
She boss

"Tally-I mean boss you cant keep hiring people who are fresh out of college with no experience" argued Minjae as I hired my third person today.

"Why not?" I asked not seeing a problem.

"Because they are fresh out of college duh! They have no experience and we cant afford to train people right now." he sounded frustrated but I still didn't see a problem.

I placed both my hands on my desk as I clasped them going into serious boss mode, "Minjae, if we don't hire them how will they get experience? Yes they are fresh out of college and lack experience actually working with the Law, but I think that it would be unfair of us to overlook them for they have labored four years in Law school just to get to here so what right do we have to tell them that all their efforts and studies were in vain?"

He sighed as he leaned back into his seat and I knew that I had got through to him, you're right. That's why you're the boss I guess. When did you get so wise?"

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