
Unstoppable Ch. 6

Episode 4 (Beauty and the Beasts)

Sunnydale High School

Xander made it only a few steps into the school before I grabbed him and pulled him into an empty classroom. Turns out in a town where students and teachers died weekly, there were a lot of empty classrooms. He began to complain before freezing up as he realized who grabbed him, eyes going wide even as I pushed him further into the room, a smile on my face.

"Uh, h-hey there. What's up?"

I sling an arm over his shoulders and lead him further into the classroom, to a desk that's overloaded with chips and bottled water. I sit him down in the chair next to it, "Xander, it's come to my attention that I've missed a lot of Buffy's adventures as the Slayer. A whole two years from what I understand. I find this to be… intolerable."

Xander is looking at the junk food and water warily before glancing back at me, "Right, totally intolerable. Not sure how I can help ya though V-man, my memory isn't very good at the best of times, let alone when I'm torn between pissing my pants or crapping them in fear."

I chuckle as I lean down to look him in the eye, beginning the compulsion, "First, never ever call me V-man again. Second, your conscious memory is inconsequential. You're going to tell me everything that's happened in Sunnydale involving Buffy and your little group since she arrived here, and because I'm compelling you to do so, you'll even tell me the things you don't remember, in the exact order they've happened."

Xander blinks at that, "Oh… alright then… uhhh, what's with the chips and water?"

I grin and grab a bag, opening it up and offering him a chip. He takes one and I grab one as well, crunching down on it before answering him, "We aren't leaving this room until you're done Xander. So I brought refreshments. You can go ahead and start now."

And so he does, launching into the story from the very beginning, and telling me every little detail of both the events he was there for, and the events he only heard by word of mouth. I just smiled and settled in for the story. By the end of the day we'd gone through all the chips and water, but I was now much more in the know on all of Buffy's past trials and tribulations as the Slayer.

There was also some weird thing about chemicals, abusive relationships, and Oz's werewolf side, but I didn't pay much attention to that. The werewolf curse of this dimension didn't seem to mesh well with the one I was familiar with, so I was reasonably sure that turning Oz into a Hybrid wouldn't actually cure him of his affliction.


Episode 5 (Homecoming)

As I looked around the dance floor, sipping from a glass of sadly non-alcoholic punch, I mused to myself that this absolutely had to be the definition of a filler episode. Cordelia and Buffy had gotten into some tiff and it had somehow resulted in the Slayer I hadn't yet fucked turning into a blonde ditz focused entirely on winning homecoming.

I'd washed my hands of the whole thing and stayed in the Library, reading up. I was still only about halfway through Giles' collection, and while it could at times be a little dry, it was still quite enjoyable and very educational.

Giles was suddenly next to me, face grim and lips pursed in a thin line, "I would not have expected to see someone such as yourself at a children's dance."

I grin wickedly in response, "Why ever not Rupert? As a member of the school faculty, I was asked to chaperone… so here I am."

Giles just looks at me for a long moment, "You expect me to believe Snyder was able to browbeat you into this task?"

I laugh openly at that, and shake my head, "Oh no no, there was no browbeating involved Rupert. No, I just had the realization that I've never actually fed off of a Homecoming Queen before. I can't help but want to rectify that."

Giles freezes like a deer caught in the headlights as he processes those words. Eventually he manages to speak, his voice taking on a slight rasp to it, "The… same position Buffy and Cordelia have been fighting over for the last while?"

I give him my full attention and my best Cheshire cat grin as I drink in his sudden fear, "Oh, have they now? I hadn't noticed. Well, I do hope Ms. Summers beats out Ms. Chase. I've already tasted the latter."

Giles clenches his jaw at that and looks more than a little apocalyptic, "You-"

He's interrupted of course by the two girls we were just talking about walking up. Both of them are wearing dresses and what looks like a hill of dirt each, their appearances are disheveled and their clothes are torn. Giles' attention is fully torn away from me and my plans as he stares at them with concern, "What happened to the two of you?"

Cordelia winces and Buffy groans, "Slayerfest happened."

