
Slumber party

"Mommy mommy I like your new hair!" yelled Adrian as he ran into my arms when he saw me.

"Aww thank you baby." I said as I lifted him into my lap and I tickled him as he giggled.

"You smell and look nice too" said Adriel walking over and I lifted her to my lap as well.

" Now my Lord and Lady, say hello to grandma and grandpa."

"Hello" said Adriel, but Adrian was silent.

"Woah" he said after a while, "I have more grand parents?"

I chuckled at him and Adriel rolled her eyes, "of course  babo (fool) we have two parents. Duh!"

"Hey hey don't call your brother names and yes Adrian you have four grandparents. Two grandmas and two grandpas." I replied and his mouth shaped into an 'O', "now go say hi."

"Okay!"  they both replied as they crawled off my lap into their grand parents lap.

They would keep each other's company for a while for the were engaged in conversation and were smiling while I watched them all smiling.

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