
A Birthday Wish II....


Emperor Sargon's POV.

I got a letter from one of the neighboring kings saying that my father's chef was seen in the east six days back and it seemed he had come to settle there. I wondered why he choose east of all places in the world. People of east hardly accepted any one in their environment for him to be there that means he knows someone there.

I was still trying to comprehend what I just read before mother stormed in to the room. Along side with her was Queen Valeria, I wondered what was wrong this time around. It been long I had a good rest in my own palace.

"Sargon dear, We need to talk," mother said. Her face showed that she wasn't happy. Queen Valeria stood behind like she was her maid. When had these two became friends? If they were then, this was going to be difficult for me. Although I enjoyed seeing them together.

"What is it you want mother?" I asked with my eyes focused on the letters in front of me.

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