
A Tale of Blood and Monsters Ch. 10

Year 278 AC

Essos – Lys

As we walked through the bustling streets of the wealthy island city, I passed off the dragonlings to Chatana. She was after all the only one I'd taught how to connect with their minds to keep them docile. Given that I intended for her to ride one of them once they grew too large for my shoulders, it seemed appropriate. Recognizing the unspoken dismissal for what it was, both her and Melisandre broke off and left me to wander the streets with my new slave girls.

The twins were quiet as we walked, and at a cursory glance you would see nothing more than slaves dutifully trailing slightly behind their master. However, as I studied them out of the corner of my eyes whenever I stopped to pretend to browse a market cart's wares, I could sense a different truth hidden under their feigned obedience. They did their best, but they could not entirely hide the bearing which they were born with.

Every fiber of their poorly hidden upbringing screamed that they were far more than slaves, at least before they were gifted to me. As we continue to walk along, I consider what to do with them even as Lyseni of all ages and genders attempt to grab a moment of my time, a fragment of my attention.

A few are starving beggars who only recognize me as a wealthy man and nothing more. Some are just passerbys who recognize me as a wealthy foreign man, and go as far as to offer their homes as a place to rest and dine for the evening so they may have a story with which to enhance their status. Some of these are young women who look like they wish to gain more than just a story. Then, there are the merchants and shopkeeps who constantly attempt to gain my attention so they may try to sell me something.

I ignore the majority of them, as nothing really catches my eye. I'm just taking my time enjoying a walk with my new slaves, as they slowly grow more and more uncomfortable. I wonder if they will be recognized, given my current working theory on their origins. After a bit I'm considering ending our little walk and making my way over to where my Blessed have set up shop, when one of the many Lyseni vying for my attention draws my eyes.

He looks no different than anyone else I've ignored as we walked, but my sight is not all I rely on and when I really 'look' at him, I see a strange emptiness. He doesn't smell right either. The entire thing comes across as entirely fake. A magical disguise of some sort? My curiosity is piqued so I stop and turn to him with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Oh? And what do you have to offer me?"

The fake man goes through all the proper motions, bowing low and simpering as he responds, "I am a man of humble means, but I can offer you a place to rest your feet and a warm evening meal for you and your servants."

His act is perfect in every way that matters to mortal eyes. I know that the twins behind me certainly can't tell anything is wrong, though I imagine they have other things on their minds at the moment. Grinning, I graciously accept the offer and the mystery man leads us into his small abode, directing us to a small sitting room and leaving us alone, supposedly to prepare our meals.

I was expecting poison or an ambush at this point, so to secure my newest slaves, the first thing I do once we're alone is open a vein on one of my wrists and squeeze a few drops of blood into the cups of water in front of both of them. They look at me with wide eyes, which works perfectly for me, as I easily compel them to drink.

Once they've done so, I finally relax fully, smiling placidly as I look between the two beautiful young women, "Now then, what should I call you?"


"Whatever you wish, Master."

The first is cut off by what I assume is a foot under the table from the other as she stops her. I just raise an eyebrow as they stare at each other angrily for several long moments. My smile grows and I chuckle, shaking my head, "Silly little darlings. You're as much slaves as I am a Dragonlord."

That gets both of their attention. The one who almost gave me her name looks incredulous, "But you are a dragonlord. We saw your dragons. … Master."

She remembers to tack it on at the end, but it's hilariously obvious at this point that neither girl has had years of proper training in how to be a pleasure slave. But then, I'd figured that the moment I'd been told they were virginal. I was beginning to suspect that this was less about me and more about whomever they were the daughters of. I wasn't the target, I was the weapon wielded to tear someone down that the magisters wanted disgraced, either among their own number or else someone growing too powerful elsewhere in the city.

Either way, I would need to rectify the situation. I was no one's weapon. Still, the girl's words warrant a response, "Yes, with those two baby dragons, I can be called a dragonlord now. Just as you both are now slaves after being gifted to me. I am now a dragonlord and you are now property. But what were we before that hm?"

Catching the girl's hand in mine and locking eyes with her, I intiate compulsion, "Tell me, who are you and your sister really?"

"My name is Alynera Rogare and my sister is Jaehra Rogare. We were the daughters of Magister Rogare, but our family has been in decline for generations. Our father has barely been able to maintain his title and when news of your eminent arrival reached Lys, he made poor decisions. His enemies used this to acquire us for you. Our father chose not to refuse."

