

After almost 2 hours of briefing and explaining, minus the full explicitly of the erotic scenes, Abigail was finally up to date with the latest drama.

"Damn." Was all she could have said after hearing it all and honestly if this wasn't my story to tell I would have probably said the same thing.

"Damn." She said once more and I sighed feeling the effects of sharing my chaotic life's story.

I need a nap.

"So what do you think? In which situations am I wrong and which are right?" I asked desperate for someone to say that it was not all my fault to ease some of the weight of the guilt off my back.

"Honestly you're not all to blame. They both played a role in this drama so it's all on you three."

I let out a breath of relief as she revealed that because for the first time since it all happened all fingers aren't being pointed at me.

Next chapter