
Strawberry no Chocolate

"Did you get the snacks I wanted?" I asked Shiwoo and he nodded handing me a bag and I clapped wiggling, "yay!"

"They didn't have the strawberry, so I got chocolate instead."

I froze at what he said and I closed my eyes as I felt the anger at the surface, "you what? You got me chocolate even though I told you a million times that I do not eat chocolate?"

"Wait huh? I thought you said you loved chocolate. Don't girls love chocolate?"

"No Shiwoo, that must have been your other girlfriend." I said as I took the plastic bag off my lap, and tried to waddle myself away when he held my hand and pulled me in for a back hug, "Shiwoo for you own safety, I'd suggest that let go of me right now."

"Aww aein  don't be like that. I'm sorry okay."

"Saying sorry wont always fii-mmm" I started to say, but got distracted as he began to place feathery kisses on my neck.

"Hmm? What were you saying?"

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