
Drama part 1

My heart stopped as I gripped the baby pictures being lost in a trance.

"Why were they here?" I thought, "out of all the dies they had to choose this one."

I took deep breaths placing the baby pictures neatly in my bag before stepping into the café.

As usual, the ringing of the entry door bell caught the attention of the diners as I walked in.

I made eye contact with a bored looking Shiwoo and his eyes lit up and if he had a tail I swear it would be wagging and his ears rose.

He slightly opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but then I broke eye contact and went to the cashier.

Harin had her back turned to me the whole time so she was oblivious to what was happening which I was grateful for for I didn't need any drama.

"Hello good afternoon Miss Carter what can I get for you today?" asked the barista and at the hearing of my name Harin whipped her head around.

Next chapter