Jaehra is staring at her sister betrayed as I release Alynera's hand and lean back with a satisfied smile on my face. Alynera blinks and then looks at me with wide eyes, "I-I… w-why did I tell you that?"

"Because I wanted you to darling. And as my property, you will do as I want, always. You both will."

That gets identical shivers from the two identical girls as they look down away from me. Still smiling, I open my mouth to speak, but I'm interrupted by the return of our mystery man. He's actually carrying plates of food for each of us, and I raise an eyebrow as he sets them down and then joins us to eat.

"I am so pleased you decided to grace my home with your presence Milord. Please, enjoy."

Grinning as I look down at what looks like a very appetizing home cooked meal, but is probably riddled with some sort of poison and incline my head slightly in thanks before digging in without a care in the world. The twins eat after a moment of watching me, as does the mystery man. For several minutes the room is silent besides the sound of cutlery hitting plates and chewing.

Then, Jaehra pales and begins to gasp for breath. Alynera looks at her in concern but doesn't even get her sister's name out before beginning to choke as well, her hand going to her throat. Together, my host and I sit in silence as the young women expire in mere moments. At the same time, I can feel the poison filtering through my own system and burning away. I remain seated as I lock eyes with the man across the table from me.

"So you went with the strangler? I had wondered if I would recognize the poison you used or if I would have to ask. Tell me, why do the Faceless Men want me dead?"

It's an educated shot in the dark, but I'm feeling pretty confident over it as the man silently rises from his seat. I could be wrong of course, just because I remember the Faceless Men using the strangler doesn't mean others can't. But it just fits so well with what I already know. This man is fake and empty, like he's wearing a skin that doesn't belong to him. I don't believe I've run across a faceless man before now, but this is what I imagine they would be like to my senses.

Without saying a word the assassin leaps over the table at me, a small dirk sliding into his hand and aimed directly at my eye, clearly intended to skewer through into my brain. My hand closes around his with the blade barely a hair away from my eyeball, but I show no fear as I hold the quivering assassin at bay with my greater strength. A moment later his other arm comes up and attempts to jam a larger dagger into my neck.

This time I don't bother catching him before he can, instead my palm straightens out and moves with enough speed to sever his hand at the wrist, the dagger and his hand flying away from us as he cries out in pain. Finally rising from my chair, I leverage my strength and break the fingers on his remaining hand, before releasing it and letting him drop the small dirk from his useless digits.

Grabbing him by the chin, I force him to look into my eyes and try compulsion, even though I already doubt it will work on this creature, "Tell me who hired the House of Black and White to kill me. I would hate to have to slaughter my way through all of you as I make my way through Essos and beyond."

As I thought, it doesn't work and instead the Faceless Man spits in my face and when he finally speaks, all he says is, "Valar Morghulis."

My face twists into what I imagine is a mocking sinister smile, as my free hand comes up to grab onto the assassin's hair.

"I am no man."

Then I pull and with an easy wrench considering my strength, I remove his head from his body, sending blood spurting across the table and my front and the wall as well as the body drops to the ground. I stare at the head for a long moment and then toss it down contemptuously as well, before slowly settling back into my seat.

I pick up my cutlery and return to eating as I ponder what just happened, the faces of my dead twin slaves still lying in their own unfinished plates. So the Faceless Men were hunting me. I was largely ambivalent to that nugget of knowledge right now. Let them come, I'd kill all takers, and perhaps I would become the first contract in history that the Faceless Men called off. I would certainly be one they never completed.

And if they did not stop? Well, burning down the House of Black and White was one short trip up to Braavos, wasn't it? The thought brought a large smile to my face even as I heard the sounds of men in armor approaching the house. It was a small number, only three heartbeats, so I sat and waited, continuing to finish my meal in the meantime.

Eventually through the door came a familiar magister along with two of what I could only assume were loyal family guards. All three stopped short at what lay before them. I can imagine how it looked to them having just arrived on the scene. A room covered in sprays of blood with two young women expired and faceplanted in their food, a beheaded body laid out across the table and a head rolled to a stop against a nearby wall.

And there I was at the head of the table across from them, calmly eating my food as I looked up at them and smiled, "Ah, Magister Ragore I assume. I was just talking to your daughters about you."

