

"Okay so its adults with their own rooms and the kids share the big one." said my mother as we excited the elevator on our floor.

"Yay so does that mean that I get my own room?" asked Abigail  excited and hopefully.

"You did hear me say kids in one room right? It has four beds. Have fun." said my mother patting her on the head and she pouted and I snickered.

"We will the room next to the kids. You guys spread out and go have fun." I said and they nodded and went to check out the other rooms.

Shiwoo opened the door and allowed for me to go in and I placed my bag on the bed immediately going to lay down when he said, "how are you feeling? Still dizzy?"

"A little, but I'm fine. I'm gonna go check on the kids. Be right back."

He nodded and I exited the room, knocking on the door of the room next to ours when Kyrie opened the door, "sup aunty?"

"Hey my favorite nephew."

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