
The morning after

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining on my face and I rolled over in bed to get away from it.

I groaned as I held onto the sheets and the texture felt different.

I immediately sat up in bed and the sheets fell off my body exposing my naked chest.

Pulling the sheets up I replayed the night's events and then I started smiling.

I did it.

I actually did it.

I looked to the other side of the bed looking for Shiwoo but found that he was gone and I heard talking coming through the door from the living room.

I quickly wrapped the sheet around my naked body and got out of the bed to go and fins him but as soon as I set foot on the ground my knees wobbled and I fell.

My legs felt like jelly which was the after math of last night.

Hot flashes crossed my mind and I blushed as I struggled to my feet and made my way to the door.

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