
Run Away

I woke up early the next morning with  a strong urge and unbearable throw up.

I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth trying to keep my food down as desperately tried to untangle myself from my bed sheets.

My eyes felt as it they were being ripped from their sockets and both my intestines felt as if they were about to fall out of my mouth.

I thought I came face to face that morning to death as I twisted and turned trying to get the gagging and vomiting stop.

After giving the toilet all I got, I as gently as I could fell to the floor laying on my back desperately trying to catch my breath.

Tears rolled the side of my face freely as I laid there looking the ceiling trying to hold on for dear life.

Why did I eat all that junk?

My heart was beating so fast as I closed my eyes that I felt it in my throat, ears and head.

I felt weak and dizzy and was unable to move so I just laid there, once more alone on the cold floor of my bathroom.

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