Ooh, there it is, the shock on his face quickly giving way to anger as he suddenly grabs a sword from the sheathe at one of his guard's sides and points it at me, "You! What have you done to my children?!"

I continue to be utterly unconcerned as I glance towards the aforementioned children and shrug, "This man attempted to poison me and cared not for collateral damage it seemed. So they died. In return, I tore his head off of his body."

That gets some paling expressions from all three men, and I assume only now that I've gestured at it have they noticed the bloody head that had rolled against a nearby wall and was conveniently staring at them with wide open clouded over eyes.

The Magister is left at a loss for words as he turns his gaze back to me, "You… you… you!"

Smiling, I stand up and draw all three pairs of eyes to my own. My eyes flick between the men as I compel them easily, "You two, leave and forget all of this. Magister, you will return that sword and then take a seat."

All three shuffle to do my bidding, and I'm soon left alone with the man who'd been forced to sell his daughters into slavery. He's shaking with what I figure is a combination of rage and fear as he sits where I'd told him to. We don't remain alone for long though as both of his dead daughters come back to life with wide eyes and large gasps.

His eyes flicker between them, wide with fear as his anger is forgotten by the sheer horror of what seems to be happening. Neither Jaehra or Alynera notice him, after all their first sight upon coming back from the dead is a corpse still bleeding from the stump where it's head had used to be. In a moment they're on the table and licking at the blood from opposite sides, before letting out cries as their transformation is completed and they become full hybrids.

Even then, they look to me instead of their father, Jaehra the first to speak, "Master? What happened?"

I direct my answer at her father, "Do you remember what I said Magister? Nothing less than complete conversion."

My newest hybrids' heads snap to their seated father at my words and I notice the way he pales even further at the hunger and hatred in their eyes. They move as one as they begin to slink across the table towards him, Alnyera grinning wickedly, "Hello father."

He seems to be at a loss for words, as the only sound that comes out of his mouth is a whimper. Still, before they reach him I clear my throat, "Stop."

Both of my newest pets respond to my command, stopping and turning back at me. Jaehra juts out her lower lip and pouts at me, while Alnyera puts on the puppy dog eyes, "B-but M-master… please, let us have our fun with this worthless fool. We're so hungry."

Smiling, I move from my place at the head of the table and slowly walk around it to approach the frozen magister. Along the way, I pass Jaehra and run a hand through her hair affectionately, while Alnyera looks on with clear jealousy. Finally, I come to a stop before the seated Magister, staring down at him.

"Do you think I should let them have you Magister? I do believe as they are now, they would tear you apart."

The Magister shows his true colors then, the same personality that let him give up his daughters instead of his seat on the Council of Magisters as he blubbers incoherently, "P-please d-don't let them kill me, I'll do anything!"

Chuckling, I grab a nearby cup and empty it onto the floor. Then I pierce one of my veins once more and fill the cup with some of my blood, before pushing it into the terrified man's hands, "Very well, then you will drink."

He takes it and looks at the blood with wide confused eyes for a moment, but a growl from one of his daughters causes him to lift the cup with shaking fingers to his lips and drink it down. Once he's done so, I take the blood stained cup from his grasp and set it back down on the table, before looking to my newest children, "Now you may kill him. You will leave him in one piece though, or I will be very upset with you."

"What?! No! No please!"

I move back to my original seat at the head of the table and settle down to watch as the magister's daughters take out their frustrations on their dear old father. Much blood is shed before the life expires from his eyes, but once they're done, both girls return dutifully to my side, draping themselves over either side of my body.

They rub themselves against me suggestively and both are vying for my attention, but it's all on their dead father as I wait patiently and plan out what will happen next. Eventually he comes back to life with a gasp and I watch with a small smile as he grabs the cup in front of him that I'd filled with the blood of the dead assassin and downs it to satisfy the hunger in his mind. One transformation later and he's staring at his hands with wide eyes, clearly feeling the power in his body now.

I don't wait for him to get over that, suddenly pushing off from between Alynera and Jaehra to appear before their father, grabbing him by his throat and slamming him onto the table as his daughters watch on with wide eyed interest. He scrambles against my grip but despite his new strength, it's useless. I catch his eyes and he stills without me even needing to compel him, swallowing thickly and asking, "What have you done to me?"

"Complete conversion my new friend. You are now a member of my Blessed, one of my dear friends and followers. You will serve my interests in Lys for a long time to come."

He nods shakily, his fear still very palpable as he responds, "Y-yes. W-whatever you say."

