
Wet Dreams

I felt kisses being trailed from the side of my face down my body. They tickled. I laughed as I rolled over to look at the culprit. I was greeted with the most beautiful gummy smile.

"Good morning princess" said the owner of the smile and the culprit behind the kisses.

"Good morning" I said sleepily

"Did you sleep well?" he asked placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Yeah I did. Thanks for asking" I replied.

I smiled looking at him his smile mirroring mine. He was so perfect but something feels off. This feels weird. I thought as I rolled out of bed and followed him to the kitchen. His apartment has got to be a penthouse up town. It was gorgeous with it's grey and white interior. I wanted to touch the furniture but I was too clumsy and the furniture looked as if they were worth more than me.

"Want some coffee?" he asked snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh? Yeah coffee sounds nice. With cream and sugar please" I requested.

I sat around the Island and watched him work. His movements were so experienced and majestic. Everything about him was just perfect. Too perfect. I couldn't ignore the feeling of not belonging so I started to frown.

Shiwoo noticed and asked if I as okay. I answered truthfully that something feels off.

"Why does it feel off" he pondered as he took a sip of his coffee

"I- I don't know I feel like it's right in front of me but I just can't seem to put my finger on it" I sighed out of frustration.

"I know what's wrong" he said placing his cup on the coaster, walking around the Island and stood between my legs holding my face between his hands.

I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes for his hands seemed to perfectly fit with my face. It was very comforting which distracted me for a while. He caressed my cheek as he spoke.

"You're right" he said.

I opened my eyes confused, " Huh?"

"You're right about this life" he said letting go of my face and moving from his position between my legs, "It's not real"

"What are you talking about?" I asked genuinely confused and immediately I heard a loud ringing.

The apartment around me began to fade and I woke up from my dream in my bed.

It was just a dream. It was just a stupid dream. It wasn't real. It simply wasn't real. Why do I feel disappointed though? It's not like I like him. Do I?

"Stupid alarm clock" I cursed.

My skin burned in the areas where he had kissed me in my dream and I absentmindedly traced the areas as I replayed the dream. It felt so real. It felt like the life I've always wanted but will never have.

Now I feel sad. The thought of never being able to experience that weighed me down and a dark cloud presented itself over my head.

It was too good to be true I guess. This dream was stupid for we only know each other's first names so there shouldn't even be any connection. I bet he doesn't even remember my name.

What are these emotions? I hate these type of dreams that leave you heartbroken or in love. Gosh Shiwoo is so annoying. Even in my dream he has to place himself. I should have stayed at home maybe then I wouldn't have fallen in love with the one that can break my heart. Love? Did I really just thought that? I guess my brain is more frozen than I thought

I sighed as I rolled out of bed. I have a long day ahead of me. First task of the day is to wake the sleeping boulder. I must proceed with caution for she will murder me. She is not a morning person but neither am I but somebody has to get up in the morning or we will both sleep pass noon.

Upon entering her room I saw clothes everywhere. I don't know who's going to clean this up but I sure as hell know that it's not gonna be me. I sighed as I stepped across a huge pile of dirty clothes. I seem to be sighing a lot lately I thought as I sighed.

I slipped on a what I later identified to be a dirty underwear gross. You know Harin, for a girl you are quite gross I thought as I untangled the underwear from my feet. I jumped to my feet and stood over her and watched her sleep. She was the cutest thing. Well if you looked pass the birds nest and drool. Yup sleeping beauty at it's finest.

"Ok sleeping beauty it's time to wake up" I shook her gently.

"Hmmmm" she mumbled sleepily.

"Nope. This is not the time for that" I tisked

"Go away" she cried

Ignoring her wailing I opened her blinds and she hissed like a cat falling off the bed with a loud thud during the process of trying to block out the light.

I laughed at her red with anger face as she rose from the ground tangled in her bed sheets.

"You-You" she mustered angrily as I retreated hurriedly for the door.

"I'm going to kill you" she threatened as she threw a pillow at me.

She missed and stuck my tongue out at her as if I were a kid taunting her.

That seemed to anger the baby tiger even more. In her mind she must think that she looks fierce and intimidating but in reality she is just like a two year old who needs their nap.

"This is not the end" I heard her yell as I entered the kitchen.

"Bring it on grandma" I yelled back as I got breakfast ready.

She is just like a child throwing a tantrum. She will be alright as soon as she gets her coffee and breakfast. I learned that a few years ago when I accidentally woke her and she demanded my head. We made up the same day over a hot cup of coffee and blueberry muffins. I smiled as I reminisce on the good ol' days. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. The singing of the coffee maker brought me back to present.

"No use in living in the past" I remarked as I poured the coffee into to the mugs.

Immediately Harin came crawling to the kitchen island and I slid her her cup of coffee after making it just how she likes it. She hummed as she got a taste and with that I know that all is forgiven. Nothing like a good cup of coffee to start the day off. It was a good start to an event full day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Ceandra_Jacksoncreators' thoughts
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