

"I thought you said that the baby sitter was coming!" I complained for what has got to be the one hundred time today as I strapped the last kid in their car seat.

"She was but then she cancelled last minute and Lia has to work so bringing the kids is our only option. We need to hurry or well be late." he said as I got in the car slamming my door shut making sure to buckle my seat belt.

"How are we going to get through this meeting whit three kids and one who just started teething?" I asked as I checked on them through the rare view mirror.

He sighed as ran his he ran his hand over his face focusing on the road, "I could have done this on my own Tally. I told you to stay with them."

"Nope" I said popping the 'P', "I want to be there very step of the way. I am the boss remember."

He sighed and shook his head and it was fairly quiet the rest of the way so I just rested my head on the seat for the rest of the journey.

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