Chuckling, I shake my head and lock eyes once more with him, preparing to compel him, "No no, I do not rule through fear my dear magister. My enemies can fear me and hate me, but my allies and my friends love and adore me. You my friend, will come to feel the same in just one moment…"

And then I proceed to make it so as I twist the magister's mind into one that will best suit my future interests in Lys. Once he's more agreeable to my way of thinking, I give him his orders and then leave him to clean up the mess as I take my twin beauties and head for the compound I'd had purchased upon arrival in Lys so that the Blessed I left behind here would have a place to work out of.

There were glances at mine and my pets' appearances when we arrived, but nobody commented. Melisandre looked at me longingly, and clearly hoped I'd invite her into the bath I had her prepare for the three of us, but in the end I just gave her an evil smirk and told her to leave once she'd finished drawing it. Stripping down, Jaehra and Alynera can barely keep their hands off me long enough for us to clean off the blood, but then I don't exactly mind.

My own hands explore their tight nubile bodies, kneading and groping and pinching sensitive spots in ways that cause them to yelp and shiver in delight under my learned ministrations. Eventually Alynera drops beneath the water and takes me into her mouth for a bit of underwater fun even as Jaehra attacks my mouth with her own and does her level best to explore it with her tongue.

One hand comes to rest on the top of Alynera's head as she does her level best to blow me despite a clear lack of experience, the other grabbing hold of Jaehra's ass and pulling her closer to me as I return her lewd kiss with equal fervor. Jaehra moans into my mouth as my hands work their magic on her supple body, and in turn I let out a groan as Alynera's inexperienced tongue finds the magic spot to lick on the underside of my cock.

Eventually I pull Alynera out of the water and spin her around before grabbing her hips and impaling her on my hard length. Her virginity tears but she doesn't seem to notice or care, Jaehra watching on with visible jealousy as Alynera grabs hold of the sides of the tub and bounces herself up and down on me, causing the water we're in to slosh about wildly, splashing out onto the floor as her eyes roll back and she screams out in pleasure as she climaxes noisily and messily.

Ordering Jaehra to sit back, pleasure herself, and watch, I keep fucking Alynera until she's truly exhausted even with her Hybrid stamina, my thick cock pistoning in and out of her over and over again in every position in the book, some I have to walk her through as she has no idea what they are. I learn something interesting over the course of the few hours it takes to tire her out, but she doesn't seem to notice, lost in the depths of pleasure as she is, so I don't bring it up, merely making note of it and continuing on.

Once she's largely insensate do I finally pull out of her entirely and leave her lying half-unconscious on the edge of the tub, stepping out of the severely depleted bathwater and finally moving to Jaehra, who welcomes me with open arms. Grinning, I press my cock into her wet and waiting lower lips and break her hymen as well, taking her virginity for the first time same as her sisters. She gasps but all her work at preparing herself for me has left her too aroused to care.

Still, I do stop this time, lodged inside of her even as I brush her face with my fingertips and look into her eyes, "I have some bad news darling."

She blinks up at me confused, even as I grin rogueishly. It's bad news for her after all, not for me, "You died still virginal."

Her brow furrows even as I slowly draw out of her, pausing for a moment before driving back in and once again breaking her reconstructed hymen. Her eyes widen in slight pain as well as understanding as her legs wrap around my waist this time, keeping me inside of her even as I chuckle, "My eternal twin virgins. I suppose they will write songs about you two. I'll try to let you and your sister decide what goes into those songs alright? But for now, I think there's something you want."

Jaehra moans and nods, acknowledging and filing away the information I'd just given her, but not really caring about such things right now when what she really wanted was her Master's cock filling her over and over again. So that's what she got, as I fucked the fresh twin sister into the ground all through the rest of the night and well into the morning.

By the time she was as insensate as her sister, her sister was ready and raring to go again. So I fucked Alynera until she was exhausted once more as well, and kept that up until we were all hungry for blood. Then we got back to fucking, as it turns out Lyseni twins are almost as insatiable as I am. With the knowledge that their father was carrying out my commands and setting everything up for my Blessed so that my stay in Lys was far easier than it would have been originally, I spent my days teaching his daughters what real pleasure slaves were expected to know.

After all, even if they were eternally virgins, they'd come advertised as pleasure slaves. It was only right that I get what I was promised, after a fashion.

Even if I had to train them myself.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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