
Parking lot

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, and the sounds of giggles coming from the kitchen, along with a delicious aroma.

I quickly removed the sheets from my body, and did a little stretch making my way to my bathroom to freshen up.

"Oh hey mom. You're finally up." said Aria as she stirred whatever it was in the mixing bowl, and I walked over to the island taking a seat.

"What are you four making?"

"Just a western breakfast. It has been a while since we've had one." she said and I hummed.

"Hey babe. Want to try the eggs? It's really good." asked Shiwoo and I nodded.


I opened my mouth awaiting for him to place the egss in, but I guess that it was hot for he blew on it before.

"Mmm" I said nodding with approval for it was really tasty.

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