I would have commented on that if I were still standing next to Giles, Slayerfest sounded amazing… but I was already up on the stage, having taken over the duty of announcing homecoming queen earlier that night.

"Alright everyone, eyes up here!" As everyone turns their attention to the stage, where I stand with the envelope, I grin wickedly, enjoying the look on Giles' face as I open up the envelope and name the winner, "And the winner is… oh well now this is a surprise. We have a tie! The winners are Holly Charleston and Michelle Blake!"

The looks are Buffy and Cordelia's faces are more than a little amusing as a ditzy blonde and an asian girl make their way up to the stage to accept the singular crown I have for them. As the blonde babbles on about not believing she'd won, I watch Buffy and Cordelia walk out. I'm curious about what this Slayerfest was, but that can wait until later.

As everyone claps for their Homecoming Queens I lean in and murmur in the girls' ears, "Both of you go on and enjoy yourselves until the Dance is over. Tomorrow come and find me for the rest of your prize."

They both look happy to do so and I smile as I lean back and let them get back to the celebrations. Giles is still staring at me, as if expecting me to take the girls and bite them right here and now. I just chuckle, give him a wink, and then disappear from the stage and the dance altogether as the band starts playing again.


Episode 6 (Band Candy)

As soon as I saw the kids selling the chocolate I knew what it meant. Of course I did, the Mayor had detailed his plans to me. I suppose I should have been more concerned over him basically incapacitating the entire town so that he could kidnap four babies to feed to a demon that he owed… but I really wasn't. Buffy and the gang would either stop him, or fail.

So I watched in amusement as teenagers went around selling the chocolate and then waited for things to begin. The next night I was prowling for a snack when I found Giles and Joyce out for a stroll. Giles certainly had let loose going off of his rolled up sleeves, jeans, and the cigarette hanging from his lips.

With a raised eyebrow, I'm treated to a front row seat as Giles breaks into a storefront to steal a coat for Joyce. She puts it on with obvious relish and does a twirl for his pleasure, before they're suddenly accosted by a Police Officer. Giles takes the gun from the officer and beats him unconscious, and that's when I decide to step in.

Clapping slowly as I walk up, Giles and Joyce wheel around to find the source of the noise, the former pointing the gun my way as he sees who it is. It's clear he still remembers me as he grits his teeth, "What the hell do you want?"

I raise an eyebrow as I step ever closer, "Are you pointing a gun at me Rupert? Does that seem like the smartest move to make at this point?"

I can see the way Giles grows angry at my use of his first name. He clearly dislikes it as he cocks the gun in his hand, "It's Ripper, not Rupert. And no one wants you here, so why don't you just run off."

I can't help rolling my eyes at that, as I come to a stop with the barrel of his handgun pressed against my chest, "Your false bravado is cute… but ultimately pointless Rupert, we both know you aren't going to sho-"

I'm interrupted by Giles shooting me through the heart. I stare at him with incredulity for a long moment. I suppose that this is the poor impulse control of a teenager shining through right now, but I honestly didn't expect Giles' fight or flight response to settle on fight when he knew what I was capable of.

Joyce has gasped and put her hands over her mouth, all the fun and danger suddenly a bit too real for her. Her eyes only grow wider though as I reach up and grab the barrel of the gun, wrenching it from Giles' grasp and crushing it in my hand before tossing it aside, "Rupert, that was a mistake."

He doesn't get a chance to respond, as I grab him by the throat and toss him into a nearby wall. He hits it hard and slumps down unmoving, but I find myself uncaring of whether he's still alive or not. I've given him too many chances at this point, and if he survives the night, we're going to have a very special talk about raising arms against me in the morning.

Smiling, I turn to Joyce who looks absolutely terrified at this point, but seems unwilling to run. As I step up to her, I breath in and can't help but raise an eyebrow. She's aroused by all this, quite severely. It seems Joyce Summers is a bit of a danger slut as a teenager. I can use this. Grinning wickedly, I step up to her and run the back of my knuckles down her face, "Hello love. I'm sorry you had to see that. I hope you know I'd never treaty a beauty like you like that."

