
The king's Ball.

The Author's POV.

"Where do you think you are going to?" One of the guards asked with a sword in his hands. Queen Valeria was scared of what they might do to her if she got caught like this. Quickly, she thought for a while and came up with a mind-blowing plan.

"I said where are you going to?" He repeated the question. This time, some of the guards followed him behind. Things weren't getting funny, queen Valeria knew that she needed to put her plan into action.

"I am running an errand for the Emperor" she answered.

"By this time?" The tallest among them asked.

It was late but she didn't know they were going to ask her these questions. She already told them who sent her. What was wrong with these guards?

"The king sent me to give his Grandmother a gift because she can't make it to the party".

"But there is a party going on right now, why…"

"Are you refusing to obey the king's command?" she cut him off. Queen Valeria got them on this one. They won't dare to go against the king.

"I.. we are trying to do our duty" he stammered.

"So who are you?" Another asked.

This question was what she didn't have an answer to. The guards came a bit closer, but they couldn't see her face behind the hood. Who should I tell them? She asked herself.

"We can't allow you to pass without knowing who you are"

"Queen Ariadne," she said.

"Pardon me, my Lady, We didn't know you were the one behind the hood" the head of the guards answered. The guards didn't know the voice of Queen Ariadne, maybe that was why they believed her.

"Can I pass now?"

"Yes, my lady" they all bowed. Their leader ordered the opening of the gate. Queen Valeria was relieved when she saw the gate opening. Who thought she could be this smart? Queen Ariadne was the perfect name to use. In case the guards try to report the king, the youngest queen will be punished instead.

Finally, she was out of the palace. She galloped and passed the gate thus, headed west to an unknown destination. Two hours later, she arrived at a creepy old house in the middle of a forest. Queen Valeria came down from the horse and tied it to a tree.

Dusting her clothes, she walked towards the house. The building was old. It looked like an ancient house that was abandoned. The windows were broken and the walls cracked.

Queen Valeria got to the door and turned the doorknob. The house was so dark, that she couldn't see anything. It seemed someone was cooking. She perceived an aroma coming from the other room.


Queen Valeria's POV.

"My Lady," Anne ran into my room, panting heavily with a hand on her chest.

"What happened Anne?" I asked.

"The party is about to start, I think we should go".

"Is that all?"

Was disappointed with the way, she wasted her energy sometimes. Whether I go or not the party was going to start.

"Let's go, Anne". I led the way. The hall looked more beautiful than it was before. It was crowded with a lot of people. The dresses, the women wore were very beautiful, and the right colors were mixed. I wondered who was going to win the best dresser this time!

Queen Vida told me last night that each year, the king chooses the best dress. He dances and awards the winner. For the past six years, it has always been Queen Valeria. That woman was so lucky, this time around, I was sure she was going to win again.

The king's giant tables were facing the door. He sat down with his wives and mother, I didn't see Queen Valeria here. Maybe, she was getting ready to win again.

A maid came to me. She told me that, the empty seat next to the Emperor was mine. I was happy and a smile did show on my face. I went to the chair, the king nodded in agreement telling me that the seat was mine. I sat down with my shoulders upright.

"How are you feeling now queen Ariadne?" The Emperor asked.

I turned and looked at him. Gosh! this was the most handsome man I have ever seen, his thin lips were so attractive. 

"Stop staring and answer my question," he said.

"Your highness..I.. didn't hear your question" I stammered. I was such a foolish girl, now the king was going to scold me, for not listening.

"How is your health?"

"I am much better now" I replied.

"Attention! Attention!! Everyone." They all turned to look at him. The king's prime minister, Apollo a man of honor who supported the throne no what. I could see in his eyes that he had dedicated his life to the king.

"The emperor is happy to see you all here, he hopes that you will enjoy the ball. The contest shall commence soon.

He returned to his seat. The Apollo didn't have a wife, even his family hardly see him, though his mother and sisters lived in the women's quarters with us. I asked Anne if she knew who his father was but, she had no idea about it.

The prime minister walked up to the king and whispered to his ears. The Emperor nodded as he smiled. Apollo went to the center of the hall. I knew at once it was an announcement.

"With the power, vested on me by the Emperor I hereby declare this contest opened!".

The people clapped. I was very disappointed with the way, he taunt his prime minister. Making Apollo do everything for him, was not fair at all. (That was why he was the Emperor)😉

It was not too long after the announcement, that the contest began 💃. Firstly, the women from the kingdom and other conquered states will display their beautiful dresses. The second badge was going to be the Nobel women ( they were from wealthy families- we refer to them as second-class citizens). The third badge was us! I mean the royal women of the empire-First class citizens!

After a few hours, the Royal women began to show off their dressing. The maids were searching for Queen Valeria, she was nowhere to be found. The contest was almost done. why will the Empress delay up to this Minute?

It was my turn. The knots that were present in my stomach on the first day I came to this palace returned. I became weak and my legs couldn't be moved. Mother came to me with a smile, she knew what was wrong.

"My child, please don't be afraid" she pats my back a little.

I wanted to shout out that I have never done this in my life. All these were new to me and I wasn't the princess they all thought I was, rather Queen Ariadne was the slave girl in the guise of a princess. (We have come a long way to make you a Queen, don't do anything stupid Ariadne 😒).

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