the man his word that he'd let him go eventually, naturally things had changed now that this book was in his hands and Arch could tell that Spin was panicking. 'He's going to kill me, I shouldn't have taken him here, I am so fucked.' Spin thought, praying to any and all Gods that he knew of or existed within the universe.

"I am sure you know what I have to do, but seeing as this is unfair to you I'll allow you to make one request." Arch calmly declared, Spin felt his back turn cold as a hand clasped the back of his neck.

"My friends are dead, my family disowned me, I have nothing left to request..... what's your name?" Spin asked tears welling up in his eyes. His life had truly been a waste. "Archelaus Tigra." He calmly replied his hands turning into the claws of a tiger.

"Then I'll be wishing for your demise from hell Archelaus Tigra." Spin laughed, in his last act of futile defiance before Arch's claws pierced his neck killing him. "Haa, being a King is truly difficult, had I been a pirate I'd just let you go, but I can't have Cipher Pol potentially running around the Kingdom at least not just yet." Arch sighed cleaning the blood off of himself.

Arch then lugged Spin's body back to the hill and chucked him among the pile of corpses. "How did it go?" Alonso asked standing beside Arch once again. Hearing that he simply flashed Alonso a sign, and immediately the man closed his mouth.

That was the "classified" sign which had only taught a select number of people. Sometimes it was more convenient to talk in signs rather than words when discussing sensitive topics in public.

After a brief period of silence Arch noticed that yet another day was coming to a close the sun setting over the horizon. Soon after he noticed Kaf's figure climbing up the hill. "Reporting all pirates have been killed number of corpses number 1984 which is around the expected range. We've had 0 casualties but 200 of our men are injured albeit lightly." Kaf reported bowing respectfully to Arch.

Since the events of last night Kaf's demeanor had changed, the King and his assistant had practically destroyed the camp of 1500 pirates by themselves, if this wasn't a man worthy of being called King Kaf didn't know who was.

"Great, how about the operation?" Arch asked. "I am not too well informed about that, Royal Butler Alonso should know more." Kaf replied before departing he had to manage the soldiers after all.

"Things have going as planned, after our victory the mine was found and the civilians workers have been brought down from the ships. The construction workers estimate that it'll take about 3 months for them to rebuild the facility, on the other hand the miners were quite pleased with the layout of the mine saying it was quite well built which means they can start mining almost immediately." Alonso explained.

Naturally there had been 3 main goals for attacking Lawless, not just rounding up the pirates for their bounties. Firstly was the coal mine which could provide a good source of income for the Kingdom, Secondly Lawless as an Island itself land was always valuable after all, and finally the gun manufacturing factory.

Sure Ugo had blown it up when they had launched their attack on Lawless, but that didn't mean it was unsalvageable. Which is why Arch brought 10 specialised gun manufacturers with them. If the factory was unsalvageable though, Arch wasn't too bothered they had already made quite a few gains after all.

Arch then went back to the Blood Fang were he slept for the night, the next day the corpses of the bountyless pirates were buried and Kaf began to set up points around the island to make sure there were no intruders. Alonso on the other hand put the miners to work, while the construction workers started rebuilding the factory. Luckily some of the residences in the old city of Lawless were either undamaged or weren't too burnt down.

While the city itself was a distance away from the "treasure's" original location it was in the perfect spot in terms of defending the port while being close enough to the coal mine. Its only flaw was that the gun manufacturing factory was too close by but this could be changed at a later date.

A week later things on Lawless had settled, and the people had gotten into a routine but Arch wasn't needed on the island any longer, not only that but the bounties needed to be handed in as the pirates' bodies were beginning to decompose.

"Alonso, I'll trust you can take care of things here?" Arch asked, the Blood Fang and the Autumn Breeze were ready to depart from Lawless. The Blood Fang had to simply be returned to the country while Autumn Breeze was required to take food back to Lawless.

"Thank you your Majesty, I won't let you down." He replied as he bowed. "And Kaf well done on your performance, I was impressed." Arch complemented the man who simply saluted in response. "Naturally as Battalion Commander its my duty." Kaf simply replied.

Arch then boarded the Blood Fang, both ships would first be heading for the nearest Marine base to secure the bounties and then make their way to Tigria, after all 2 Ships were more imposing than 1.

The journey back to Tigria began, and Arch gazing at Lawless as they sailed away, leaving Alonso on Lawless was a difficult choice to make but it was for the best, he wasn't weak in the least and having been trained as a butler since young his management skills were top notch especially after handling various different things for Arch these past few months.

'Whatever that isn't the important thing, dealing with the possible backlash from this move is going to be a pain though.' Arch sighed, the course had been set and there was no changing anything now. He'd either emerge victorious becoming a hero of the people or die vilified as a demon.

"I refuse to be a dog." Arch muttered, so naturally his choice would be made clear. 'I'll just become the "hero".' He solidified his will for what was to come.

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