
Chapter 3- New World

Wu Long began to ponder desires. And he began to remember all those short stories that he had read.

I thought about what exactly to make up my mind and after about an hour and a half I finally decided the last two wishes.

-I decided. My second desire will be this: I want a unique space in which time will flow ten thousand times faster than usual, and plants will grow a hundred thousand times faster. Also, in this space, I will be like a god, and you can get there only with my permission.

-Okay, you have one last wish.

-fuh .. okay my last wish is I want to be a heavenly genius. That is, I will understand all the techniques instantly, and cultivation is like breathing, just as simple. Alchemy is always perfect on the first try. And my body will be ideal for cultivation and I will know how to cultivate on a subconscious level.

-It will be so, since you decided on this your desires ended and you went to a new world.

-Wait, can you wait a question in what world will I go? - I started to panic because I don't even know what awaits me.

-Thanks to your ability to move, you can choose the world yourself, but I can also send to a random one among many thousands of worlds.

-hm ..- I thought. Although it would be better to choose the world, but I think by chance it will be even better. -then I choose the second option.

- Well then, on this we say goodbye. Good luck .

Wu Lung was illuminated by a bright light and he passed out. And the next moment he disappeared from this space.

When I woke up I was in the shade under a large tree. I looked around and listened around and heard the chirping of birds in the sky and insects in the grass. Nearby, I heard the murmur of water and decided to go there first.

When I got up my head ached sharply and I fell again my head was filled with different knowledge. But this knowledge was not ordinary, at first it was knowledge of how to move in space and between worlds. Then it was the knowledge of how to get into my unique space. And last but not least, knowledge of cultivation.

I fell again and passed out.

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