My words serve me well, calming her down enough for her to give me a coy smile and run her fingers down my chest, "What if I wanted you to?"

I can't help chuckling at that as I lean in, "Well now who am I to deny a lady's wishes?"

In an instant I have Joyce in my arms and a minute later we're at her house. I follow her in as she unlocks the door and moves quickly to her room, stopping in front of her bed and spinning around, a shy smile on her face as she waited for me to make the next move.

I smile back, bringing a hand up and taking hold of her chin to look into her eyes for a long moment. All I see there is lust and after a moment I release her chin in favor of grabbing the silly coat Giles had stolen for her and tear it apart. She lets out a gasp as it falls to the ground in pieces and the rest of her clothing soon follows.

Soon enough she's naked in front of me, but she's brazen and doesn't hide from me, instead taking the initiative and falling to her knees, undoing my belt and my pants and pulling my cock out. She grinned up at me and then ran her tongue up and down my entire length.

I couldn't help but enjoy the experience, it would seem Buffy's mother was more than a little experienced as she skillfully took me into her mouth and swirled her tongue in a delightful way, her hands doing just as much work around the rest of my cock. As she did so I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the side, before resting a hand on her blonde curls and guiding her up and down my shaft.

She sucked dutifully for a few minutes before I stopped her and pulled her off, pushing her towards the bed. She gets up on the bed and waits for me as I strip off the rest of my clothing, propped up on her elbows and staring at me with the sultriest look she can manage. I grin and climb onto the bed, coming to a stop between her spread legs and leaning down to kiss her even as the tip of my length pushed into her tight passage. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she welcomed me into her and we began to fuck.

She wanted it rough, she wanted it dangerous… so I gave it to her, thrusting in and out of her as she gasped in pleasure, my mouth moving from hers down her neck and to one of her nipples even as I gripped her hips to give myself better traction. She was already so wet, soon enough she was shuddering in a climax, but I just grinned, redoubling my pace.

I took her again and again over the next few hours, taking my pleasure from her even as I overloaded her mind with pleasure, my stamina easily exhausting her. Finally I leaned over her for the last time, my cock piercing her from behind as she lay face down on the bed, moaning sleepily. Smiling, I licked up the blood from the bite I'd placed on her shoulder, where I'd drank my fill during our fun.

Sliding out of her and leaving one more load of cum on her back, I pushed off of the bed and took a moment to look down at her with a smile. She's still conscious, if a bit out of it, so I move to her head and murmur in her ear, "You may not remember this in the morning darling, but if you do, you're going to have regrets. You don't have to worry though darling, nobody will hear about your… lapse from my lips."

With a chuckle I take the time to tuck her in before getting dressed and departing the Summers Residence. The next day I'm in the Library when Buffy comes barging in, looking apocalyptic, "What did you do to my mother?!"

I raise an eyebrow at that and decide to see what she thinks I've done first, "Your Watcher shot me and I reacted perhaps a bit… violently. Afterwards I thought it inappropriate to leave Joyce out on the street in the state she was in and brought her home. How is Rupert by the way? Judging by you not leading with him, I assume he's not dead."

Buffy furrows her brow at that, crossing her arms over her chest and stopping as my words side track her, "No, he's in jail right now. Assaulting a police officer. He called me though and told me what happened! And my mom's been silent all morning! You did something to her."

I smile at that and cock an eyebrow. Ah, it seems Joyce was coherent enough to hear me last night, as well as able to wake and clean up before Buffy found her. I couldn't help but love that woman's constitution. I shrug at Buffy, "Or it could be that she's mortified over the fact that her and Giles had sex twice, back when they were at his apartment."

Buffy's eyes go wide at that, her entire world view shattered, "W-what?"

I grin and tap my nose, "Supernatural smell darling. They both stank of sex when I found them wandering around last night. But if you don't believe me, feel free to ask one of them. I'm sure the Watcher's Council will get Giles out soon enough, so you can ask him then. First you should ask yourself this though… do you really want to know for sure?"

Buffy just stared at me for a few more moments before letting out an incoherent rage garble and turning on her heel to stomp out of the Library. I just smile and turn back to my book.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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