
Chapter 65, part 1

The food, although it was cold, it was delicious. We ate, drank wine, and laughed by telling funny stories.

The men asked me for more details about my life in the castle, my parents, my escape from there, and my adventures with Brielle until we got to their boat.

They listened to me, paying attention to every word I said.

Time passed quickly, and when the sun was setting, and the cold became more severe, we returned to the ship.

We packed our tables and belongings and got back on the boat. The following morning we would continue our journey to the final destination Grand Port.

That night I slept on the captain's bed without fear came upon my heart that someone might catch us. This feeling was something magical, liberating.

I enjoyed Carter's hug, kisses, his naked body on mine more than ever, and we spent the night making love again and again.

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